Chapter 5

My Annoying Beautiful Neighbor



~~~'s POV

To tell you, the truth today wasn't so bad with Zico and his family. I actually liked it and he didn't annoy me with his bull. Somehow I ended up staring at Zico a few times I don't know why or that I was till he looked at me but he didn't mention it which was good.

He acts so different around when Minah is in the room, almost mature and he seems perfect like those guys in the movies who the girl falls for. If only he really was that instead of a jerk he really is.



Zico's POV

Walking into school. I felt refreshed and happy. Like when I first came back. I guess, I was in stress I didn't even knew I had. I saw Fei (zico’s past girlfriend ) then decided to catch up with her. Before we went out with each other. It was kind of serious. It lasted a month and a half. I started to walk her to class. I noticed Hyomin dragged ~~~ somewhere ~~~ almost frighten and kind of excited.

I just brushed that off. People who passed by us looked at us as if we we're already back together. Just when the bell rang I pulled in Fei for kiss. I knew she wasn't so sure at first but gave in. Damn, she's a good kisser. Why did I break up with her again?

She smiled at me when she finally pulled away. Something didn't feel the same as before though.


~~~'s POV

"What is it Hyomin?"


"So guess what I heard!"


"So remember how Krystal is in my math class and her friends."

I thought about Krystal and her friends. Some of them just go along with what everyone does, few are real. Krystal is real tough even though she hangs out with a bunch of followers. She talks about things going on with people like who someone's dating or who doesn't like someone and why, but she never talks about a person. Does that make sense? Oh well, that's how she is.

"Yeah." I mentioned her to go on.


"Well Krystal said Zico seemed to change and grew up and all, but then Luna said that she heard he likes a girl and that's the only reason why."

My face turn bright red with anger. "Tell me he does not like that Jiyeon."


"I don't know, but they said her name along with others like Fei.

"Well if it's not Jiyeon, I don't care."



I didn't say anything just walked with her to social studies but it kind of bothered me.





"What do you want ~~~~ ?"

"I Have nothing to wear"

"Are you sure."

"Yeah," I said not completely getting what she meant.

She left my room. I didn't know to follow her or not. I didn't care much then I just laid in my bed letting the hugest sigh escape my mouth.


"What about this," my mom said in the doorway with a new dress.




 A sigh escape my mouth then I smiled at the dress and shooed her out my room. It wasn't a beautiful glamorous dress. I know most people wouldn't buy it not knowing where to where it or it not standing out to them but I like it. It's me like if it was meant for me.

I curled my hair with the curling iron and did my bangs and added only a little makeup. My mom wouldn't even like me wearing much makeup anyway.




Zico's POV

"Zico oppa , where are you?" A big shout came from little Minah.


"In my room, and you're going to lose your voice like that and one day you'll never be able to talk." She rolled her eyes 

"No, I'm not."

"What do you need Minah?"

"Put on my crown, mommy's busy."

"I can't put on a crown."

"It's easy just do it."

I put on the crown facing to one side more than another. She walked to my full size mirror.

She shaked her head, "You're right, you can't."

We laughed.


~~~'s POV

I entered Sunggyu's room and saw him struggling to put on a tie.


I laughed, "Why can't guys ever put these on?"

"I don't know but tell mom to come this thing annoying!" He said annoyed.

I walked out his room and was playing a game against shinhye in one of her Nintendo ds's when the bell rang. Yeah, she has two of them. Grandma bought her one and so did mom last christmas. Yoogeun was fighting with our dog over a toy so I picked up Namie, our family dog a husky.


Minah came rushing towards me.


"Happy Thanksgiving ~~~!" She said hugging me.

"Happy Thanksgiving Minah."

"You look pretty ~~~~~ ."

"Thank you Minah. You look pretty too. And that's a beautiful tiara."

"I know right, I love it. Zico brought it to me when he came back."

I smiled at her then realized Zico was behind her.

He was so sweet to her. He almost reminded me of a good dad.
She left running to shinhye giving her another tiara. They left to go play to the opposite corner of the living room on a sofa.

I saw Sunggyu and followed him to the kitchen. Sunggyu half turned to me with a grin, "Foods almost ready."

Yeah, and this dinner is about to start. Ugh.



Zico's POV

We ate dinner. Sunggyu, ~~~~~ and me went to Sunggyu's room. We we're talking and hanging out when ~~~'s mom called Sunggyu and he left.

"So you like Jiyeon," ~~~ blurted.


"Huh, how.. why do you think that?"

"It's going around school you like someone and you hang with her so yeah," she said slowly in some parts and rushed in others.

That made me mad since.. well it just made me mad.
~~~ saw my anger and changed the subject, 


"So, why shouldn't I tell Sungyeol."

"Tell him what."

"Our kiss."

"That meant nothing."

I saw her nervously look around the room, hoping her brother would come soon.

I smiled wide, "Really, why you so nervous then?"

"I'm not. Just keep between us."

"Why should I?"

"Just keep it between us," she pleaded finally looking at me.

I smirked as Sunggyu entered the room.



~~~'s POV

Why can't he just ever drop at subject. Ugh. Why did I even ask about Jiyeon? I didn't even realize I said it till I heard it. Thank god, he didn't notice. At least it's Thursday and we don't have to be in school till Monday. I could relax a little.

I was feeling like this was a dream and I moved as if I were in a haze protected by some invisible shield. For some reason it seemed that shield would always be down with Zico without him trying. Then as soon as he left it would put up again during this thanksgiving dinner.

I grabbed stuffing from the turkey and soda and sat near Yoogeun who was playing on the floor with toys minding his own business. I smelled the smell of the food and felt like I was in a different world. Stuffing is definitely the best part of the turkey.

This reminded me of this period of time. When Zico was about to leave. I felt a little bit of the feelings I always felt back then. I never knew what it was but then now I know. I used to feel uneasy and self-conscious and something else. That something else I couldn't name but everyday waking up at that time I knew there was something small that was big for the rest of the day that would make me feel some type of way.

I remembered my mom cooked food that smelled this way a lot back then. I didn't eat, for some reason it never got my attention but now that we don't have it every week I love having it. My mom likes eating a certain type of food for a whole three months or so.

I don't know why but this old feeling made me smile.




eotokhae ??? TT^TT

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 13: Can you update it soon ?
xxyrcuxx #2
Thank youu ^^ <33
11onedone2many #3
Chapter 13: Hey , love this story again^^ keep up the good work! Can't wait to read ur next update~~

JaeHyae #4
Hi new subs here... keep up the good work.. will be wating for ur next update.. :)
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, what is happening to Minah? Please update this quickly! I subscribed to this today and I am so glad that I did coz it is sooo good!! :3
What happen with minah?? D:
Bad Girlfriend!!! I have that song on my iPod ^^
Does this mean she'll meet zico at the dance?!?!?
KaeRin1603 #10
woah. :)