Chapter 6

My Annoying Beautiful Neighbor



~~~~~~~'s POV

I woke up to my phone ringing somewhere nearby. I sat up and rubbed my eyes finally feeling awake I answered my phone without looking at the name.

"~~~~~~~! Wake up!! It's Black Friday. Let's go shopping for our dresses."

"Huh.. Oh yeah, sure meet you there at 1", I said not feeling like walking around stores trying on 51 different dresses on today.

35 minutes later I was with my mom driving to the mall. Usually, she just drops me off here to roam around with Hyomin but today she needed to get shopping done plus it was Black Friday, you find more things in the stores.


We tried a million dresses on, I really wasn't feeling like any of the dresses were something I'll wear. Hyomin had finished buying her dress a ten minutes ago, so she went to another store to buy her brothers christmas gifts. I saw this bright dark blue fabric hanging behind this stack of dresses I already searched twice.

I approached the stack and pulled the dress to hard which caused it to fall from its hanger. Fortunately, I caught it just before it touched the floor. I went to the fitting rooms and tried it on. When I looked at the mirrors I smiled. I found the dress, it was a strapless and had a flower below my chest which I thought tied the dress together. The bottom was puffy and the top was sparkly. I was glad this was longer on me than it looked by itself.


I walked in the living room with pictures scattered all over the living room table. My mom had her reading glasses on looking at some photos.

"Hey mom, where did you get these pictures. I don't think I ever seen them before", I said picking up a stack to look more closely at.

"I found them in the old dresser in my room."

I laid down in the sofa knowing once I start looking at one picture I would want to look at all of them. The first two pictures were of me and Sunggyu when it was only the two of us and our parents before the house turned hectic.

The next picture was of me sitting on the grass holding a white flower next to a girl holding another flower just like it. I smiled.

This was me with Minji when we were six years old. We we're both the same age and she was my best friend till she moved away and Zico's family moved in Minji's old home. I didn't want her to move away and neither did she. We both cried the day her car left her driveway for the last time.

She did everything with me. She was the sister I never had and no one could or has ever replaced her not even Hyomin. I wonder how she is and if she's still the way I remember her.

I put the photo in a separate pile and moved on, looking at other photos. I found a picture of the fourth of July the summer after Minji left and the summer Zico moved in. It was the picture of a group of kids. I only recognized three kids in the photo- seven-year old me, nine-year old Sunggyu, and seven-year old Zico.

I started to think then why this all started? Me not liking Zico, him picking on me. What did I ever do to him that made him to do horrible mean things to me. I don't remember doing anything that caused him to throw a basketball at my face three times in a row. That was the first time he did anything mean to me.

I remember it perfectly. It was the same day they took the photo I had in my hand. I went out to play basketball with the group of kids. They were serving cake and of course all the kids wanted some. I didn't really wanted some, I hated cake back then. Zico stayed which I found weird because everyone I knew loved cake.

I told him to pass me the ball. He threw the ball at my face! At first, it just touched my nose that hurt and wiped my eyes because they had tears threatening to explode. I didn't like to cry in front of anyone. I thought it was an accident so just passed him back the ball then he threw the ball at my face again!

This time I didn't reach to get the ball but had my hands wiping my eyes. I remember Zico was there and didn't want him to see me crying, so I took my hands off my face. I opened my mouth to ask him why he did that when the ball hit me a third time.

I was shocked. I yelled, "Why would you do that?!" I wasn't expecting a response but then he answered me, "Because I don't like you! I hate you". I ran off crying to my parents room.

A chill went down my spine thinking of that. I put the stack down and grabbed the photo of me and Minji. I was about to leave the living room when something caught my eyes. Tapes of home videos. I knew this would be funny and would make me smile. I grabbed a few tapes and left to my moms room were the VCR was.

After struggling a little with the VCR, the movie finally started. The movie showed Sunggyu saying he'll be the best baseball player ever, one day and it showed me just singing and skipping down the hallways. I laughed, that's what I seriously thought was fun at the time. It showed some other scenes then the next scene surprised me.

My mom was in the kitchen cooking, telling me a new family moved in across from us in Minji's new house. I was mad and stomping, my mother warned me to calm down which only made me more angrier.

"Calm down ~~~~~~~, Minji left and won't come back. I bet she made new friends, now you need to grow up and make new friends. They have a little boy, he could be your friend maybe a better one than Minji-"

I interrupted her, "What! Minji will come back, you'll watch and see and no, I don't want new friends especially that kid who stole Minji's house. I don't like him, I never will, I bet he's stupid!".

I stormed off somewhere. Then Zico appeared coming in the kitchen door. His face was shy and hurt. He heard everything. No wonder he hated me, I never gave him a chance. All this time I thought he was the mean one. He was the one who never wanted to be friends, he started this war and that I was the victim of his bullying. When it turns out everything is opposite and I'm the cause of everything. I don't even know what to do now. Should I apologize to him? I have to think about this.




Omo . O.O

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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 13: Can you update it soon ?
xxyrcuxx #2
Thank youu ^^ <33
11onedone2many #3
Chapter 13: Hey , love this story again^^ keep up the good work! Can't wait to read ur next update~~

JaeHyae #4
Hi new subs here... keep up the good work.. will be wating for ur next update.. :)
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, what is happening to Minah? Please update this quickly! I subscribed to this today and I am so glad that I did coz it is sooo good!! :3
What happen with minah?? D:
Bad Girlfriend!!! I have that song on my iPod ^^
Does this mean she'll meet zico at the dance?!?!?
KaeRin1603 #10
woah. :)