My Annoying Beautiful Neighbor



Zico's POV


I looked all over. There were a lot of people here already. I saw Jiyeon coming my way, I was going to turn around and leave and head the other way. I don't really care about her anymore, she was just another annoying hoe-ish girl. I turned to start walking the other direction like I never saw her, but she came in front of me hugged me and whispered in my ear


"Babee? You should come dance with me".

I wasn't willing to dance with her when I could have found ~~~~ and been with her so I turned her down and started walking but she blocked my way.

"No, come on. Dance with me," she said pouting while twirling her hair with her finger.

"No, sorry I have to find someone."

"Does this mean we're over."

"We didn't start."

"We had something, and you can't lie about that."

"Well whatever, now that's over."

Hey, I know it's harsh but I'm not into her. She just left a little attitude in her stride, but it looked like she grabbed the first guy she saw and that was her new toy. Not so much later she was with a new guy.



A couple of minutes later I saw ~~~~ in the dance floor with Sungyeol. I was kind of pissed I thought they were over. I calmed down, like they broke up for a reason and no way she'll ever take him back especially after the incident right? I pulled Fei in the dance floor and since I was kind of jealous and mad wouldn't dancing/grinding calm me down. These days "dancing" is "grinding".


After two dances some guy pulled her away which was fine with me since I was calm again and I could dance with ~~~~ finally. I went to grab a drink then went where some guys were at.


"I thought you said no feelings for her dude", I told Sungyeol.


"Same here, why were you dancing with Fei."


"Cause I saw you dance with ~~~~ ."
Sungyeol just laughed and left.


I felt a hand in my shoulder it was Hyomin. "Tell her now stupid."

~~~~ 's POV

We entered, it was full. I saw Jiyeon talking with Zico, for some reason I felt myself get jealous. I wasn't really into seeing more so headed the other way. Hyomin was pulled into the crowd by Bora which caused me to be pulled into the dance floor. That's how I started grinding with a lot of people. After a while I was tired. I went to get a drink and I noticed Sungyeol and pulled him to the dance floor Sungyeol is a really good grinder. That thought made me laugh so I covered my mouth till my laugh died down.

I was pulled by some cute guy in our grade but not my type.


The teachers started complaining about everybody grinding. We didn't care much but they said we could eat some snacks in the snack table. Some people left out of the dance floor to the eating area to get food. I took pictures with a lot of my friends during this break. It was so fun that I actually forgot of mystery guy.

I was walking not really anywhere when I saw Sungyeol and Zico talking. I wasn't sure what this meant but decided to not try to focus on this even though it wouldn't go away.

I saw Jiyeon all over some guy. Typical Jiyeon. Why wasn't she with Zico she's usually always all over him! I was looking around and didn't see him anywhere. When I was turning around to go the other way I bumped into someone who seemed to be made out of brick. "Sorry," I said without looking up.

"Hey," I looked up to see Zico staring down at me.


"Hi," I said quietly but I was sure he heard it over the speakers.


"Can we talk somewhere," he said. My heart stopped. But I nodded.


As we were walking to a hall away from the noise and the main room we passed by Hyomin who mouthed "What's going on,"


I mouthed "Idk" back. We were in one of the hallways in the place they rented for the dance. Our school has money I guess.

Keep calm ~~~~ was what kept going through my mind. Don't get excited over something that probably means nothing. What if he just wants to tell me something simple but he wouldn't tell me here right.

I noticed how cute Zico was dressed tonight when we stopped and he stood in front of me. I checked him up and down but he didn't notice cause he was looking the other way. A few seconds later he did the same thing I did to him, but he was half smiling. I blushed and wished I hadn't. I looked away embarrassed at how embarrassed I was.

"So um," he began. He took a pause before saying his next words. I noticed how he was cracking his knuckles, and struggling. I put a hand on his shoulder then he looked down at me. I quickly took my hand off since I didn't realize I did it, till I did it. I felt a little shyer than before.

"You look beautiful tonight."

I smiled and, "Thanks, you too." I meant it though he was wearing a full black tux with a red tie. Surprisingly a lot of guys wore them tonight. He looked very, very good! His face looked better tonight too.

"Well I don't know how, but I like you and uhm-" He was talking slowly nervously. This guy always been the one that's never nervous. Like hello I'm the nervous one here.

"Well if you feel like that then maybe we could--"

I interrupted him by my hand on my lips and saying "Sh!" He was rambling too much.

"Well what if I like you back."

The hugest grin appeared on Zico's face. He looked so adorable. Before I could say anything else he grabbed my hands spun me around and pulled me up to him and kissed me softly but firm. I couldn't help but smile during our kiss which caused Zico too smile and break our kiss away.

It was a quick kiss. He put me down, but I reached up and grabbed his neck and started kissing him. This was a whole lot more passionate. I decided to pull away before getting carried away here. Just in time cause a teacher passed by us a few seconds later. We both started laughing our asses off.

We return to the main room but before we entered I stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, but you never said the words."

"What words?"

"Asking me out."

"Oh will you be my girlfriend?" He said grabbing my hands.

"Hmm, depends will you be my boyfriend?" I said smiling.

He just laughed, twirled me around and kiss my forward, "Yes, I would".


Zico's POV

It felt so good to know she's mine. As we entered no one noticed us with everything around and I saw Hyomin come and take a picture of me and ~~~~ . I loved knowing she was only mine and no one would take her from me. Like who would anyway? I'm one of strongest tallest guys in my grade. Upperclassmen don't care about sophomores like dating much.

I wouldn't let them take her away from me either.

They were announcing a song for couples and I dragged her there to show her off. You don't know how long I wanted to do this. She's mine and I want everyone to know. They played a song which was kind of slow. I looked at her eyes as we danced, I loved her so much. Somewhere in it she laid her head into my chest. I liked the feeling I got in my stomach.

I smiled down at her, I knew she knew I was smiling even if she wasn't looking at me. I saw a tiny smile come across her face. I wished this moment never stopped but unfortunately the song was short. When I lifted my head to see around, I saw Sungyeol and Fei dancing. A tiny chuckle escaped me.

~~~~ looked at me then I pointed to them, she laughed as well.

The night is perfect.


I sat up, yesterday was unbelievable. I still had ~~~~ 's scent, it smelled like strawberries and oranges. I absorbed the smell and knew I'll smell this smell for a long time. I heard my scream some words repeatedly I ran out the room and I saw her holding Minah yMinahng wake up. My dad was already calling 911.

I took Minah away from my mom and started fanning her with some papers. She opened her eyes but closed them quickly. No, this couldn't happen now.


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xxyrcuxx #1
Chapter 13: Can you update it soon ?
xxyrcuxx #2
Thank youu ^^ <33
11onedone2many #3
Chapter 13: Hey , love this story again^^ keep up the good work! Can't wait to read ur next update~~

JaeHyae #4
Hi new subs here... keep up the good work.. will be wating for ur next update.. :)
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh, what is happening to Minah? Please update this quickly! I subscribed to this today and I am so glad that I did coz it is sooo good!! :3
What happen with minah?? D:
Bad Girlfriend!!! I have that song on my iPod ^^
Does this mean she'll meet zico at the dance?!?!?
KaeRin1603 #10
woah. :)