Chapter 8

My Beloved Secrets
Chapter 8
“Hey guys, okay, here’s another question what are your dislikes especially in person?” Joshua asked when they having their break time in the school hangout place.
“I hate liars.” Mingyu blurted.
“Everybody hated liars.” Jeonghan chime in.
“Yeah, but I really don’t like dishonest people. Petty white lies might be accepted but those who lied that they already hurting people are really unacceptable.” Jeonghan and Joshua looked at each other that the two of them only know what they are thinking.
“Okay next topic.”
“And you almost utter Wonwoo’s secret and you tell me to calm down! What if Mingyu hear that? Wonwoo might think badly of me.” Joshua who is breathing heavily doesn’t know what to do once he faces Wonwoo. He’s teary eyed.
Jeonghan walks toward Joshua and hug him. “Ssshhh, you know I am Yoon Jeonghan. I’ll solve this mess I made.” He caresses Joshua’s back for him to relax. “And Wonwoo will not be angry at you. I promise.” Jeonghan felt that Joshua hugged him tightly. Oh, this poor sensitive guy, he is really in love. “You are not like that when we are still together.” Jeonghan chuckled.
“Shut up.”
They hear the bell ring and it means that the afternoon class is starting. Joshua looked at him with those big eyes giving him the message of fear.
“I don’t want to go in class.” Joshua let go from Jeonghan’s hug and sit on the bench.
“Okay. I’ll give you time. You may go home and I’ll just bring your things.” Jeonghan smiles at Joshua and turns back to start walking when he heard Joshua talked.
“Aren’t you afraid? Why you are so damn relaxed?” Joshua never sees that side of Jeonghan. Maybe because this is only the situation that his plan is not in his control anymore or Jeonghan is hiding it. He knew that Jeonghan also loves Mingyu that every time they go to sleep they keep chatting about the two.
Jeonghan just shrugged and looked at Joshua smiling then continue to walk down the stair. “Bye. Take care from going home.”
“Mingyu-ah, stop that.” Wonwoo is stopping Mingyu from punching the wall. They ran, or he must say he followed Mingyu, at the back of the school where no one can see them after hearing what Jeonghan and Joshua are talking. He gritted his teeth remembering that scene especially when Jeonghan almost say his secret. So, those two really knew.
“NOOO~~! How can they hurt our feelings? We treated them as friends.” Mingyu felt tears in his cheeks. Hearing that from the one he love is really heartbreaking. Why did they pretend? To hurt me? To make fun of my feeling? Jeonghan knew all along what he feels for him. He’s really a good actor. “Aaaaah! , !!!” Mingyu punched again the wall that his fist starts to bleed. “What am I to him? Nothing, right? Nothing!” Mingyu sat on the grass and folded his knee and hugged it. He cries all his feeling in that position.
Wonwoo wants to punch Jeonghan badly having seeing Mingyu suffers like this. He never sees Mingyu so mad like this since childhood except when one of their friends betrayed them in middle school just to avenge with Mingyu. He never let a small misunderstanding to get bigger but this is different. Mingyu proves that he really loves Jeonghan and it breaking his heart. Why just can’t you see me Mingyu? Wonwoo is talking to his mind. Wonwoo crouched down and patted Mingyu’s head. He can’t say anything because he knew how to be hurt. What a bad day? They just plan to eat at the school’s rooftop but what scene will they witness, Jeonghan’s talking to Joshua about their fake relationship just to deceive them. He thought Joshua is a nice guy but he is like Jeonghan’s doll. Wonwoo heard the bell is ringing so he looked at Mingyu who still leaning down at his bended knee.
“Want to skip class?” Wonwoo saw Mingyu’s nodding. “I will call the driver so he can fetch us.” Wonwoo gets his phone and dials the driver’s number.
Jeonghan saw the empty seats beside him. Though he’s tough in front of Joshua earlier, he was still confused and shocked. Walking down at the stair, he can’t compose himself that his hands are shaking. He was so nervous to see Mingyu. He doesn’t know what to say or to act. He just believing in himself that he can pull this off. He sighed thankfully because he can now think of what to do. Jeonghan noticed the teacher entering the room.
“Good afternoon class.” Ms. Kahi looked around the class and stopped at Jeonghan’s. “Mr. Jeonghan, where are your seatmates?”
“Ah Ms. Kahi, Joshua is not feeling well so he decided to go home, while Mingyu and Wonwoo have an emergency. That’s why they not here.” Jeonghan hopes that Ms. Kahi will believe what he said.
“Okay. So let’s start now the lesson.”
Jeonghan went home after class. He enters Joshua’s room to check him but Joshua is all covered by his blanket so he decided to go out. Maybe, Joshua is still not in the mood to talk to him. He went outside to take a walk when he noticed that he’s already in Carat’s village park. He explores the park when he saw a man sitting on one of the swing and he will not be mistaken, that’s Mingyu. Jeonghan breathed to get some air. He felt nervous while walking quietly in the direction of Mingyu. He sensed that Mingyu didn’t notice him so he sits on the swing. “Will you be my boyfriend?” Jeonghan looked at Mingyu who just notice that he was beside him. Mingyu’s eyes got bigger and tried to walk-out when Jeonghan held his wrist tightly.
“Let go of me!” Mingyu scowled.
“Nope. As long as you are not answering me yes, I will not let go of you.” Jeonghan saw Mingyu’s face blushed though his eyes are expressing anger.
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0721muxikiboo #1
Fighting chingu!