Chapter 11

My Beloved Secrets
Chapter 11
As what Wonwoo said, the four students split into two to do their own research about “Love and Forgiveness”. They never consulted each other about their research. They seated far away from each other and they avoiding each other when looking for a book. The day for their final researched has come and they still seated in the different table.
“Are you done Jeonghan?” Joshua asked Jeonghan about his report.
“Yup. You?”
“Hmmmm, not yet.” Joshua smiled and stood then walked at the direction of Mingyu and Wonwoo.
Jeonghan eyes got bigger because of what Joshua did. He then remembers what he said, “Keep worrying about Mingyu, and leave Wonwoo to me.” So, he also stands up, gets all the things on their table and walks at the direction where Mingyu and Wonwoo are. He saw Joshua talking to Mingyu and when he turned to Wonwoo, he got surprised that Joshua will do that. Joshua kissed Wonwoo in front of all the students in the library. Jeonghan started to walk again and he was now beside Joshua.
“So, Wonwoo-ah, will you let me discuss my report to the both of you or will you let me kiss you again?” Joshua smiled meaningfully seeing Wonwoo is being rattled. But he wasn’t prepared when Wonwoo stands up and grabs his uniforms collar.
“Teacher, someone is making a ruckus here.”
Joshua looked at Jeonghan at the side of his eyes and grins at Wonwoo. “I’ll tell Ms. Kahi that you two don’t want to cooperate with us.”
“Wonwoo, stop that. Let them be.” Mingyu glared at Jeonghan. “You know this two can pull off tricks that will put us bad.”
Jeonghan some hair that covering his face while keeping an eye contact to Mingyu. He saw that Mingyu blushed and backed his focus on his notebook. He then sits beside Mingyu but the latter immediately moved to the other chair and get all his things. “Hahaha. Why are you so obvious Mingyu-ah?” Jeonghan turned and smiled at Mingyu while his arm on top of the table and holding up his right cheek.
“W-what are you talking about?” Mingyu’s eyes can’t focus anymore from what he was looking.
“You’ll know later.” Jeonghan turned his attention on their report having a wide smile on his face.
“So what are the things you want to add up on this report?” Wonwoo saying it seriously.
“That when you love someone, you are ready to be hurt.” Joshua is staring and grinning at Wonwoo.
“And when you are hurt, you must be ready to forgive, in time.” Jeonghan added.
“Wow, what a quote.” Wonwoo blurted out while avoiding Joshua’s hand.
They look all at Mingyu when he stood up. “I’m just going to find some book.” Mingyu exclaimed and left.
Jeonghan who is following Mingyu through his eyes knew where bookshelf that the one go so he stands up to went for him. He noticed that Wonwoo will also stand, maybe to block him from going to Mingyu, but Joshua grabs Wonwoo’s hand strongly that the latter was seated again in his chair. Jeonghan nods at Joshua as a sign of thanks then left.
Wonwoo turned aggressively at Joshua. “How dare you? Will you let go of my hand?” Wonwoo is controlling himself from hitting Joshua. He saw Joshua sighed heavily and the next scene was Joshua’s kissing him again. Though it last only for a second, he felt his heart beats loudly again. When Joshua kissed him earlier, the first ever kiss he had, he doesn’t know what to do so he acted hitting Joshua but he felt that his heart is in danger that moment.
Joshua smiled contentedly seeing Wonwoo stunned. “Wonwoo, did you ever realize that the reason why you are not confessing to Mingyu is because there is really someone for you?”
Wonwoo hearing Joshua’s voice backed to his usual poker face and ignored Joshua.
“Hmmmm, you know what, I read a story while doing our research. The story is about two best friends and the one loves his best friend but the other one—“Joshua hangs his next sentence and stares at Wonwoo “—but the other one also loves him.” Joshua saw Wonwoo’s face become pale. “The two still hiding each other’s feeling but when a tragedy came they confessed to each other. The two are so happy that they have the same feeling. I told it to Jeonghan and he just said that it’s like our relationship before. You know, Jeonghan and I started as best friends too. I maybe like you if not because of Jeonghan’s perseverance though the way he loved me is a little bit annoying and yeah, hurtful but that’s how he loved. Please understand Jeonghan, he will not hurt Mingyu. Look at us, we are still friends after our relationship. When Jeonghan love someone, he will protect you no matter what though he is really a teaser. Haha. Okay. The lesson there is if you love someone, go for it while you still seeing hope to the both of you but if none, just confess that you are so happy that you loved him or her. So Wonwoo, I’ll be waiting for you to love me back. Can I hope?”
Mingyu who left the three and hid from one of the bookshelves breathed nonstop. He can’t handle the tension in that place. It is suffocating especially when Jeonghan is flirting with him. If he stayed there for another minute, he might fall again to Jeonghan’s charm. He must hate Jeonghan. Mingyu keep repeating to himself. To divert his attention, he searched some books related to their topic when he felt someone arms surrounded and grabbed his waist turning his back at the bookshelf and faced the person that he didn’t want to be with. His eyes become bigger when he saw Jeonghan’s face so close to him, not to mention their body, though he is taller than Jeonghan, Jeonghan stares at him eye to eye. He was all blocked.
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0721muxikiboo #1
Fighting chingu!