008 - Everything happens for a reason

Spring Awakening

"you think many people will come next week?" 

There was eight days left until their first performance in front of a real audience and the nerves were certainly creeping into Ten's mind. He and Johnny had been texting until late hours of the morning almost every single day since the street party, Johnny sometimes calling Ten just to tell a joke then hang up. Those were the best days.

"yeah, whenever the company does shows they always sell out real quick. you scared?"

"kinda, you?"

"never!! this is my fifth year with the company, probably my eighth production"

"holy , no wonder youre the star child"

"i may retire soon"

"old man"

Most of their conversations were simple, just learning new things about each other, talking about their days whenever rehearsals weren't on, sometimes the often picture of when Ten's cat wanted some attention. Johnny loved those ones, Ten always made sure he was somehow in the frame.

"how you liking the company?"

"its nice, everyone is really friendly. except this one guy"

"who is it ill beat him up"

"hes called johnny, hes kinda really up himself"


"hes not even that talented"


"and hes really ugly"

"okay now i know youre lying" 


"you busy?"

"right now?"

"im in bed"

"y. wanna come meet me?"

Ten glanced at the clock, squinting to make out the numbers in the dark. It was just gone midnight, they'd been texting since seven, since Ten got off work.

"its midnight"

"you dont say?????????"

"my mom will flip"

"your mom doesnt have to know"

He found himself pulling on his clothes and jacket, a beanie hat covering his head for warmth. It wasn't particularly cold outside but Ten wanted to be prepared. Peeking out of his bedroom door, he listened out for any signs of life before sliding out, tiptoeing downstairs to the door to grab his shoes and keys. He couldn't believe he was sneaking out at midnight to meet someone, it seemed like some gross teen chick flick his sister would watch.

Johnny was waiting on the corner of his street, hood up, hands buried in the pockets, his head tilted down as he kicked his feet along the ground. Ten grinned and made his way towards the taller who looked up just in time to see him approaching. A smile drew across Johnny's lips, tugging his hood down, hands coming out of his pockets.

"You're late." He spoke with a wider smile, straightening up.

"You're just early." Ten returned the grin.

"That's a first. Come on."

Johnny began moving, turning round the corner, Ten quickly stepping in time with him. He wasn't sure where they were going, they just kept walking, enjoying the crisp night air and the faint glow of the street lights. 

They headed into the park and Ten couldn't help but release a snort of laughter at the second teen flick cliche of the night. He was half expecting Johnny to confess his love under the moonlight with violins playing in the background. Then again, maybe not. They'd only just stopped hating each other, that was far off. Johnny jumped up the slide of the jungle gym in three steps, his height being a huge advantage, before turning round to help Ten up. They fell back on to the cold metal side by side, staring up at the sky, remaining silent for a short while before Johnny spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

Ten frowned, his head tilting towards Johnny."Sorry? For what?"

Johnny sighed, "I know you didn't like me when we first met. Sometimes I come off a bit strong and people think I'm an ."

"You don't have to explain yourself."

"I want to. I don't want you thinking that that's who I am. I just get really into this stuff and I was mad I didn't get the part I wanted. It's so stupid, I know, to be angry over something so simple. Everyone tells me that."

Ten remained quiet, mulling over Johnny's words. Ten wasn't the kind to get upset over things; he could brush stuff off easily or find a way to fix it or distract himself. He could understand though.

"I get it. This is something you're passionate about, it's natural to be upset over not getting a role you had your heart set out on."

"Yeah, I suppose." Johnny sighed, untucking his hands from underneath his head, dropping them by his sides as he stared up at the sky. "But... I'm terrible at everything." Ten scoffed, about to protest but Johnny continued. "I am. Excluding performing, I'm not really good at anything else. I at every lesson in school, barely passing my classes and I was bad at every single sport I tried. When I first tried out for a production, it was only because my mom made me. She said I had too much energy for my own good and said I should put it to good use. Turns out, I was good at it so I just stuck with it. It's still really pathetic of me to get so bothered by it all but when I didn't get that part it was kind of like being told I wasn't good enough, like I wasn't good at the only thing I'm good at. You know?"

Ten did know. He could understand what that was like, he could empathise. He turned his head to look at Johnny, wanting to comfort him, stopped by the pure beauty of the boy beside him. The moonlight was bouncing off his skin, making him glow, his eyes sparkling, protected by long dark lashes. His lips were curved into an angelic pout, jaw line sharp enough to slice metal. He looked incredible, just staring up at the sky as he spoke so softly, it gave Ten chills.

He slid his hand across the cool metal towards Johnny's, his fingers quickly sliding into the gaps between the elder's fingers, giving them an affectionate squeeze. Johnny's gaze slid down to meet Ten's, an appreciative smile on his lips as he returned the squeeze.

"I couldn't imagine you as Melchior." Ten released a soft laugh, "You're far too cocky."

Johnny elbowed him gingerly as he also chuckled. "Hey! He's supposed to be cocky!"

"Not your level of cocky though." The pair continued to laugh softly before turning their attention back up to the sky. The clouds were dispersing, a few stars peeking out, scattered around the moon, framing it. "Besides, if you were Melchior, we probably wouldn't be in this position."

"We wouldn't?"

"No. You wouldn't have pouted, I wouldn't have wanted to punch you in the face and you wouldn't have wanted to prove yourself to me."

"Ah- That is true."

They fell into silence as they watched the dark clouds slide leisurely around the sky, the slight breeze making the leaves rustle, the often barking of a neighbourhood dog filling the almost silence. It had to be approaching two am and they both had rehearsals at nine but neither of them had plans to move any time soon. Instead, they just remained beside each other in silence, enjoying the company. Both of them felt comfortable. Cold, yet comfortable.

"I'm glad you're my Hanschen."

"I'm glad you're my Ernst."

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Chapter 12: The ending is so cute~ X’D Such a deja vu oof :’D At least he’s not Edna hahaha 8’D
This was an amazing story! \o/ It’s short and sweet and nice to read, I really enjoyed myself uwu Thank you for writing such a lovely story!
Chapter 11: ;;u;;
Let’s just hope Ten’s mom won’t call the police ASDFJKL WHEEZES
But yeshhh Ten is out and away from this nonsense! \o/ Now he can be with the people who truly cares for him C: And most importantly, he can be with Johnny now uwu
Chapter 10: Awww, Johnny QuQ
Ahaha, Ten had softened Johnny’s heart uwu YOU MUST FIGHT FOR HIM MY BOY!! IF YOU LOVE HIM FIGHT FOR HIM! OAO
I wonder if Ten will be joining in the performance this time? PLEASE TELL ME HE WILL ASDFJKL TT
Chapter 9: >:(
I hate parents like that, how could they?
Poor Ten, he deserves better :( And Johnny too, he doesn’t deserve to go through this kind of
I wonder what is Ten’s sister’s thoughts on this? Is she just like her family? Or she’s just worried for Ten’s sake?
I just hope Ten will get back into the production team and actually perform, he trained hard for this
Chapter 8: Lmao the texting between JohnTen X’D
“How you liking the company?”
“Everyone is really friendly except this one guy”
“Who is it? I’ll beat him up”
“He’s called Johnny”

But otherwise, this is a really cute chapter <3 They’re just so adorable oorz uwu
Chapter 7: oOF
Lmao the two went from love-hate to misunderstanding to so fast, my head is spinning but it’s still awesome X’D
The slight passionate scene in here ends in such a cute note, idk whether to coo at it or to feel disappointed that nothing more came of it
But hey! They do have the upper hand in this water game now >:D
Chapter 6: Lmao the story went from dramatic to fluffy??
What a mood whiplash oof my heart didn’t brake in time asdfjkl X’D
The tension was so strong and high at first with everything that was happening at the party initially
Then all of a sudden, that scene at the end happened
Idk what to say 8’D
Chapter 5: b r e a t h e s
The kiss scene had me d y i n g oorz X’D
And everyone thinks there’s something going on between JohnTen even though the actual two kept saying there isn’t lkjfdsa
This is so interestinggg, their dynamic is so odd and intriguing, need to know more!
Chapter 4: Fluffyyyy u w u Oof-
Well, good luck Johnny! On making Ten have a reason to stay \o/
At least Ten opened up to Johnny a teeny wheeny bit :’D That’s some progress over there CCC:
Chapter 3: Interestinggg
[insert thinking emoji here]
I really like the live-hate dynamic that JohnTen has right now. It’s amusing and intriguing. It makes me wonder how these two will like each other, let alone fall for each other, with this kind of initial attitude towards one another

Time to read more~