Krystal Jung.

As time goes by.

It was her, Krystal.

As much as I hated her, I still regret the things I said that day.

I regret it as much as I regret losing Seunghyun oppa, or falling in love with Lee Taemin.

There she was, talking to her 'new' friends.




They never really said anything to me.

I mean they themselves didn't know of our friendship or how it abruptly ended.

"Krystal-yah! I'm your bestfriend, tell me what's bothering you!" I heard one of them say, I believe it was Sulli.

"It's nothing, I was just remembering somethi-"

She stopped suddenly when she noticed I was there.

She paused, staring at me, anger evident in her eyes.

"Ugh, guys let's get out of here. I don't feel well"

Krystal always was anemic, she was always weak.

But never acted as such.

I watched her walk away. Something in me wanting to stop her.

But I always thought before I acted, ever since that event happened.

I made sure I wouldn't make a mistake, before thinking about it.

I look in the distance, then begin heading to my next class.

I was sitting in class, trying my best to pay attention, failing to.

I started playing with my cellphone. Scrollng past messages, looking through contacts, playing the games on it.

But one message caught my eye.

My eyes widen.

"Hurry, this is Victoria, Krystal's friend. She's in the infirmary right now, your name was on speed dial so I messaged you first."

I immediately excused myself, saying I was having a headache and ran to the clinic.

I hoped she would be okay.

As I got there, I saw her friends surrounding her. Each on either bed side, each sharing a look of worry.

When I got there, I went to her side. 

My walk filled with shame, for a reason, even I don't know myself.

She began to slowly open her eyes.


"Why the are you here."

Said more like a statement then a question.


I started but never got to complete what I wanted to say.

"Listen, I meant it when I said I didn't want to hear or see you. So don't pretend you care all of a sudden and come running to me. It's fake, your fake. I don't want to hear you and your fake apology."

I stare into her eyes.

I should've known.

"Krystal, calm down, you're still sick. Don't over exert yourself." Amber had said.

I got angry.

"I never said I was going to apologize, if anything, you have no right to even say I'm fake. Your friend over there, messaged me saying you were in the infirmary. I only came to see if you were okay. Now that your fine, I'll take my leave."

"Don't talk to her like that!" A girl, Sulli, had said.

"Sulli! This doesn't concern you." Krystal said.

She never did like it when people fought her battles.

I shut the door behind me, not once turning around.

Even though I couldn't see it, I knew I was crying already.

I ran to the safest place I knew here.

The rooftop.

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And not have survived
At the start I felt so sorry for her. Coz I know what's its like to be totally alone, no friends, nothing. It really hurts when it seems like everybody out there is just trying ta cut you down. Thank goodness that both our situations improved. Otherwise maybe both of us would have really walked off the roof.
I cried , Cause i once lost my bestfriend because of a guy who didn't deserve it! <br />
Such a nice story :DD
This really made me teary eye TT^TT I hope u update the sequel soon
thanx for always updateing and happy new year!!!!
ANDWAE! it can't be the ending ㅠ_ㅠ<br />
i loved this fic :) I'm waiting for a sequel :D!
omg, *huuuuugs you guys foreverrrrr*<br />
I didn't know how the ending was going to turn out.<br />
LOL and I've never actually been in a relationship, so all this is based on my knowledge of dramas O^O<br />
thaaaanks for reading!<br />
And I hope you guys stick around for the 'I-didn't-want-to-end-this-so-soon/after story':D
OMG, it's the end.. ALREADY?! Huhuhu T.T<br />
the ending was beautiful.<br />
It was relatable and the ending was realistic and just right. It's a perfect closure. :'3<br />
Saengiee, I'm proud of you. T^T *patpat*
naturallygreen #9
This made me think of my friends. Just thinking about losing any of them makes me want to cry T_T<br />
So saad ;__;