please read this announcement~

As time goes by.
HEY GUYS!~ So you probably already noticed this isn't an update! But I actually wanna announce something! Im thinking of making a 'group' of people who love kpop and would like to learn how to dance to some songs! All are welcome, if you are interested please contact me through my messages!~ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ANY QUESTIONS~ I dont bite c: Oh and I'll update tomorrow~
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And not have survived
At the start I felt so sorry for her. Coz I know what's its like to be totally alone, no friends, nothing. It really hurts when it seems like everybody out there is just trying ta cut you down. Thank goodness that both our situations improved. Otherwise maybe both of us would have really walked off the roof.
I cried , Cause i once lost my bestfriend because of a guy who didn't deserve it! <br />
Such a nice story :DD
This really made me teary eye TT^TT I hope u update the sequel soon
thanx for always updateing and happy new year!!!!
ANDWAE! it can't be the ending ㅠ_ㅠ<br />
i loved this fic :) I'm waiting for a sequel :D!
omg, *huuuuugs you guys foreverrrrr*<br />
I didn't know how the ending was going to turn out.<br />
LOL and I've never actually been in a relationship, so all this is based on my knowledge of dramas O^O<br />
thaaaanks for reading!<br />
And I hope you guys stick around for the 'I-didn't-want-to-end-this-so-soon/after story':D
OMG, it's the end.. ALREADY?! Huhuhu T.T<br />
the ending was beautiful.<br />
It was relatable and the ending was realistic and just right. It's a perfect closure. :'3<br />
Saengiee, I'm proud of you. T^T *patpat*
naturallygreen #9
This made me think of my friends. Just thinking about losing any of them makes me want to cry T_T<br />
So saad ;__;