Did you regret it?

As time goes by.


I pause.


I don't know how I did it, I called 'The Great Taemin' out.

And I was staring into his eyes.

I couldn't figure out what emotion he had been feeling, but I know pleasure and happiness were nowhere to be found.

"Minzy, don't do anything stupid."

"Deh, Taemin-sshi. I guess I'm always known for doing something stupid."

I said using formalities, he was a stranger to me now. 

Nothing more, nothing less.

"Tch, everyone does stupid things in their lives. Don't think your so special."

He sat down next to me.

He tried being harsh, he tried being cold when he said that.

But I could always tell, when he uses a front.

He couldn't hide the fact that, he wanted to comfort me, knowing our history together, he couldn't blurt it out in the open. 

He had to find loopholes.

We did everything together, saw everything together.

We were the couple of the year, months, days.

Whatever you want to call it.

I was falling in deep, I could tell.

But we were younger than we were now, we didn't know the meaning of falling in love.

I didn't think it would hurt so much in the end, when it started so great in the beginning.

"Neh, Taemin-sshi, do you regret it?"

He silenced, not looking at me, but also not avoiding me.

"Regret what, Minzy?"

He always answered my questions with a question.

"Do you regret what happened? Do you regret ever becoming something more than a friend with me?"

He was thinking.

"Did I really?"

"Minzy, I love her. I just realized that in the middle of our 'relationship' that I did."

I scoffed.

"Why wait and tell me at the end?"

"Because, I was confused. If I loved you or if I didn't."

I never found out who that girl was.

He never told me.

I gave him my everything, and he gave me less, halfheartedly.

"Who was this girl Taemin?"

"Listen, it doesn't concern you. I don't want her getting involved in the past. I want to protect her from it."

What was so good about her?

Why wasn't I good enough?

Why didn't he protect me?

I wanted to ask so many questions, but my answers, I answered myself.

Because I'm Gong Minzy.

Gong Minzy.

I stood up, his eyes following my actions.

I had to say goodbye.

I had to give up my first love now.

I laughed, defeated.

"I enjoyed it while it lasted, Taemin."

He didn't respond, his gaze looking down.

I tousled his hair, like I always use to do, even before we started going out.

He just stayed put, slightly flinching at my sudden action.

"Good luck."

I turned and started walking.

After a couple of steps, I heard footsteps running toward me from behind.

I didn't look back, for I knew who it was.

I recieved a hug, arms around my shoulders, I could feel this person's tears and hot breathe on my neck.

"I didn't regret it, I didn't. I'm sorry."

I removed his arms from my hold.


I smiled, tears filling my eyes.

"I already said goodbye."

He looked at me, misty eyed.

He looked like a lost puppy.

"Don't make it harder for me, please Taemin. I thanked you for the enjoyment you gave me. I thought loving you back was the only thing I could give."

I paused, choking back tears.

"But it wasn't enough, your heart was taken long before me, and I just couldn't steal it. Good luck in life Taemin, and don't hurt this girl you love. If you love her, don't make her go through this pain."

He looked down.

"The pain of heartbreak."

I wiped the tears on his face, letting mine flow down freely.

He was like a lost puppy.

But this puppy was already found.

His phone rang, and when he didn't bother to respond.

I took it from his pocket.

It said Suzy.

With a heart next to it.

Make it work Taemin.

"Make it work."

I gave him his phone.

And when he answered it he proclaimed his love to her.

I walked away, smiling.

He was exclaiming for joy, she probably said yes.

He was found.

And loved.

Just not by me.

"Farewell, Taemin."

And I walked home.

Sharing a sad smile to the world.



now you know this chapter of the past,

and you watched it pass.

dkncwekwied atleast Taemin is happy, and now Minzy finally said farewell.



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And not have survived
At the start I felt so sorry for her. Coz I know what's its like to be totally alone, no friends, nothing. It really hurts when it seems like everybody out there is just trying ta cut you down. Thank goodness that both our situations improved. Otherwise maybe both of us would have really walked off the roof.
I cried , Cause i once lost my bestfriend because of a guy who didn't deserve it! <br />
Such a nice story :DD
This really made me teary eye TT^TT I hope u update the sequel soon
thanx for always updateing and happy new year!!!!
ANDWAE! it can't be the ending ㅠ_ㅠ<br />
i loved this fic :) I'm waiting for a sequel :D!
omg, *huuuuugs you guys foreverrrrr*<br />
I didn't know how the ending was going to turn out.<br />
LOL and I've never actually been in a relationship, so all this is based on my knowledge of dramas O^O<br />
thaaaanks for reading!<br />
And I hope you guys stick around for the 'I-didn't-want-to-end-this-so-soon/after story':D
OMG, it's the end.. ALREADY?! Huhuhu T.T<br />
the ending was beautiful.<br />
It was relatable and the ending was realistic and just right. It's a perfect closure. :'3<br />
Saengiee, I'm proud of you. T^T *patpat*
naturallygreen #9
This made me think of my friends. Just thinking about losing any of them makes me want to cry T_T<br />
So saad ;__;