Day 1

As time goes by.

It's a new day,

It'll get better tomorrow,

Lighten up, tomorrows a new day.

My mother never seemed to end her lecture of the day to come.

And now that it actually did. Nothings different. 

I woke up early, 4:36 to be exact, I was anxious for a reason unknown to me. I went with my usual routine. Wake up, clean myself for the day ahead, change, eat then leave. 

As I washed my face, I noticed that I was alot paler, my eyes were puffy and red, and my hair was a mess. Then it hit me. I cried. For a long time at that, judging by my appearance. When, how, why? Don't ask. Cause I myself don't know when, or how I managed to do so in my sleep, but I know why. But if I told you why, without the proper sequence, you'll never understand. No one ever did.


Sigh. My mother never was a morning person.

"Umma, isn't to early to be yelling, the neighbors will complain again." I said rather nonchalantly. "This is my house, and I shall do what I want in this house. If they want to complain, then they should pay for this house. If only. Only then, should they have the right to complain." There she goes again ranting on and on about petty things. "Don't you think-" "YAH, you think I should change my style? Be like those cool and stylish Ummas? You know SCHICC?" Oh god no. "UMMMA, IT'S CHIC. and please spare me the humiliation." My umma smiled. "You'll never be to old to be my little Mingki." This is why I love her. "YAH, Umma I'm already 17." I said to her feigning anger. "Yet I still have to buy your clothes, pay for your school and feed you...SO THAT MEANS YOUR MY LITTLE GIRL. NOW-ahem-Now eat the delicious breakfast, your umma worked so damn hard on just to please you." She said smirking with satisfaction. I sighed, defeated. "Yes, umma." 

It was like that every morning. Did I hate it? Nah. BUT I did find the matter extremely annoying. I love my mom, but I want to sew shut. 

While walking I started remember when Krystal would walk with me to school. It seemed like those little things we did together meant nothing. But I took it all for granted.

She was gone.

Well, she wasn't dead. She just refuses to talk or even look at me. 



"Krystal Unnie? Wae?"

"WAE? It's my bestfriend's birthday, yet all she decides to do is go to sleep."

"Aha Unnie is so nice" Batting my eyelashes, tryng to swoon her with my aegyo.

"Yah"- I forgot, this was Krystal. THE Krystal who did everything with me since we first met in diapers. It was a lost cause.

"Trying to use cuteness to win me over? Tch, Mingki-yah, did you really forget who I am?"


"Nice try though, now get up!"



"Because, why?" Really? You know I hate it when people do that.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY. Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday My Mingki, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu~"

I smiled, I couldn't help it. Watching my best friend singing and flinging her arms in all directions, ANYONE would have a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Now Minzy" The sudden seriousness caught me off guard.

"You know we are bestfriends and will always be bestfriends forever, right?"

I was getting nervous.

I nodded

"No matter what, or no matter who gets in between us, I'll always be by your side. Even when it seems different."

She smiled, gently. 

Tears, filling my eyes. I hugged her. I never wanted to lose her. Never.

But I did.

And I regret it. Everything.

"Watch where your walking."

I flinched, but knowing my reputation at school. I remained emotionless. 


The person scoffed. I apologized, no need for the continuous atittude. 

Well arriving at the gates of school, I frowned slightly, but instantly recovered and gave my usual poker face. 

Well Gong Minzy.

Let's get this over with. With that I walked into the bulding where everything started. School.

{Author's Note}


Well how was it? I wanted to write a chapter that didn't give away too much, but at the same time gave Minzy some backround. 

I hope you enjoyed it!

Comments would be highly appreciated!

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And not have survived
At the start I felt so sorry for her. Coz I know what's its like to be totally alone, no friends, nothing. It really hurts when it seems like everybody out there is just trying ta cut you down. Thank goodness that both our situations improved. Otherwise maybe both of us would have really walked off the roof.
I cried , Cause i once lost my bestfriend because of a guy who didn't deserve it! <br />
Such a nice story :DD
This really made me teary eye TT^TT I hope u update the sequel soon
thanx for always updateing and happy new year!!!!
ANDWAE! it can't be the ending ㅠ_ㅠ<br />
i loved this fic :) I'm waiting for a sequel :D!
omg, *huuuuugs you guys foreverrrrr*<br />
I didn't know how the ending was going to turn out.<br />
LOL and I've never actually been in a relationship, so all this is based on my knowledge of dramas O^O<br />
thaaaanks for reading!<br />
And I hope you guys stick around for the 'I-didn't-want-to-end-this-so-soon/after story':D
OMG, it's the end.. ALREADY?! Huhuhu T.T<br />
the ending was beautiful.<br />
It was relatable and the ending was realistic and just right. It's a perfect closure. :'3<br />
Saengiee, I'm proud of you. T^T *patpat*
naturallygreen #9
This made me think of my friends. Just thinking about losing any of them makes me want to cry T_T<br />
So saad ;__;