Lee Taemin

As time goes by.


"Lee Taemin, I'll tell you his story, his role."

Minhyuk casually sits beside me. A book covering his face.

"Go ahead."

I'll start from the begining.

Where it all started.


"Wah, Unnie I can't wait for you to spend the weekend at my house!"

It was going to be a week off of school for us.

We were going to spend the weekend at my house, then go to Jeju Island with some other friends.

It was going to be sort of a class tradition.

"DEH! I'm so excited! So what should we start packing for Jeju!" 

Krystal was always keen on planning ahead.

But thanks to having her in my life for god knows how long. I never forgot anything. Anytime.

"Okay class, for Jeju Island trip I'll be putting you in a group."

Oh no, please let me be with Krystal.

I looked over to Krystal, she was sharing the same look of worry in her eyes.

A couple of minutes and names later.

"Okay group 4 will be: Gong Minzy, Krystal Jung, Lee Taemin and Kim Kibum."

Lee Taemin? Kim Kibum? Who were they?

Suddenly I laid my eyes on him. He had a small stature, that of a girls.

Kim Kibum, well from what Krystal just whispered to me, was a Diva.

They both walked over to us.

"Anneoyong, I'm Lee Taemin."

"I'm Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key." He looked rather uninterested in us.

"Krystal Jung."

"Gong Minzy."

The teacher left the room for a moment, giving us all to chat with are new group mates.

Krystal and Key became fast friends. I gotta hand it to them, they were both Diva-like.

All the more reason to love Krystal, though.

Suddenly Taemin approached me.

"Ah, Minzy-sshi?"

"Deh? You can just call me Minzy."

"Ah, okay~, I was wondering since we are going to be spending a week together, we should probably get to know eachother first. In order to have fun!"

Wondering at his sudden enthusiasm, I agreed. 

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

We finally ended school that day, with Krystal and I going seperate ways.

She was going to come by, with all her stuff to choose and pack at my house, and then spend the weekend at my house.

"Yah, Minzy!"

I turn around, curious to who was calling my name.

Ah, Lee Taemin.

We had already skipped formalities and become comfortable speaking together.

"Ah, anneoyong Taemin!"

We decided that he could spend the night at my house, too.

He would also invite Key over.

Arriving at my house, Krystal was already there, with what seemed to be a man.

Questioning the unkown person, I went over there with Taemin behind my tail.

"Oh Minzy-yah! What took you so long!"

"Deh, Mianhe unnie. I was walking with Taemin."

"Oh, Taemin? Anneoyong. what're you doing here?"

" Unnie, Taemin and Key are going to spend the night,too. We had to go to Taemin's house first to get his clothes and bags for the trip. We're going ot help him pick his clothes."

Being so into my explaination, I didn't notice the unknown man, trying to grab my attention.

Then I realized.


Song Seunghyun.

"Deh, Aigoo dongsaeng, it took you forever to notice me. I' m hurt." He said feigning sadness.

"Aish, oppa! What're you doing here?"

"Oh no reason just wanted to say hi! Oh and who's this?" He said narrowing his eyes at Taemin.

Taemin never faltered.

"Taemin. Lee Taemin."

Oppa seemed to be surprised with his confidence. 

Shook his hand and left.

Not forgeting to hug his favorite dongsaeng.

As we were getting settled in my house. We quickly said our hellos to my mom. And went to my room, we were waiting for Key to get everything started.

We each got our clothes out and started picking eachother's favorites.

Before anything really got started, or getting to pick our favorites. Key arrived.

With what seemed to be a whole wardrobe of clothing.

"Aish, did you bring all your clothes or something?"

"Tch, this is less then half."

Key, the biggest diva I know.

Besides Krystal of course.

We got everything ready for the upcoming week.

And it was already pass midnight.

We ordered our food, and decided to settle down with a good horror movie.

The only problem that occured was that our two divas never shut up.

Taemin and I laughed wholeheartedly.

Until we all fell asleep. Everything seemed to be going good.

And we were excited to go on the trip together. Seeing as how quickly we all got along.

But time continuously moves.

How I wished time froze at that moment.

Because what would come. Would destroy everything.

I look to my side, Minhyuk was still lying down with a book on his face.

"So were you two going out already?"

"No, not yet. We just met."

The bell finally rang for the end of lunch break.

We both got up.

And everyday at lunch, we agreed, for me to continue my story.

Even if I couldnt handle remembering it.

"I have to know." He said.

And with that he left.

I gathered my things and headed to my next class. But who I saw made me want to cower in fear. Fear or sadness.

Krystal Jung.

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And not have survived
At the start I felt so sorry for her. Coz I know what's its like to be totally alone, no friends, nothing. It really hurts when it seems like everybody out there is just trying ta cut you down. Thank goodness that both our situations improved. Otherwise maybe both of us would have really walked off the roof.
I cried , Cause i once lost my bestfriend because of a guy who didn't deserve it! <br />
Such a nice story :DD
This really made me teary eye TT^TT I hope u update the sequel soon
thanx for always updateing and happy new year!!!!
ANDWAE! it can't be the ending ㅠ_ㅠ<br />
i loved this fic :) I'm waiting for a sequel :D!
omg, *huuuuugs you guys foreverrrrr*<br />
I didn't know how the ending was going to turn out.<br />
LOL and I've never actually been in a relationship, so all this is based on my knowledge of dramas O^O<br />
thaaaanks for reading!<br />
And I hope you guys stick around for the 'I-didn't-want-to-end-this-so-soon/after story':D
OMG, it's the end.. ALREADY?! Huhuhu T.T<br />
the ending was beautiful.<br />
It was relatable and the ending was realistic and just right. It's a perfect closure. :'3<br />
Saengiee, I'm proud of you. T^T *patpat*
naturallygreen #9
This made me think of my friends. Just thinking about losing any of them makes me want to cry T_T<br />
So saad ;__;