What is Love?

TaeNy Airlines (One-Shot Collection)

Isn't it obvious much that I love EXO? :3

But of course, my love for TaeNy is number one. <3333

This is longer than my longest chap. So yeah, this is the new longest chap I've ever read. :DD

Yeah. *clap 3x* :D

Important? No? Okay. 

Just enjoy the flight~


Genre: Romance



“Sunbaenim, would you be—“

“I’m sorry.”

The girl opened like she was about to say something, but closed it again as she stared at me weirdly. I could see mixed of emotions in her eyes, but most was shock. And anger. And embarassment, too. It was a familiar gaze I had always accepted everytime they told their feelings to me, and ended up getting rejected.

I sighed. “I can’t.”

“I haven’t even finished my sentence, Kim Taeyeon sunbaenim.” I saw her gritted her teeth as she got teary eyed. Tears of disappointment, I assumed.  

“I.. never believed you are this rude,” she sobbed. “but now I know I should have listened to the rumor.” she scoffed before dramatically running away whilst covering , crying.

I simply watched her going downstairs and disappeared from my sight. I rubbed my temple as I exhaled softly.


Some students who happened to witness such a dramatic scene –which happened rather frequent-, just gave me an indifferent cold stare as they started murmuring among themselves. I’d been wondering so many times about this; did they really intend to whisper? Because I could clearly hear what they were saying.

“That cold girl breaks another innocent heart,” one said as she linked her arm with her friend, laughing mockingly at me.

“Her looks totally fooled us.” Another said in disgust. “What a jerk.”



I bit my lower lip as I stared down at the floor.

I was used to this. I was used to be called with those unpleasant words.

It had never been my intention to hurt anyone. Not even a single person. Those girls were beautiful, indeed. But they asked me to be their girlfriend, while I didn’t even know their name. Somehow I had a principal that if they wanted to be my lover, they had to at least be my friend first. I didn’t believe in an instant love. Everything needs a process. If that person could be a friend whom I felt comfortable with, I believed we would get along well as a couple.

That was my true intention in rejecting them.

But it turned out that my mouth couldn’t say the same as my heart did. I’d unintentionally speak much less and only a few words, which made people thought I was a cold and arrogant person who looked down at others because –in their opinion- I looked exceptionally beautiful yet handsome. When honestly, I felt extremely uncomfortable around people I didn’t know. So I would end up being all timid and nervous.

People didn’t know me and they never really tried to know. They just judged, and judged.

But as much as they hurt me, I decided to pretend not to hear them and managed to hold my tears as I put a poker face. It was hard at first. But as the rough days went by, I mastered a new talent; I could secretly and silently cry with no one realizing. It wasn’t a special talent, but really useful for me. I was the head of the student council after all, so I had to be strong in front of these girls.

Yes, you’re right. I went to an all-girls high school. I was newly on my senior year. And the girl I rejected before was like the.. 25th girl? Or the 26th girl I rejected in this week?  I didn’t know precisely.

Countless of new juniors, who didn’t believe the spreaded rumor saying not to come nearby me and be aware of me, confessed to me. They said they really admired me, and most confessed that they fell for me at the first sight. I really appreciated them, but I could never return their feelings. I felt really bad for them, but my way of speaking seemed it left a rather hurtful and rude impression for them.

In short, those girls who said they liked me.. Turned to hate me. So much. They said awful things about me when they didn’t even know me. I could do nothing about them as I sadly couldn’t speak my heart out.


What do you expect me to do?


I frustratedly ran some fingers through my shoulder-length blonde hair as I let my feet brought me to my new classroom. As I walked, the students kept giving me hateful and disgusted faces like I was a criminal or , or someone who had just done something really nasty. Didn’t they realize that I was just a normal girl like them too?

They hurt me.

No, I can’t break into tears here. Just another year, Kim Taeyeon. Just another year so you’ll be outta here. Be strong.

I hung my head low so no one would be able to see my teary eyes.

A five-minutes of walking to the class felt like forever for me. I was quiet relieved when I finally reached it. It wasn’t like there was any better in the class, but at least I could just simply sit at the corner and block my ears from those people with my dear iPod, entering my own peaceful little world. Sometimes.. I felt like only music could understand me.

Just when I was about to step into the class, I heard my name was called by an unfamiliar voice. It was husky, yet feminine.

“Taeyeon sunbaenim!”

I turned to the source of the voice, and I could see a brunette girl ran a little towards me while panting lightly.

The 27th girl.

I let out another sigh as I leaned on the wall beside the class door, waiting for the girl to do her business. I tilted my head to the side when I saw that girl stepped on her own shoelace and tripped her feet, which made her fell forward and landed on her front body hard, creating a loud thud.

What a clumsy girl..


“Awww..” she winced in pain. She seemed really hurt and embarassed as there were many students laughed and pointed at her.

I slowly walked to her and knelt down in front of her to check whether she was okay. “Are you.. alright?”

She looked up and her eyes grew wide when she saw me.

“I-I-I’m okay,” she stuttered as her cheeks started becoming pinkish. She quickly jumped on her feet, which made me had to look up a bit as she was slightly taller than me.

“Breathe in, breathe out, Tiffany. That’s right.. You can do this!”

I just blinked as I watched this girl pumped her fist and encouraged herself. But when she finally stared right into my eyes, I knew what she was going to say, and I was sure that after this she was going to be another hater of mine.

She took another deep breath before looking at me with her hopeful, dark brown eyes.

Here she goes..

“Taeyeon sunbaenim, I.. I’m really glad that I finally find you. I’ve been admiring you so much.” she said with a nervous smile plastered on her reddened face. “I like you.”

There was something different with this girl, and I didn’t know why but she felt so familiar.

But still..


“Thank you. But sorry.” was all I could say before giving her my back.

The students around us who had been gathering and watching the whole thing, started becoming noisy as some of them harshly cursed me and some others uttered comforting words to that clumsy girl who went silent. And just like usual, guilt immediately filled every corner of my chest.

But what do you expect me to do?

I knew I would only hurt her further more if I let another word slipped out of my mouth.





“Kim Taeyeon,”

I looked up and found a middle-aged teacher was holding a stack of papers. I took a glance at him before pressing the pause button of my white iPod and plugging off my earphone. I put them in my blazer pocket.

“Yes, sir?”

“Please bring those papers to the teacher’s room,” he put down the papers on my desk  and smiled at me before casually exiting the classroom.

I rolled my tongue on my mouth wall as I glanced at the mount of papers.

The heck.

The teachers picked me as the head of the student council because of my brain. As naive as I was, at first I was slightly proud as I felt ‘the head of the student council’ title sounded really cool. But as the time went by I realized that it was nothing but the other word for ‘the teacher’s slave’. I had to do this and that and had to be responsible of many things. Burdensome.

I couldn’t help but groan annoyedly as I held the bottom of the stack of papers and carefully lifted them on my arms.

Oof. Damn, this is heavy.

The papers towered in front of my nose and slightly blocked my view. With those filled both of my thin arms, I cautiously walked to the teacher’s room upstairs and wished that no one would ‘kindly’ trip my foot or push me on purpose.

I could hardly see what was in front of me.

I didn’t notice someone was walking towards me before she accidentally bumped to me. Receiving a sudden push, I let out a squeal when I lost my balance and fell backwards, landed right on my . The papers I was holding earlier were now spreading and flying above me, just like falling snows.

“Ouch..” I hissed as I felt a stinging pain on my .

“OMO! I’m sorry, sunbaenim!”

I slowly looked up and saw the culprit whom I happened to recognize.

That clumsy girl..


I looked down again and frowned as soon as I scanned my surroundings. The papers were scattered everywhere. And I knew that if I ever lost even just one of them, the teachers would gladly blame me and say another resentful words, like what their students did to me wasn’t enough. I’d always been the person to blame. What a happy life.

“I’m really sorry, sunbaenim.” With a blink of eye the girl got on her knees and started gathering the papers. “I was too busy with my book so I didn’t see that you were—“

“It’s okay,” I cut her as I followed what she was doing. “I didn’t see what was in front of me either.”

“You aren’t mad?”

I stopped taking the papers and stared at her. “You want me to?” I asked back.

She looked up to me and broke into a smile. Her eyes turned into crescent shapes as the corner of her lips curved up. I had seen so many eyesmiles before, but hers.. I had to admit, her eyesmile was the best I had ever seen. It curved beautifully yet naturally without her putting much effort, unlike the other girls who smiled widely on purpose, just to bring their cheeks bone up so their eyes would form a smile line.

“Of course not.” she smilingly replied.


After all of the papers seemed to be all gathered, I stood up and dusted myself. So did she.

“Thank you.” I said as I reached my hand out to take the papers from her. But she pushed my hand back softly instead of handing those to me. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

She smiled to me, giving me the most kind and sincere smile I had ever got here. “Let me help you.”

I blinked several times.

It was my responsibilty to bring those papers and she just accidentally bumped into me.. She actually could just pretend not to see anything and walk away like the other girls would do. Why would she help me?

“I can bring those by myself.”

“And let another girl bumps you? No way. Please let me help you, sunbaenim. Where will you bring these? The teacher’s room? Aren’t these Mr. Lee’s subject?” she bombarded me with questions as she hugged the papers. I just stared at her for a few seconds. She stared back at me expectantly as she smiled innocently.

“Why do you help me?”

“Because I want to.”

“Don’t you hate me too?” I asked.

This time it was her turn to furrow her eyebrows whilst glancing at me confusedly. “Why would I?” she asked back.

“Why wouldn’t you?” As I remembered how I had been treated here, the pain tightened my chest. I slowly diverted my gaze from hers. “They say I’m rude, cold. I’m.. heartless.”

“They say,” she rephrased. “Not you say. You are not like that at all.”

Although I felt really thankful with her reply, I couldn’t help but wonder how she could say that when we had just met this morning.

“You don’t know me.”

She stopped walking and so did I. She beamed another bright smile that seemed it could blind my eyes soon. “Can I know you then?”


Her answer made me went silent for a few moment. It was the first time someone actually tried to know me. This girl was.. something. Not knowing what to say, I decided to stay silent and just headed to the teacher’s room.

We were already a few steps away from the door of our destination, indicating that our little trip was over. So with one swift move I took the papers back from her.

“Thank you for your help, Miss..” I paused, just then I remembered that I hadn’t even known her name.

She slowly turned her head to me and I could see another smile was forming in her face. Dude, this girl would smile all day long, wouldn’t she?

“Tiffany,” she said. “I’m Hwang Tiffany, and I’m in love with you, Taeyeon sunbae.”

I stared at her blankly. Okay, might be not so blank. Being honest, I was surprised to hear her second confession of the day after what I did to her this morning.

But before I could say any word, she shortly bowed and hurriedly walked away from me.

I chuckled when I saw her ears were all red, I bet she was blushing hard. Her blunt words didn’t go with her expression.

So her name is Tiffany..






Since that incident I didn’t know why but I had this urge to see her again. Somehow.

Much to my disappointment, the days passed by and I hadn’t seen that Tiffany girl around anymore.

I knew I shouldn’t assume things without any clear proof. But learning from my experience, I think she must have heard the rumours about me now, and finally realized that what she had done and said to me were wrong things to do. Although she said she didn’t believe them, who knows? Human is weak and easy to change, moreover teenage girls.

I knew that I should not be hoping, but I felt a bit disappointed. It was a pity since I thought she was different from the others. On the other side, it was indeed her right to hate me. And she better did. I had always been alone after all.

I smirked sympathetically to myself as I headed upstairs, to the student council’s room.


I was already in front of the door of the student council’s room and was preparing myself for another cold stares. They had never liked me to be their leader, obviously. And so had I. But neither from us could oppose the teachers’ will. So as long as the students didn’t put any deadly poison in my drink, I thought I didn’t have to be so affected by my surroundings and just do my job -as the head- well.

I lazily opened the door.

Instead of receiving nasty looks like what I usually got, I saw no one but a smiling brunette girl, sitting behind the desk next to mine.



 She stood up and gave a little bow. “Taeyeon sunbaenim,” she acknowledged. At that moment I  didn’t need an acknowledgment but an explanation.

Why is she in here?

Like she could read my mind –or might be my confused face showed it all-, she explained as she played with her fingers. “Umm, I’m joining the council, sunbae. The other sunbae asked me to. I hope you don’t mind..” she looked up to me.

Still in my speechless state, I just gave a short nod.

Why am I feeling happy to see her again?


“I will work hard, sunbaenim. I promise!” she pumped her fist. “Please just tell me what to do. What can I do now?” she smiled as her eyes glistened with enthusiasm.

She’s gonna be a big help. But.. Now? The midterm is near. She shouldn’t be here. She should be studying at home.

“Just go home.”

Soon as I said that I mentally facepalmed myself.

Shiz. Does that sound rude? Me and my problematic mouth. Why can’t I say the words in my mind? She’s so gonna take my intention wrongly.. Well done, Kim.

“Sunbaenim..” I saw her staring at me blankly.

Is she gonna cry? Is she gonna hate me too like the others?


But before I could know how she was going to react, the door was knocked. I turned there and saw two members of the council were stepping in. One was crying while the other one was rubbing her back, calming her down. I recognized them as Sulli –the crying girl- and Krystal, the other one. Both were my juniors, one grade below me.

I didn’t really know them well, but they didn’t despise me as much as the other did.  I could feel they still respected me as their senior, so I kinda cherished them.

“S-sunbaenim..” Sulli called hoarsely. “I’m really sorry..”

I just stood still, waiting for her to finish her sentence. Tiffany beside me was blinking cluelessly.

“I..” she sobbed. “I lost the financial report for this month. My laptop was broken this morning and all of the datas were lost. I’m really sorry, sunbaenim.” she bowed.

The financial report? Oh shoot. It has to be detailed and have no mistake, or else we will be accused corrupting. It must be submitted to the teachers tomorrow, but now the treasurer loses it..  What to do? What to do? Think, Kim. Think. Wait, I think the bills and the other financial details are still in my drawer. The report still can be made. I’m sure I can make it now.

“I’m really sorry for my carelesness, sunbaenim.. I.. I will fix it right now.” Sulli said between her sobs.

As expected Sulli is such a responsible girl. But the midterm is already near and I think it’s going to take a long time fixing the whole report. Besides, won’t it be be hard for her to work with guilty feelings? No, I can’t let her do this.


“No. Just go home.”

“But sunbae—“

“Just go home, Choi Sulli.”

“Sunbaenim, I-I-I’m really sorry..” Sulli cried harder as she buried her face on Krystal’s shoulder.

I sighed as I realized what I had just done.

Did I, no, did my mouth  do it again?

Krystal glared at me as she patted Sulli’s back. “Sunbae, she has said sorry. You don’t have to be that harsh, you know. Excuse me.” she remarked before leading the crying Sulli out from the room and slammed the door.

And now the respectful hoobaes are deeply hurt by your harshness. Nice move, Taeng. Very nice.


“I’ll help you, sunbaenim.”

I turned to the owner of that soothing voice.

Why does she still want to help me? Didn’t she see what I had just done to the other girls? Although deep inside I didn’t mean to hurt their feelings, I’m sure all she could see from outside was only a sunbae harshly commanded her hoobaes, right?

“Just go home too,” I went to my desk and opened my drawer, searching for the papers. I could see from the corner of my eyes she puffed her cheeks before slowly walking to the nearest computer set.

“I want to help you.” she insisted.


“Don’t worry, I’m a smart .”

I stopped digging on my drawer and stared at her questioningly. “What?”

“You told us to go home..” she nonchalantly said as she turned the computer on, “..because you are worrying about us since the midterm exam is near, aren’t you? It’s okay for me since I find it easy to study.” she turned to me and gave a warm smile. So warm that it felt like melting my heart. It weirdly made me felt like I could let my guard down.

How could she understand me?





“Aah~ finally it’s all done!” Tiffany exclaimed as she stretched her hands up. I just silently stole a glance at her as I put the finished report inside my bag before zipping it up.

I took a look at the window and it was already dark outside.

Time surely flew fast.. 

“I’ll take you home,” I decided. I didn’t know why but the I didn’t want anything bad happened to her.

She stood up while waving  her hand. “Thank you but—“

“I insist.”

She insisted me to let her do what she wanted twice today. It was my turn now.

Maybe after seeing my eyes that wouldn’t accept any refusal, she let me did what I wanted. She told me where she lived and surprisingly, it was just a few blocks from mine. The fact that I never saw her before around the neighborhood was because she said she had just moved there this year.


We decided to go by foot since our destination was not that far from the school. We walked side by side, but silence won between us along the way.

Although the winter had passed, the freezing wind was still able to pierce my bones. Good for me, I brought my thick coat and scarf with me all the time. Meanwhile this girl.. She wore no warm clothes but the school uniform only. I noticed she was shivering and kept rubbing her hands to obtain some heat. Her nose was all as red as a cherry.

Seeing her sneezing badly, I didn’t have anytime to contemplate and just took off my scarf before putting it around her white neck. I held her right hand –which was as cold as an ice cube- and shoved it inside the spacious pocket of my warm coat.

I was about to continue my step when I felt she didn’t move, but only stared at me with her head slightly tilted to the side.


She shook her head and smiled cheekily. I just shrugged and pulled her to walk with me. Although I was focused on the street ahead, I could see from the corner of my eyes that she didn’t stop smiling.

“Stop smiling like that.”

She didn’t listen to my words and kept having her pink lips curved up. “Hee~ I’m just really really happy.”

Because of me?

With her now warmed hand, she squeezed mine –which I used to hold hers-. “You know, sunbaenim,” she said, “my heart beats three time faster everytime you hold my hands.”

What is this girl saying?

 “Everytime?” I looked at her confusedly. “It’s the first time.”

“This is the second time, sunbae.” she turned her head to me. “The first was when you took me to the school.”


She suddenly dug in her bag and took out a pair of old glasses, which only made me questioning inside even more. She put it on and ruffled her bang until it covered her eyes, before pointing at herself. “Don’t you remember me?” she asked as she let out a rather shy smile.

“You?” I furrowed my eyebrows. I studied her face once and soon a flashback started going on my mind. “..Hold up,“







I looked back and found nothing but bunch of indifferent passing people at this crowded park. As I heard someone wincing, I lowered my gaze. A girl -whom I assumed was the one behind the loud thud- was there, on the grass.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Y-yes.” She looked up to me as she fixed her glasses. I couldn’t see her face since her brunette bang was all over her face, or at least down to her eyes. And like it wasn’t enough not to let people recognize her, she had this thick glasses to perfectly cover her identity. She stood up and dusted herself while a thought that she was probably a disguising famous person –Hallyu star maybe?- was crossing my mind.

I heard she cleared , breaking my stupid thoughts. “Umm, I’m sorry.. But could you tell me the way to this high school?” she showed me a brochure. The promotion brochure of my school, to be exact. She recognized my uniform, explaining why she asked a stranger like me.  Judging from her looks, I thought she was a midschooler and was going to take the entrance examination at my high school.

 “Sure.” So I told her the easiest yet detailed way to get there.

“Thank you very much!” she thanked with her loud voice as she bowed sixty degrees. I nodded in reply. I hesitated to leave her alone at first. She seemed like a slow, clumsy newcomer at the town. But come to think about it again, she was a stranger. And I had nothing to do about her.

Shrugging off my mind, I turned from her and was about to go when I heard another loud thud. I stopped my feet as I bet it was her, tripping herself, again. And I won my own bet; I was right. It was confirmed that she was the most clumsy girl I’d ever met; it hadn’t even been 5 minutes since the last time she landed on the ground.  

“Aww..” she winced. I approached her before staring down at her. Might be after feeling that someone was standing in front of her, she looked up. And once she met my eyes, she let out a sheepish, embarassed smile.

I sighed as I shook my head lightly in disbelief. “You’ll never get there if you keep tripping on your own feet,” I reached my hand out to her. “Let’s go.”



End of Flashback



Ah, now it makes sense why she felt so familiar.

“You are that clumsy girl, aren’t you?”

“Uhn,” she nodded. “That time, I was seriously determined to pass the entrance exam. So.. So I’d be able to meet you again, Taeyeon sunbae.”

“Why? Random people could just do what I did.”

“But the fact is, from those bunch of passing people, only you who cared to stop and gave me a hand. And since that.. I can’t forget you.” she blushed hardly. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her pinkish cheeks. This girl was funny. Why would she say things that made her embrassed? She was way too honest.

“Yahh, stop laughing at me, sunbaenim,” she covered her reddened face with her free hand.

“You’re like a tomato, Tiffany-ssi.” I laughed. When was the last time I laughed whole-heartedly?

“Mmff,” she puffed her cheeks and looked away, pouting like a little girl. “Not funny.”

I held my laughter but a chuckle still managed to slip out. “Haha.. Sorry.”

She slowly turned to me, wearing that angelic smile. “But if I have to blush to make you smile, I don’t mind blushing everytime.” she flashed her eyesmile which made me went weak on knees.

Why am I feeling funny like this?


I just realized that we had reached her house when she stopped walking. I weirdly felt unwilling to let go of her soft hand. Nevertheless I did, and my palm immediately missed the warmth.

“Good night, sunbaenim. Thanks for taking me home.” she bowed.   

“Good night.”

She gave me another smile before unlocking the door.

“Tiffany-ssi,” I called.

She spun around. “Yes?”

“Umm.. Thanks for your helps today..”

“It was my pleasure, sunbaenim.” she softly said; I could feel a sincerity in her tone.

We bid goodbye to each other once again before she shut the door. 

On my way home, I started to realize how quiet it was. It was cold and empty. But earlier.. I felt Tiffany’s presence filled every corner of it. She warmed it up. She made it brighter. And I wasn’t talking about the street or my surroundings, but my heart.

Love. Am I in it?

I just shrugged but as her smile appeared in my head, my lips automatically curved up. I felt like an idiot but joyful at the same time. Weird.






“Where is that new girl?”

Hearing someone mentioned her name, or at least referring to her, my interest grew as I looked up from the thick book which I’d been holding for the last hours –although I did not actually read it. Or I couldn’t, honestly. I hadn’t seen her the whole day and the thoughts of her seemed to distract my mind. I couldn’t concentrate in doing any thing. She drove me crazy.

“Haven’t you heard that?”

“Heard what?”

“She fainted this morning and has been in the clinic this whole day.”


“Fainted? Did someone beat her or what?”

“I heard she got a terrible cold..”

Is it because last night?

“Her friend said that she couldn’t stand cold wind, especially in a weather like now.”

.. Yes it is.


With no word I rushed out of the council’s room and immediately headed to the school clinic. Worries were above all of my guilts. I kept silently wishing that she’d be okay soon.

I saw the door was opened so I stepped in. The clinic was all white and it had strong smell of medicine in it. There were two separated beds there, both had a white silk curtain around it, giving off privacy.

I heard girls conversing behind the second curtain, so I assumed there she was. I was about to open the curtain but stopped when I heard someone mentioned my name, -or at least referred to me, in such a displeasing way.

“It’s because of that y sunbae, isn’t it?”

Because of me..

“Excuse me?” I heard her husky voice, weaker than usual.

“You got fever because she forced you to help her until late, right?” the girl said in an accusing tone.

 “Hey, I was the one who forced her to let me help her.” Tiffany raised her voice.

“But still, I don’t think you should hang out with her, Tiffany-ah. She is a cold person who will just hurt you and break your heart, in the end.”

 “Don’t talk about her like that if you don’t know her.”  

“But Tiffany—“

“No, I’m never going to stop loving Taeyeon sunbae.”

“Fine. Be that way.”


A girl stormed out from behind the curtain before slamming the clinic door, loudly. The curtain was slightly opened and soon as I turned there, our eyes met.

“Tiffany..” I stood still, not knowing what to say.  

I could see her eyes lit up. “Taeyeon sunbaenim,” she called as she tried to get up.

“No, no, stay.” I quickly went to stop her. Probably because she was still feeling unwell and having no energy to deny my words like usual, she obediently obeyed and laid on the bed again. She looked so weak and pale.

She’s like this.. because of me.

I softly sighed as I removed strands of hair on her face. “.. Are you fine?”

“I’m fine,” she said. She held my hand and stared into my eyes, worriedly. I thought my face was just too obvious to show my feelings; worries and guilts. “Are you fine?”

“Why?” I held her hand back. “Why do you keep loving me? Don’t you hear what they say?”

“I listen to no one but you.”

“But.. You can’t.”

“Why?” she asked with an unreadable expression. “Do you hate me, sunbaenim?”

Hating you was the last thing I’d do, Tiffany.


“So you love me too?”

“.. I feel so.”

“Then that all matters.”

I shook my head lightly. “But it’s.. It’s not right.”

There was a silence before she slowly got up and sat on the bed. She looked up to me as I was standing beside it.

“Taeyeon sunbaenim,” she touched my cheek as she gave me her breath-taking eyesmile, which literally made me hard to breath. “If loving you is a wrong thing, then I don’t want to be right. I love you.”

And that’s all what she really needed to break the wall of my heart. I didn’t know if this was love. All I knew was I felt weak. I felt crazy. I felt like I was so special. Like the time was stopped. Like the world was made for no one, but me and her.

.. What is love?


“.. I love you..” like attracted by a magical magnet, my face unconsciously leaned forward to hers.

She smiled, sweetly. “Say it again.”

“I love you,”


“I love you, Tiffany.”

“I love you the most.” she said before I closed the gap between our lips.


The word of love always sounded exceptionally beautiful and musical in my ears everytime she said it. My stomach would feel funny like there was butterflies went crazy inside, and  my heart.. I couldn’t explain what I feel.

So please tell me,




What is love?







Hi, long time no see. :))

Hope you like this one too. :3


Oh, and I'm sorry I can't update MoH soon. My mind is still not working properly after the nerve-wracking exams I've just had. 0_o

I tried to write this morning but I was totally like, "This is not right.." *backspace* *typing* "No, this won't work.." *delete*

.. and so on until it was all blank. BAHAHA.

I had the idea but I couldn't write down my mind.

But don't worry, I promise I'll update it as soon as I regain my touch. :))


Ah wells~ I talked too much


Thanks for reading! Do comment and subscribe too :DD

Spread the love~~ <33


*off to watch SS4INA* :3

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.I really like this story
Chapter 3: Sh** her question and that BE MINE still has the same effect to me after all this years!
16 streak #3
Chapter 2: This is great.. But I was hoping a real time machine.. Hahah.. Just like what I've watched in CIA... There's created a time machine to go back and due with her.. That was superb!
Ancsii #4
Chapter 2: OOo... So Sad!!! But.... I love it!!!! Sooooo
petalsss #5
I love it.. taeny<3
Chapter 6: What a nice story! :-D
Amiraxoxo #7
Hey author.love chapter 3.
Amiraxoxo #8
Hey author.love chapter 3.