The Dawn Conversation

TaeNy Airlines (One-Shot Collection)

Just a story crossing my mind when I was having insomnia. Oh by the way, it's 1 AM here when I'm posting this fic.



Genre: Romance

She opened her eyes. Then closed them again.

Opened them once again.

She kept blinking for some moment, wondering if she went blind all of sudden. But eventually she remembered that the lights were off, so stretched her not-so-lengthy arm to turn on the lamp on the nightstand.


Although the room was dim, but at least she could spot things again. She could stare at the white ceiling, at the floor which was piled up with messy clothes and shorts, and blissfully, at the sleeping angel beside her.

She smiled as she recalled the amazing making love session they had had earlier.

Taeyeon removed some strands of hair from Tiffany’s face before kissing the tip of her nose softly. She gave a peck on the younger girl’s plump pink lips, and it was originally planned as her last annoyance to her woman.

But the latter started kissing back, and Taeyeon realized she had unintendedly woken Tiffany up. She had completely forgotten that the girl was a light sleeper. Tiffany had wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s neck, and Taeyeon supported herself with elbows beside Tiffany’s head.

After unwillingly letting go of each other’s addictive lips, they stared lovingly at one another.

“Did I, by any chance, wake you up?” Taeyeon asked as she inched closer again, before showering butterfly kisses from Tiffany’s rosy cheek to her jawline, which earned soft moan from the latter.

“I guess so, but it’s okay,” Tiffany shifted her head a bit, easing Taeyeon’s access to explore her neck. “Why weren’t you asleep, anyway?”

“I don’t know.” Taeyeon mumbled between the work her skillful mouth was doing.

Tiffany moaned slightly louder when the older girl found the right spot.

“Wait, don’t leave any mark, babe,” she cupped Taeyeon’s face and kissed her lips instead, to prevent any further attack on her neck. “What do you mean you don’t know?”

“I.. just can’t stop my mind from thinking.” Taeyeon finally replied as she lay back beside Tiffany.

“Even though it’s already past 2 AM?” Tiffany caressed her cheek tenderly and was respnded by a meek nod. “What have you been thinking of, Tae?”

“A lot. Unimportant things, important ones, just, everything.”

“Like what?”

“Like.. why do people call bed, bed?”

“That’s because they call pillow, pillow,” Tiffany answered nonchalantly.

“I thought Taylor Swift would’ve won at least one Grammy.”

“I know, right? Too bad she did not.”

“What do you think would have happened to us if we were born and lived in the Northern, and not South Korea?”

“Then if we had been lucky enough to survive from the bombs, I think our occupations would definitely not be singers. We would sew some gloomy vests for some random soldiers, I imagine.”

“And we would wear some dirty sacks and slippers to walk around.” Taeyeon continued.

“Maybe we’d even walk barefooted.”

“Or take a bath only once a month.”

“That’s gross, Tae,” Tiffany laughed.

Taeyeon shrugged. “Well, who knows?”


Then silence fell for some seconds before the shorter girl started rambling her random thoughts again.

“I think it is sad how the world always seems to have this preference towards long-haired girls.”

“But hair is a girl’s crown, baby.”

“I can’t really agree to that,” Taeyeon objected as she kissed the back of Tiffany’s right hand and stared right into her eyes. “I’d still want every single piece of you, no matter if your hair was short or long, or even worse, bald.”

“Now, now, you’re being incredibly sweet yet cheesy that my fingers are all curled up, Taeyeon-ah.” Tiffany’s eyes formed perfect crescent shapes as she pretended to shiver, only to be hugged by Taeyeon, whom in a split of second began to tickle the Korean-American girl.

Tiffany was very ticklish and literally dying when she found it hard to breath, for she was laughing way too much. She panted so hard and tears were forming in her eyes after Taeyeon finally let go of her. Still in her embrace, though. But at least the devilish tickling had stopped.

“That’s for laughing at my attempt to flutter that heart of yours,” Taeyeon smirked as she leaned forward to kiss the latter’s forehead.

“I’m sorry honeyyyy,” Tiffany cooed playfully.

“Then properly apologise, you shall.” Still playing along with her bossy-attitude accent, Taeyeon faked a mad huff as she sat down and crossed her arms.

Tiffany rested her chin on Taeyeon’s left shoulder before kissing it slowly yet seductively. “What should I do to be forgiven? Hmm?”

Taeyeon immediately gave in as she pushed Tiffany back to the bed and hovered on top of her, causing Tiffany to yelp.

“I have no idea, let’s see..” Taeyeon’s eyes fixated on Tiffany’s while her right hand was slowly caressing her exposed thigh up and down. “Ah, why does this girl’s skin feel so good? Hmm?” Taeyeon wiggled her eyebrows as she mimicked Tiffany’s tone earlier.

Tiffany giggled, feeling both ticklish and aroused at the same time when she felt Taeyeon’s hand was moving higher. “Stop it, Tae. I’ve got no more energy for another round.”

Taeyeon’s face fell and she couldn’t help but frown. “For real?”

“Yeah, I mean it’s already, like, almost 3 AM? Which means I’d only have 2 hours before my schedule starts.”

“N’aww, you are right. You’ve gotta rest.” Taeyeon pouted as she lay back again. She pulled the blanket up to fully cover Tiffany’s bare body. “You can’t be sick and have to look pretty all day, okay girl?” she smiled as she pinched Tiffany’s cheek.

 “Will do, sir,” Tiffany playfully saluted. “I’m going to attend some fashion shows tomorrow.”

“Where at?”

“New York, dear. My flight’s at 6 in the morning.”

“Seriously? Well you better sleep now young lady, and the next thing you know is waking up to the delicious breakfast I’ll have prepared. I’m going to drive you to the airport afterwards.”

“You are soooo sweet, Taeyeon-ah. But you don’t have to drive me there.” Tiffany snuggled closer.

“Why? By driving you we can have longer time together, you know. At least until we reach the departure gate.”

“No, it’s..” Tiffany heavily sighed and Taeyeon instantly recognized the familiar guilt and worry looks Tiffany was giving to her.


“Nichkhun’s picking you up?” Taeyeon exhaled, failing to hide her disappointment.


Tiffany remained silent and hugged the older girl even tighter, staying under her chin.

“I’m sorry..”

“Nah, it’s.. not quite okay to me. But I understand.” Taeyeon said as she cupped Tiffany’s face so they could stare into each other’s eyes. “We both do understand.”

“Still, I can’t help but feel sorry,” Tiffany completed her apology with a peck on Taeyeon’s lips. “Sorry.”

“Hey, you know what, I’ve been thinking about this.” Taeyeon’s face suddenly became serious which made Tiffany feel uneasy and tense.

“No.  No, I’m not giving up on us, Kim Taeyeon. Please.” she pleaded and almost cried.

“Hey relax honey, neither am I,” Taeyeon chuckled as she rubbed Tiffany’s back. “So since I’m not going to let my Tiffany go, I think I should let you know this crazy thing I’ve been keeping on my mind.”

“What exactly have you been thinking of?” Tiffany questioned, dying of curiosity inside.


 “Let’s move to the US.”

“What?” Tiffany’s eyes popped open in surprise.

“After all of these finally come to the end, of course; after we’re retired from Girls’ Generation, after we finish our contract with the agency. After we’re finished with whatever we’re doing right now, let us settle a new life there. We can do whatever we desire. You can continue your study or start new job, and so can I.”

Tiffany couldn’t help but feel both surprised and amazed at how the leader had been meticulously thinking about the future ahead. Their future, to be exact.

“And you know it more than anyone, that we can be free to hold hands or even kiss in public there,” Taeyeon smirked when she saw Tiffany blushed. “Or maybe, I can finally introuduce you as my lover to everyone I meet.”

“Taengoo..” Tiffany was already on verge of tears as she was really touched at how thoughtful Taeyeon to their relationship –which they had been hiding all the time.

“I realize that we still have to maintain our relationships with our boyfriends at the moment, for so many reasons, and for that I beg for your understanding as much as I give you mine. I can trust you, and so can you, undoubtedly. Jealousy may appear sometimes, I admit, but let’s not let our anger and envy ruin whatever we have built together.”

“I promise.”

“Even though now I’ve already said this, I know there are so many things to be prepared and done at this very moment. So I don’t wanna be burdensome to you and I want us to let things flow just as how we always did.” Taeyeon smiled so tenderly that Tiffany mentally swore she was melting inside. Taeyeon never failed to surprise and make Tiffany fall for her again and again.

“We are gonna be together for a loooong time, so no need to rush.” Taeyeon dorkily grinned.

She sealed her confession with a long, passionate kiss. They devoured each other’s lips like there was no tomorrow and eventually parted away, when the needs of oxygen overhelmed their lungs.

They smiled at one another and beamed their exchanged love-filled stares. Words were rather unnecessary as they had already known what they were feeling.

But they said it anyway.

“I love you so much, Tiffany.” Taeyeon nuzzled her nose to the younger girl’s.

“I love you more, Taeyeon-ah.”


They went back into comfortable silence smilingly, as relief filled the air and they were beyond happy that the random conversations at dawn had just officially made their bond stronger than ever.

“By the way,” Tiffany suddenly broke the silence. “How about you? What’s your plan for tomorrow? Any schedule?”

That time was Taeyeon’s turn to sigh and look away.

“You are going on a date with Baekhyun, I suppose?” Tiffany narrowed her eyes as she poked the latter’s cheek.

“Yeah, and what’s even worse is, I am the one picking him up.”

They broke into laughter and stayed quiet for some moments before drifting back to sleep, holding one another closer and warmer. 



Hi! Long time no see, my readers! How's life?

I know that I haven't been writing in a long period, and I hope I haven't completely lost my skill.

Please let me know what you think about this fic, and if it , I'll immediately quit.

Haha no, just kidding. I love writing. BUT seriously, with the upcoming final exams as 3rd graders, I don't think I'll be able to update as much.

Yeah. So.

Bye for now!

Spread the love~~ ^^

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.I really like this story
Chapter 3: Sh** her question and that BE MINE still has the same effect to me after all this years!
16 streak #3
Chapter 2: This is great.. But I was hoping a real time machine.. Hahah.. Just like what I've watched in CIA... There's created a time machine to go back and due with her.. That was superb!
Ancsii #4
Chapter 2: OOo... So Sad!!! But.... I love it!!!! Sooooo
petalsss #5
I love it.. taeny<3
Chapter 6: What a nice story! :-D
Amiraxoxo #7
Hey chapter 3.
Amiraxoxo #8
Hey chapter 3.