Money Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 7


When Eunhye came home she saw Dongho sitting on the ground pouting and playing with a few of his toys, what bothered her was that she didn’t see Soohyun near him and he always was. She took off her jacket and shoes and sat down next to Dongho.


“Where is your father?” Eunhye asked looking at Dongho.

“In his room, why as mommy on the news?” Dongho asked pouting.

“Did your daddy saw that too?” Eunhye asked in shock.

“Yes, after that he turned off the TV and walked to his room leaving me here sitting and playing with my toys” Dongho explained.


“I’m going to talk with your daddy okay, why don’t you watch some TV?” Eunhye suggested.

“But daddy said” Dongho started.

“Just a children’s program okay” Eunhye said smiling and gave Dongho the remote of the TV.

“Okay, mommy be careful I’ve never seen daddy this mad” Dongho said looking up at her as she stood up.

“Mommy can take care of herself” Eunhye said  smiling and walked to Soohyun’s room, she took a deep breath before entering his bedroom and closed the door behind her.


“Dongho I told you to stay in the living room” Soohyun said.

“I’m not Dongho, now tell me why he is all alone with is toys?” Eunhye said and walked to the bed where he was lying up on with his back turned towards her.


“Why where you on the news? And what about you getting married?” Soohyun asked sitting up and glaring at her.

“I’m not marrying anyone, he just made the rumor up I’ve been telling him for over a month that I’m not marrying him but he just won’t listen” Eunhye explained.


“Then why would he say that to the media?” Soohyun asked.

“Because he thinks I would say yes, and I won’t, look my father has cancer and he doesn’t have a very long time to live anymore and he is taking advantage of that, the day I met you I got into a fight with my father and that guy and I didn’t want anything to do with them at that point, then I came to your house and you let me stay here up until now and I’m really thankful that you let me stay here in your place” Eunhye explained with tears in her eyes as she fell to the ground.


“So what is next? You are moving out? Going back to your own home?” Soohyun asked.

“If you will still let me stay here I will stay, I don’t want to go back my dad will just force me to marry that guy, please let me stay”  Eunhye sobbed on the floor.


Soohyun looked at her and he didn’t know what to do, he was mad that she lied to him but now she was telling him the truth did he really want to send her back to her father? He needed some time to think about this.


“Daddy let mommy stay, don’t send her away if you send her away I’m going with mommy” Dongho said entering the room and hugged Eunhye who was still crying on the floor. Soohyun looked up at Dongho who was now hugged Eunhye, she smiled softly at him even though the tears kept running down her face.


“Dongho will take care of mommy” Dongho said smiling at Eunhye and made her laugh.

“Thank you Dongho” Eunhye said and hugged him.

“Dongho can I speak to Eunhye in private one more time?” Soohyun asked looking at his son.

“Are you going to hurt mommy?” Dongho asked standing in front of Eunhye protecting her.

“No I won’t hurt her, I just want to speak to her in private okay” Soohyun said still looking at him.

“Okay, but if you try something I’m still in the living room” Dongho said glaring at his own father and left the room leaving Eunhye and Soohyun alone. Soohyun walked closer to her and lifted her up from the ground and placed her up the bed.


“I don’t want you to leave, in this month that you’ve spend with us I’ve started to like you and might even love you, this isn’t easy to say for me since I don’t know how you feel I know Dongho wants you as his real mother but I can’t force you” Soohyun explained.


Eunhye looked up at him and knew what he said was the truth, but she didn’t know how she felt for him, yes she started to like him and she liked Dongho too but she didn’t know if they would accept her if they found out about her father’s company and that she is about to take that over from him, would they accept her even though she’s rich?


“Soohyun I still have to tell you something else, do you know the Kim building?” Eunhye asked.

“Yeah why is there something with that building?” He asked confused.

“It’s my dad’s company, and if he passes away it’s mine” Eunhye explained.

“What do you want me say to that?” Soohyun asked.

“You don’t care that I have lots of money? You don’t care that I own one of the most expensive companies in the country?” Eunhye asked confused.


“I don’t love you for your money, I love you for you I’m not like the other people who marry or love a person just for their money, look at Dongho and me we survived with barely any money and we are still living and healthy” Soohyun said looking at her in disbelieve.


“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like that, so you would love me no matter how much money I have?” Eunhye asked looking at him.


“Yes I would, I already do please stay here Dongho doesn’t want you to leave either” Soohyun pleaded.

“When the time comes that the company is mine, do you think we could buy a bigger house then this? My dad’s house is too big for me and this is a little too small especially for when Dongho grows up, I can offer you a job at my company when Dongho goes to school full term” Eunhye explained smiling.


“Does that mean that you are staying with us?” Soohyun asked smiling.

“Yes that means I’m staying, I think I love the both of you so I won’t let you go” Eunhye said smiling and Soohyun hugged her before kissing her.


“So does that mean I have a real mommy now?” Dongho asked entering the room with a big smile on his face, making Soohyun and Eunhye break apart and laugh at Dongho happily.


“Yes that is what it means” Eunhye replied smiling at Dongho while she was still in Soohyun’s arms, and he didn’t want to let go of her anytime soon not that he did anyway.


5 months later


5 months later Eunhye, Soohyun and Dongho had moved from the small house to a normal build house that was perfect for the three of them, Soohyun was still staying at home with Dongho while Eunhye went to work on most of the day. Her father had passed away three days after Soohyun and her had that conversation, she was a little sad but didn’t cry until after the funeral she things it must’ve been the shock.


Alexander tried again to get her to marry him he even brought his parents along but she still rejected him and explained everything he’s done to her to his parents and they weren’t happy with  that, so they ordered him to move back in their house and then looked for nice young women who he would marry in the end.


“I’m home!” Eunhye yelled as she entered through the door.

“Mommy save me daddy is casing me” Dongho said running towards her.

“Come here” Eunhye said and put her suitcase on the floor and pulled Dongho up from the floor kissing his cheek.


“Welcome home, but why are you home so early?” Soohyun asked confused.

“Didn’t I tell you I would take the afternoon off? “ Eunhye asked looking at Soohyun.

“Right sorry I forgot about that, but it’s 2 pm right now where have you been before then?” He asked confused.


“I went by the doctor, where are you with your thoughts?” Eunhye asked.

“I’m sorry I was just worried about Dongho all morning” Soohyun said looking from Eunhye to Dongho.

“What is wrong with you then?” Eunhye asked looking at Dongho.

“I woke up with a tummy ache, and daddy said I had a fever too” Dongho replied. Eunhye placed her hand on his head to feel his temperature but didn’t thought it was that high to be called a fever.


“It’s gone now but I was just worried it would come back” Soohyun explained.

“Why don’t you go to your room and play with something while me and daddy speak for a while okay” Eunhye said smiling at Dongho and placed him down on the ground.


“What is it?” Soohyun asked.

“I’m pregnant” Eunhye said smiling at Soohyun, she saw his face change from confused to happy to sad.

“What is wrong? Did I say something wrong?” Eunhye asked looking confused at Soohyun.

“Remember Dongho’s mother? After he was born she kicked us out with nothing” Soohyun started looking at her sadly.


“No! Soohyun! Look at me I would never do that I love you, I will not leave you with Dongho and another baby I know for sure you cannot take another blow, I will not leave you” Eunhye said smiling and hugged Soohyun.


“Eunhye” Soohyun started as he stepped away from her hug, she looked at him confused but waited for him to continue what he wanted to say.


“Thank you for everything, you’ve been a really good mother to Dongho and for me you’ve been great to me and I love you even more than I did before, so would you marry me and become my wife and the mother of Dongho and our unborn child?” Soohyun asked looking at her and then Dongho entered the room with a box holding a ring in it. (http://www.greatjewelryguide.com/wp-content/uploads/gold-emerald-ring.jpg)


“I know the ring isn’t much but I couldn’t afford an expensive ring” Soohyun explained.

“Please say yes mommy” Dongho said pouting.

“Yes, yes I would want to marry you” Eunhye said smiling and Soohyun lifted Dongho up from the ground and let Dongho give Eunhye the ring while she put it on her finger. She smiled looking at the ring before hugging both of them.




Sorry for all the time jumps in the story but i didn't know what i had to do with it anymore :D

But i got to finish it, i wanted to write more but my other stories have been getting most of my attention :(

What did you think of the ending?

Please tell me your thoughts :D

Maybe I'll see you in another story of mine?

Thank you for reading and supporting me :D

Bye Bye *Waves*

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 7: One word. CUTEEEE!!!! Neomu neomu kyeoo~~ >~< squeal? Pweasee? ^^
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 7: Oh my~ baby dongho's soooooooooo cute XD
shmur_itskurry #3
awww! cutiest story ever! I can imagine Dongho as a little cute kid. >.< soooo cute!!! :D
TheGermCafe #4
SO CUTE!!!!!
I love Dongho,hes so cute and funny^^
you should make a sequel!!!!
Aww! I Loved it!~ keke~ :3
Aigoo ~
So cute ^^
I love it so muchie ^^
: )
Awh. >.<

I didn't know that I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry.
The ending is kind of rushed, but I like it a lot nonetheless. >.<
ukissmekevin16 #8
She had better stay with soohyun! No Alexander!
Is it Dongho? That sneaky kid. Tsk tsk.<br />
Cute update >.< he fed her like a child. Teehee