Money Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 6


“What’s wrong?” Soohyun asked looking at Eunhye when he came back.

“I-it’s nothing” Eunhye said putting her phone away an d looking back up at Soohyun with a smile.

“It’s not nothing, tell me what is wrong” Soohyun said looking Eunhye.

“I need to go and meet someone, but I don’t want to go” Eunhye said looking at the table now.

“Who do you need to meet?” Soohyun asked.

“Never mind, I’ll go I’ll meet you in time at Dongho’s school to pick him up I promise” Eunhye said standing up from her seat.


“I’ll come with you if you want” Soohyun said standing up too.

“No I promise I’ll be there on time, I promised Dongho too right” Eunhye said.

“Are you sure you are going to be fine?” Soohyun asked.

“No, but I’m sure you and Dongho will help me afterwards right?” Eunhye said trying to smile.

“Just be careful” Soohyun said before Eunhye took off.


Eunhye walked into her father’s building and ran straight to the canteen of the building, she looked around the canteen but didn’t see Alexander anywhere. She walked upstairs to her father’s office and greeted his assistant.


“Ma’am someone is in your fathers office, eh said he would wait for you” She said before going further with her work.

“Thank you, next time he comes don’t let him enter he does not own this building nor this office he can’t get in here without my permission” Eunhye explained to her.


“He said he had permission from your father” She said.

“My father is dying, he’s speaking nonsense don’t trust him if it happens a next time” Eunhye said and entered the office to see Alexander sitting in her dad’s chair.


“Get out of that chair right now!” Eunhye yelled as the door closed with a loud bang.

“Good morning to you too” Alexander said smiling.

“Get out of the chair, it’s not your chair and you don’t belong here” Eunhye said glaring at Alexander and walked closer to him. 


“I’m out already, but you should do something about your attitude, we are having dinner tonight with my parents they want to meet you” Alexander explained.


“How many times do I have to tell you I won’t marry you!” Eunhye yelled at him.

“It’s what is best for you and the company” Alexander explained.

“Cancel dinner, I have other plans I can’t cancel” Eunhye said and sat down on her father’s chair.

“It’s my parents, I’m not going to cancel dinner” Alexander argued.

“Then tell them I couldn’t come, I’ve got something else so I can’t come to dinner, oh and get out and never show your face in this building again, I’m not marrying you and that is final” Eunhye said and watched Alexander leave. She grabbed her phone and looked for Soohyun’s number before grabbing the office phone and called him.



“It’s me Eunhye” She said softly.

‘Why are you calling is something wrong?’ Soohyun asked in panic.

“I’m fine, I just wanted to say that if people start asking you weird questions about me, just ignore them” Eunhye explained.


‘Why? What is wrong? What happened?’ Soohyun asked.

“Nothing to serious, I’ll meet you at Dongho’s school okay” Eunhye said and ended the call, she then got the key out of the desk and walked out of the office locking the door behind her and putting away the key.


“If he comes here again, deny him access, if he doesn’t leave on his own call security and then let him know that he isn’t welcomed into the building anymore and if he does appear that we’ll call the police” Eunhye explained.


“Yes ma’am, are you coming here every day now?” She asked.

“I can’t promise anything, I’m busy too” Eunhye said and left the place and the building, she walked to Dongho’s school thinking of what she should say to Soohyun when he asked her what had happened.


A month later


“Daddy, isn’t that mommy?” His 2 year old asked pointing at the TV.

“Yes she is” Soohyun said looking shocked.

“Why is she on the TV?” He asked.

“I don’t know baby, I don’t know. Can you turn up the sound?” Soohyun asked his son.


‘Kim Eunhye shi, there are rumors you are going to get married to Alexander Lee, are those true?’ A reporter asked.


‘This is the first time I heard those rumors but rumors are rumors, I won’t be getting married anytime soon and if I am it’s not for a business deal it’s for love’ Eunhye explained smiling to the camera.


‘Is it true that you have been going out with an unemployed person who already has a child?’ Another reporter asked.


‘I’m sorry but I do not know what you are talking about’ Eunhye said and after that Soohyun turned off the TV he didn’t have to see more, right now he felt heartbroken that she didn’t speak the truth and just wrote him off like that, but why was she on TV to begin with? Soohyun felt confused as he laid down on the couch.


‘What happened to the girl he met last month? And those fun times they had spent together, had they meant nothing to her?’ He thought before turning to Dongho who was left pouting because the TV was turned off.


“Daddy I want to see mommy on TV” Dongho said pouting.

“You can see her if she comes home I’ll be in my room and please just stay here in the living room playing with a few toys” Soohyun instructed Dongho who only nodded and then he left to  his bedroom.


Sorry for not updating so long i had a writers block :(

@Ilovebb2ne1gdcl Alexander causes a lot of trouble doesn't he? XD

What is going to happen next?

Will eunhye explain everything to Soohyun when she comes back home?

Will Soohyun listen to her?

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 7: One word. CUTEEEE!!!! Neomu neomu kyeoo~~ >~< squeal? Pweasee? ^^
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 7: Oh my~ baby dongho's soooooooooo cute XD
shmur_itskurry #3
awww! cutiest story ever! I can imagine Dongho as a little cute kid. >.< soooo cute!!! :D
TheGermCafe #4
SO CUTE!!!!!
I love Dongho,hes so cute and funny^^
you should make a sequel!!!!
Aww! I Loved it!~ keke~ :3
Aigoo ~
So cute ^^
I love it so muchie ^^
: )
Awh. >.<

I didn't know that I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry.
The ending is kind of rushed, but I like it a lot nonetheless. >.<
ukissmekevin16 #8
She had better stay with soohyun! No Alexander!
Is it Dongho? That sneaky kid. Tsk tsk.<br />
Cute update >.< he fed her like a child. Teehee