Money Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 5


“Dongho, why are you still up?” Soohyun asked looking at his son.

“I wanted to see mommy, mommy can you read a story to me?” Dongho asked pouting at Eunhye.


“Sure come I’ll take you to your room” Eunhye said smiling and lifted Dongho up and brought him back to his room. When they got to his room Eunhye got Dongho in his bed and grabbed a book from his shelve and sat on Dongho’s bed reading the book together with him until he fell asleep. Eunhye smiled softly and left Dongho’s room and went to look for Soohyun.


“Here a pajama that you can wear for tonight, and you can sleep on the bed I’ll take the couch” Soohyun said smiling at Eunhye as she walked into his bedroom.


“Thank you, but really I don’t want you to give up your bed for me” Eunhye said accepting the pajama and looked at Soohyun uneasy.


“No, really it’s okay” Soohyun said.

“Will the two of you just sleep in the same bed and shut up, I want to sleep!” Dongho yelled from his room with a smirk on his face.


“If you don’t mind?” Soohyun said blushing.

“No it’s okay, the bed is big enough” Eunhye said smiling softly at Soohyun and walked to the bathroom to change into the pajama’s and then back into the bedroom.


“Thank you for letting me stay here” Eunhye said when she was back in the bedroom and smiled at Soohyun.


“No problem,  I would do it for all my friends, but because I have Dongho now I don’t have a lot of them left” Soohyun said smiling softly.


“They left you because you had Dongho?” Eunhye asked looking at Soohyun amazed.

“Yes, that proves who your real friends are” Soohyun said still standing in front of the bed.

“Why don’t we get some sleep” Soohyun said and walked to the other side of the bed looking at Eunhye.

“O-okay” Eunhye stuttered and laid down in the bed on the other side, she turned her back towards Soohyun as he undressed himself and laid down in bed too.


“Goodnight” Soohyun said and turned off the lights.

“Goodnight” Eunhye whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


The next morning


Soohyun woke up and looked on the clock to see it was already 8 am, he was late and Dongho needed to be at school on 8:30. He flew out of his bed and put on his clothes and ran into the kitchen to see Eunhye and Dongho sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.


“Good morning daddy” Dongho said smiling at his father.

“Good morning, why didn’t you wake me up?” Soohyun asked looking at Dongho.

“Mommy told me not too, she said you were looking…” Dongho was cut off by Eunhye.

“You looked tired so I wanted to let you sleep a little longer, I would’ve taking him to his school if you weren’t awake yet” Eunhye explained looking at Soohyun.


“The both of you nearly gave me a heart attack” Soohyun said.

“Sorry daddy, I just wanted mommy to take care of me” Dongho said pouting at him.

“I know, but still” Soohyun said.

“I would’ve left you a note if you were still where asleep” Eunhye explained.

“But he’s still my son so I would’ve been worried” Soohyun said.


“Eat some breakfast, we have to leave in 15 minutes” Eunhye said smiling at Soohyun stood up and pushed him down on the chair she was sitting on and placed a plate in front of him.


“You made all this?” Soohyun said looking at the table.

“Yes why? Is something wrong?” Eunhye asked looking at him.

“No I was just wondering, what time  did you stood up to make all this then?” Soohyun asked looking at her.


“Around 7am, at 7:30 I woke up Dongho and put him in bath before cooking the rest, then I got him out of the tub and changed his clothes before putting him in his chair and putting the rest on the table” Eunhye explained sitting next to Dongho and helped him with eating his breakfast.


After Soohyun and Eunhye had brought Dongho to school they went into the city shopping for a few clothes for Eunhye, since she was going to stay a few more day’s with Soohyun and Dongho. During their shopping trip Soohyun and Eunhye sat down and drank some coffee.


“Can you tell me why you were crying last night?” Soohyun asked looking at her.

“I had an argument with my father, I didn’t agree with some things he had planned out” Eunhye said looking down at the table.


“You mean he planned out your future for you?” Soohyun asked looking at her in shock.

“Yes he did” Eunhye said sighing.

“Do people still do that to their children?” Soohyun asked shocked.

“My dad did it to me, I’m just sad and angry at the same time” Eunhye said still looking down at the table.

“It’s okay, you can stay with me for a few more days if you want too, and Dongho would love it too, if you decided to stay” Soohyun said smiling at her.


“Thank you” Eunhye said looking up at Soohyun with a smile on her face.

“No problem” Soohyun said still smiling at her.

“Until what time goes Dongho to school then?” Eunhye asked.

“He’ll be there for another 2 hours” Soohyun said looking at his watch.


Eunhye grabbed her cellphone out of her pocket because she felt it vibrate saying she got a text message, she looked at the screen but she didn’t know the number.


“I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back okay” Soohyun said and stood up.

“Okay, I’ll be sitting here” Eunhye said smiling at him before looking back at the test message on her phone, rereading it a few times.


‘Eunhye, it doesn’t matter that you’ve walked away in the end you are still going to marry me weather you’ll like it or not, your father agreed to my terms already so what more could you want? That way your father is happy too. Meet me at the canteen of your dad’s company in one hour, or face the consequences., Alexander’


Updated again :D

@ChoiMinho10 cute right? :D

What is going to happen next?

Will Eunhye go and meet Alexander or will she stay with Soohyun?

Will she marry Alexander in the end?

Or will she stay with Dongho and Soohyun?

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 7: One word. CUTEEEE!!!! Neomu neomu kyeoo~~ >~< squeal? Pweasee? ^^
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 7: Oh my~ baby dongho's soooooooooo cute XD
shmur_itskurry #3
awww! cutiest story ever! I can imagine Dongho as a little cute kid. >.< soooo cute!!! :D
TheGermCafe #4
SO CUTE!!!!!
I love Dongho,hes so cute and funny^^
you should make a sequel!!!!
Aww! I Loved it!~ keke~ :3
Aigoo ~
So cute ^^
I love it so muchie ^^
: )
Awh. >.<

I didn't know that I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry.
The ending is kind of rushed, but I like it a lot nonetheless. >.<
ukissmekevin16 #8
She had better stay with soohyun! No Alexander!
Is it Dongho? That sneaky kid. Tsk tsk.<br />
Cute update >.< he fed her like a child. Teehee