Money Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 4


“What?” Eunhye asked confused.

“Well, he knows a lot more about how to run a business, so he came with an proposal” Her dad said.

“And that is?” Eunhye asked looking at the guy skeptical.

“He wants to marry you, so he can help you with running the business” Her dad said smiling at her.

“Not going to happen” Eunhye said.

“Why not?” Her dad asked her.


“He’s only after your money, and if he signs the partnership papers he gets half of the business, no dad just no, if I want to get married I would do it because I love that person and who is not after my or your money” Eunhye explained.


“I have my own money, can’t I just want to marry you because I might like you?” He asked standing up and walked towards her.


“I don’t even know you, so how can you like me?” Eunhye asked stepping away from the guy.

“My name is Alexander” Alexander said introducing himself.

“And I don’t care” Eunhye said.

“Baby listen to me, I want you to marry him too, that way I know you are save and that I won’t have to worry about some weird guy trying to stalk you” Her dad explained to her.


“I can take care of myself, I don’t need the protection of the both of you” Eunhye said angry and left the house, she started running down the streets crying, how could her own father do that to her.


She wasn’t looking to where she was running when she looked up again she stood in front of Soohyun’s house, she walked up the steps and knocked on the door waiting for him to open the door, when he did she hugged him crying into his shirt.


“What happened? Are you okay?” He asked closing the door and helped her inside.

“Can I stay here for the night? I have no other place to go to” Eunhye said looking at the ground.

“Sure, you can stay here as long as you want to” Soohyun replied smiling at her.

“Thank you” Eunhye said trying to smile now too.

“What happened? Who made you cry like this?” Soohyun asked hugging her trying to stop her crying.


“I’d rather not talk about it now, if you don’t mind” Eunhye said looking down.

“It’s okay, tell me when you are ready, come I just cooked dinner let’s eat something” Soohyun said smiling and helped her to the kitchen and placed her down on one of the chairs and got a plate for her and a glass and put it in front of her on the table.


“Here eat some, I still have to put Dongho in bed so you can eat in peace” Soohyun said smiling at her before walking out the kitchen and into Dongho’s bedroom.


“Daddy who was at the door?” Dongho asked as his father returned in his bedroom.

“Eunhye was asking for a place to stay for the night, something must’ve happened she looked really upset” Soohyun explained laying Dongho down on his bed and pulled the covers over him.


“Was mommy crying?” Dongho asked pouting.

“She was, now go to sleep and maybe she’ll be the one to wake you up tomorrow morning” Soohyun said smiling at his son.


“You better not lie to me” Dongho said pouting before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

“Good night baby” Soohyun whispered and kissed Dongho’s forehead before walking out of his bedroom and back to the kitchen closing the door softly.


Soohyun entered the kitchen and saw Eunhye still sitting at the table poking her food.

“Why don’t you eat something?” Soohyun said sitting down next to her.

“I’m not really hungry” Eunhye said putting her fork down on the table.

“Eat something or else I’m going to feed you like I always did with Dongho” Soohyun warned her.

“Really I’m not really hungry” Eunhye said trying to smile.


Soohyun picked up her fork and put some food up on it and held it in front of waiting for her to open up .


“Come, open up the train is waiting” Soohyun said smiling at Eunhye. Eunhye looked at him and smiled before opening and accepting the fork with food.


“Hmm, did you make this yourself?” Eunhye asked amazed.

“Yes did, like it?” Soohyun asked putting some more food on the fork and held it in front of her again smiling softly at her.


“Yes I do” Eunhye said opening and accepting the fork again.

“Hmm, can you cook too?” Soohyun asked her and put some more food on her fork.

“Yes, but you have to give me the recipe for this, or teach me how to make it” Eunhye said smiling at him and opened again to accept the fork with food.


“And you said you weren’t hungry, two more bites left” Soohyun said smiling at her and filled the fork again and held it in front of , she opened again and accepted the food again. Soohyun put the last bit on the fork and held it again in front of waiting for her to open up again and when she took the final bite he grabbed the fork and plate and put it in the sink with the other plates.


“I’ll clean this in the morning, I’ll sleep on the couch and you can have the bed” Soohyun said smiling at Eunhye.


“What no, I’ll take the couch this is your house, I don’t want to take your bed away from you” Eunhye said looking at Soohyun.


“Why don’t you both take the bed” A voice said from the doorway.


Finally i updated again, i was way too busy with another big mistake sowwy :(

@shinpark11 He is isn't he :D

@ChoiMinho10 It's just himself XD

Who is the person in the doorway?

Where will Eunhye sleep in the end?

Where will Soohyun sleep in the end?

Will Eunhye and her father make up?

Will Alexander be trying to find her?

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 7: One word. CUTEEEE!!!! Neomu neomu kyeoo~~ >~< squeal? Pweasee? ^^
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 7: Oh my~ baby dongho's soooooooooo cute XD
shmur_itskurry #3
awww! cutiest story ever! I can imagine Dongho as a little cute kid. >.< soooo cute!!! :D
TheGermCafe #4
SO CUTE!!!!!
I love Dongho,hes so cute and funny^^
you should make a sequel!!!!
Aww! I Loved it!~ keke~ :3
Aigoo ~
So cute ^^
I love it so muchie ^^
: )
Awh. >.<

I didn't know that I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry.
The ending is kind of rushed, but I like it a lot nonetheless. >.<
ukissmekevin16 #8
She had better stay with soohyun! No Alexander!
Is it Dongho? That sneaky kid. Tsk tsk.<br />
Cute update >.< he fed her like a child. Teehee