Money Can't Buy My Love

Chapter 1


“Eunhye, I have something to tell you” Her father said looking at her.

“What is it?” Eunhye asked looking up.

“I only have about a month left to life, you need to start preparing to take over the company” Her father said looking at her seriously.


“What! Daddy I’m not ready yet, and it’s a really big company to take care off I’m not that strong as you are to take care of it” Eunhye said.


“I’m sorry baby but you are the only one I can trust with my company” Her father said.

“Can I at least think about it?” Eunhye asked.

“Of course dear” Her father answered and left her alone.


Eunhye walked out of their house and looked at the sky before releasing a deep breath and took a walked around town. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t saw where she was walking and bumped into a man with a two year old boy in his arms.


“I’m so sorry sir, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going” Eunhye apologized.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it” Soohyun said smiling.

“Are you sure?” Eunhye asked.

“Yes I’m sure” Soohyun said smiling at her.


“Can I buy you something to drink? To make it up to you?” Eunhye asked.

“You really don’t have too” Soohyun said.

“Please, or else I would feel really guilty” Eunhye said pouting.

“Okay fine, why not go to that café then?” Soohyun said pointing to the one across the street.

“Deal!” Eunhye said smiling now too.


They crossed the street and entered the café, it was Christmas eve so it was really busy but they found a seat and sat down. They ordered something to drink and started a conversation.


“So what is your name?” Eunhye asked.

“Shin Soohyun and this is my son Dongho and you are?” Soohyun introduced themselves.

“Eunhye, so Soohyun what kind of work do you do?” Eunhye asked.

“I have a Partime job so I can look after Dongho, but I work at a store near here” Soohyun explained looking at the sleeping Dongho in his arms.


“Why isn’t he with his mother then?” Eunhye asked.

“She kicked us out right after he was born” Soohyun said looking sadly at Dongho.

“Here are your drinks do you want anything else with it?” A waitress asked placing their drinks in front of them and looking at both of them.


“No, not for me do you want something else?” Eunhye asked looking at Soohyun.

“No we are fine too thank you” Soohyun said smiling friendly at the waitress who just walked away.

“Well, looks like she doesn’t really like you” Eunhye commented.

“Normally she just ignores me and gives me the bill” Soohyun said.

“Why would she do that?” Eunhye asked.


“What’s with the 21 questions? Why not enjoy our coffee first okay” Soohyun said smiling.

“Can I hold Dongho?” Eunhye asked looking at Soohyun who had trouble holding Dongho and drinking his coffee at the same time.


“He can be quite a hand full when he wakes up” Soohyun warned.

“I think I can handle him” Eunhye said smiling and reached out for Soohyun to place Dongho in her arms.


Soohyun stood up and walked around the table and handed Dongho to Eunhye and then went back to his seat. Dongho stirred in her arms a little before opening his eyes and looking at her. Eunhye looked back at Dongho and gave him a soft and friendly smile.


“Mommy” Dongho said smiling and looked at Eunhye, shocking both Eunhye and Soohyun with what he said.


First chapter :D it's 1.30 am right now and i'm tired but i wanted to finish this chapter :D

So I'm not sure how often I get to update this story since I have 2? or 3 other unfinished stories :D

Will Eunhye take the company of off her father in a month?

What did baby Dongho just say?

Will what he had said come true?

Read to find out (A)

Please Comment and Subscribe :D

And a merry Christmas (A)

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NicLuvGuiLun #1
Chapter 7: One word. CUTEEEE!!!! Neomu neomu kyeoo~~ >~< squeal? Pweasee? ^^
sugarcandy- #2
Chapter 7: Oh my~ baby dongho's soooooooooo cute XD
shmur_itskurry #3
awww! cutiest story ever! I can imagine Dongho as a little cute kid. >.< soooo cute!!! :D
TheGermCafe #4
SO CUTE!!!!!
I love Dongho,hes so cute and funny^^
you should make a sequel!!!!
Aww! I Loved it!~ keke~ :3
Aigoo ~
So cute ^^
I love it so muchie ^^
: )
Awh. >.<

I didn't know that I didn't comment on the last chapter, I'm sorry.
The ending is kind of rushed, but I like it a lot nonetheless. >.<
ukissmekevin16 #8
She had better stay with soohyun! No Alexander!
Is it Dongho? That sneaky kid. Tsk tsk.<br />
Cute update >.< he fed her like a child. Teehee