Our First Conversation ..

I Really Cant Let You Go ~


@pinkdot121424 ; Sorry for the lousy english>< Im not that strong in English . Sorry to all for my poor grammar ): Thanks for all the views and subs , Relieved that I didnt disappoint you guys ((: Im currentlyy working on Chapter 2 ~


@yoonkyu-yoonhae ; Don't Worry ;D It would definitely be a good ending ~ Yoona& Taecyeon wouldnt end up together xD Please continue to support my fanfic((:


@LittleBirdieBird  @chocolateisyummy ; Wait and See((:


HERE COMES .. CHAPTER 2 ; Our First Conversation ..




Third Person's POV


School days passed pretty slowly . End Of Year Examinations are also coming . Everyone are busy studying in their own hostels , including Jessica and Tiffany who stopped going for intense shopping and midnight movies . Yoona stopped going on dates with Taecyeon and started studying in her own room with the help of Yuri , who is her roommate . ''Yoona yah .. Im so tired now ..'' Yuri mumbered while lying her head on the table . ''I heard that examinations arent going to be very easy for us , Students who are going to take graduation examinations next year , Since they intend to train us for next year . Lets work hard , After that we will have all the time to ourselves .'' Yuri nodded with agreement , decided to sit up and concentrate . During lunch , Yoona took her wallet and proceeded towards the cafeteria to buy some food and drinks for Yuri and herself .


Yoona's POV


Hmm , Yuri should be okay with sandwich right ? I slowly strolled back to the hostel , glancing around lazily . After I reached my own hostel room , I immediately rest my tired body on my bed and started munching onto the sandwich I bought earlier . Yuri did the same and started fidgeting with her phone . ''Unni , What are you doing ?'' I asked while wiping away bread crumbs from my lips . Yuri seems to be deep in thoughts that she didnt even hear me calling her .''KWON YURI !'' I shouted . Yuri jolted out of her thoughts and dropped her phone onto the floor .''Yah ! What was that for ?!'' She quickly got down the bed to get her phone , checking if its still working or not .''Why are you day-dreaming away ?'' Yuri frowned and whispered ,''Im waiting for Minho's message . He hasnt replied me everysince yesterday ..'' I sighed and said ,''Cmon , Everyone is busy with graduation examinations , Obviously he maybe busy studying right ? Pali , Lets quickly finish up our lunch and continue with our studies . Exams are 2weeks away , You should know that ..'' [A/N ; KEKE , They are doing last minute work ..] Yuri nodded lazily . I sighed and shook my head . See this girl , Too engrossed into her own relationship problems until she looks so restless everyday , thinking of her dongsaeng boyfriend , Minho . I quickly sat up and proceeded towards the study table and started on the revision again . I cant disappoint my family , especially my appa .


Third Person's POV


Two weeks passed in a blink of a eye . Everybody was already sitting in the examination halls , Having their examinations . As expected from Yoona , The examinations arent that simple . After another 2weeks , The exams are finally over . Its finally the day , They are going back to school to get their results .


''Unni .. What if I fail ??'' Yoona asked with a nervous look . Jessica and Yuri hit her head lightly at the same time and said ,


''Pabo yah , You wouldnt , You studied hard , Remember ?''

''Argh jinjia , Where did your confidence go to ??''


Yoona looked down and pouted nervously. As they approached the classroom where they are supposed to get their result slip , Yoona bit her lower lips slightly . Soon , Its already her turn . Yoona smiled nervously infront of her teacher while her teacher looked at her result slip . ''Good Job Yoona , You have passed with flying colours !'' Her teacher said as she patted her shoulder .''Jeongmal ? Nae , Jeongmal gomawo seonsaeng !''


Yoona's POV


Kyaaaaaa ~ I passed with flying colours ! Even I cant believe it myself . Jessica and Yuri appeared beside me , Placed their hands on my shoulders and said ,''See ? You can do it !'' I smiled happily . Just then , I received a text message from Taecyeon .


From ; Taecyeon


Meet me at the rooftop now . I have something to show you .


I stared at the message . Taecyeon didnt even add any emotions . Thats very different from his usual self . I smiled and said ,''I will go up to the rooftop first . Taecyeon wants to meet me .'' Yuri nodded and proceeded towards Minho . I quickly went up by the stairs . Just as I opened the door towards the rooftop , I saw a guy with a girl there already . As I walked closer to them , I saw Taecyeon kissing Eunjung . I just stared at them . So this is the 'Something' that Taecyeon wanted to show me ? My heart didnt clenched with hurt , The feeling is like .. Watching a kissing scene on TV . Taecyeon broke away and stared at me with a horrified expression . ''Yoona ah , Its not what you -'' Taecyeon said while walking towards me but I cut him off . ''There is nothing to explain , Taecyeon . Wish you and Eunjung , Happy together .'' After my sentence , I smiled and removed the necklace that was around my neck . ''There you go .'' After I completed my sentence , I started walking towards the exit . I don't feel hurt , I don't feel cheated . I felt .. carefree . It feels like a burden has been removed from me .


If I don't feel hurt seeing Taecyeon , who is my own boyfriend , kissing Eunjung , That means .. TAECYEON ISNT THE ONE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR .. Then , Who isit ? I dumped away the thoughts and proceeded towards Jessica and Yuri , who have been waiting for me at the school gate . Whats next for three of us ? INTENSE SHOPPINGGGGGG !


Two days passed by , These two days all the students played all day . I wasnt someone who is sporty , So I decided to sit by the basketball court and watch my friends having a basketball match with our university's kingka groups – SHINee and Super Junior . I stared at Donghae who was holding the ball above Jessica's height . I smiled at the sight of Donghae's smiling teasing face . Whenever I see Donghae , I will instantly smile shyly as my heart always beat faster whenever I am near him . I really worry if there are times when I actually blush until my cheeks turned red . Just then , Donghae has already finished his first quarter of the game and walked towards me . Seeing his sweaty shirt that has already became wet and is sticking onto his skin , I looked down embarrassed . Donghae smiled , Sat next to me and asked ,''Do you have a bottle of mineral water ?'' I took the new bottle of mineral water that was next to me and passed it to him without looking at him .


I could only hear him opening the cap and drinking it at fast speed . Looking at the ground , I fidget with my fingers . Argh , What a awkward silence . ''Yoona ah -'' I was surprised by the sudden words from Donghae . ''Yeah ? Oppa ?'' I looked away nervously . ''Gwenchanayo ? What happened ?'' He asked softly , with his deep voice . ''Ahh , Nothing much . Couples tend to just break up easily . I am okay now .'' I answered while smiling happily . Donghae smiled and nodded . Today seems to be the only day in the whole year that we happened to talk the most to each other ..


[A/N ; HELLOOOOOO ~ Omg , Thanks for all the subs and views . Appreciated . I will work harder for Chapter 3 ! I will try to upload another 5 chapters before school starts :x]

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Chapter 9: new reader here
the story is interesting
please update
yoongiehae #2
update please...i've been waiting for it for a long time but there's no update yet....
MyOnlyBoyfriend #4
@Syeera_Sungmin ; Ikr ! >< Sorry for making him sound like a player >< Its okay ~~ As long as you continue to support it !
m0zarts0nata-- #5
aigoo...he likes both of them?he looks like player here...*puffs cheek*
m0zarts0nata-- #6
3 days not reading...keke...sorry...^^...whatever it is..*HYPER MODE!HYPER MODE* ALERT!ALERT!ALERT!!!woahh...update soon ey?
MyOnlyBoyfriend #7
@LittleBirdieBird ; Yeahh , Kind off :x Will soon >< Writers' Blog now :x
Told cha already! Hae is such a player here. <br />
Update soon!
MyOnlyBoyfriend #9
Omg , I cant believe eu guys still like that chapter ! :x I will deinately do a better job for the next chapter !
I really Pity Yoona, I mean if Donghae really loves her then he should be willing to break up with Jessica, Yoona agreed cus she knows she's inlove with him, I hope Donghae can confide into his real feelings...Cus it seems that Yoona, is getting most of the painful stabs...bcus Jessica doesn't know, Oh a THIRD WHEEL is the worst...Great chapter by the way I hope you can update real soon looking forward to it Kamsa-Hamnida<br />