Chapter 2

Best Friends Forever

“Minseok? What's wrong?” A 20 year old Jongdae dropped everything when he heard sobs coming from the other end of the phone.

“He ch-cheated on m-me Jongdae, Luhan cheated on me!!” Minseok sobbed. It broke Jongdae’s heart.

“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.”


When Jongdae arrived at said place, a park in the middle of the night, his heart shattered. There was Minseok, his best friend, crumpled up like a piece of paper, sobbing. Him and Luhan had been dating for 5 years and this is what he did to Minseok? Cheating? That was a new low for Luhan. Jongdae rushed toward him saying, “Minseok! Minseok, it’s okay I’m here!”

Minseok looked up, eyes swollen. He reached for his best friend, who pulled him into a tight embrace. Minseok’s arms squeezed tightly around Jongdae’s neck as he buried his face in the younger's neck and cried. All Jongdae can do is pull the older closer and rub his back soothingly.


“Come on let's go home,” Jongdae said finally, pulling back from Minseok, to find him sleeping. Jongdae cracked a smile. His best friend looked so tired and worn, but still carried a certain cuteness that always melted Jongdae’s heart. He scooped up Minseok bridal style and carried him to the car. He drove back to their shared apartment and Jongdae carried Minseok to his room. After tucking in Minseok, he got himself ready for bed. Visiting the older before he clocked out for the night, he ran his fingers through Minseok's newly dyed blonde locks. “Goodnight, hyung.”


“Jongdae.” Jongdae turned around to a puffy eyed Minseok looking up at him. “Stay with me please,” he asked softly.


Moments later, Minseok felt the bed dip as Jongdae climbed in. Minseok felt Jongdae’s arms wrap protectively around his waist, pulling him close enough that their foreheads touched.

“Goodnight, hyung” Jongdae whispered before drifting off to sleep.

In that moment Minseok noticed something. He noticed how Jongdae’s raven bangs fell gracefully to the right with gravity, how his jawline was sharp yet soft at the same time and how sometimes the ends of his lips curved up into a breathtaking smile. He noticed how stupid he has been all these years not to see the beauty in this boy for what it really was. He’s wasn’t just a best friend. He was this being that had put aside everything for others, everything for Minseok. He has always been there, always been afraid of losing their friendship, always tried so hard to mend broken bonds. In that moment of great philosophy, Minseok realized, as he snuggled close to him, that he was in love with Kim Jongdae.

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I finished and I love it!!!
Chapter 3: So tearful, I love this chapter!!!
Chapter 1: Aww, poor Chen!!! I'll read the rest...
Chapter 1: Sequel please
heonnni #5
Chapter 5: Omg the Yoonmin in there was SO. ADORABLE. I. CANT. also this story was absolutely wonderful!!!! I love it so much it's so cute <33333 great job!!! I look forward to seeing new stories from you soulmate^^ ❤️
heonnni #6
Chapter 3: Awww my poor Jongdae :((((( BUT YESSSS THEY KISSED! *cheers* this is SO CUTE soulmate I need moreeeeeee <3
heonnni #7
Chapter 2: AHHHH okay this is so cute my goodness I love it too much already <3 GREAT JOB!!!!
Megan2703 #8
Chapter 5: Awww this is sooo cute omg (*^o^*) !! <33