Chapter 1

Best Friends Forever

"Jongie Jongie!!" squeaked a 5 year old Minseok as he ran towards his best friend, who was pinned under his bike. Minseok used all of his strength to lift the bike off of Jongdae as he crawled out from underneath.

“I told you *sniff* that I wasn’t ready to ride wifout my training wheels,” Jongdae said in-between sobs. Jongdae was a year younger than Minseok and his dark haired friend was convinced that Jongdae was old enough to ride his bike without training wheels, resulting in scraped knees, a scraped cheek and a sobbing 4 year old. Minseok crouched down next to where Jongdae was sitting and wrapped his tiny arms around him. He began to rock them back and forth, petting Jongdae’s raven hair.

“Don’t cry Jongdae. I’m sorry I got you hurt.” He picked up Jongdae in his arms bridal style, causing Jongdae to wrap his arms around Minseok's neck. “I’ll take you home so Mama can fix your boo boos.” He smiled gently at Jongdae, who became embarrassed and buried his head into the crook of Minseok’s neck.

“Thank you, Minnie-hyung,” he whispered softly

“Anything for you Jongie.”     

“Best friends forever?”

“Best friends forever.”


“We can’t be friends anymore,” huffed Minseok.

“Why? What did I do?” asked Jongdae, afraid to lose his best friend.

“A water balloon prank? Really?!” the redhead screeched, ringing out his jacket.

“It wasn’t meant for you I swear!!! Forgive me please!!” Jongdae cried. The two of them were now in high school, Minseok a sophomore and Jongdae a freshmen. He explained how he thought it would be nice to prank the popular kid, Jeon Jungkook by launching water balloons at his perfect face. Of course he missed and smacked his best friend instead, putting their friendship on the line.

“I’ll forgive you if you take me out for ice-cream,” Minseok bargained.

“DEAL!!!” Jongdae agreed and pulled Minseok into a tight hug. Minseok giggled and hugged Jongdae back.

“We can still be friends,” Minseok whispered to Jongdae.

“Good, because I don’t know what I would do without you.” He buried his face into Minseok’s neck, so the other wouldn’t notice the lightly dusted pink color on his cheeks.

“Hey are you still in the mood to ruin Jeon Jungkook’s perfect face?” asked Minseok with an evil grin. An equally malicious grin spread across Jongdae’s face.



Mission: Soak Jeon Jungkook’s face with water balloons



“Hey Jongdae,” Jongdae heard Minseok call from the darkness in the room. They were having a sleepover.

“Yeah Minseok?” he answered.

“Can I tell you something important?”


“I’m dating Luhan.” Jongdae froze in place. Luhan was a good friend of the two of them and was very kind. Jongdae had known that Luhan liked Minseok, but never told him because he was jealous.

“Ok,” Jongdae said. “Thanks for telling me”

Minseok crawled over to where Jongdae was and hugged him tight. Jongdae felt his heart break.

“Thank you for always being there for me,” Minseok whispered

“What are best friends for?” Jongdae replied, feeling his eyes well up.

“Night Minseok”

“Night Jongie”

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I finished and I love it!!!
Chapter 3: So tearful, I love this chapter!!!
Chapter 1: Aww, poor Chen!!! I'll read the rest...
Chapter 1: Sequel please
heonnni #5
Chapter 5: Omg the Yoonmin in there was SO. ADORABLE. I. CANT. also this story was absolutely wonderful!!!! I love it so much it's so cute <33333 great job!!! I look forward to seeing new stories from you soulmate^^ ❤️
heonnni #6
Chapter 3: Awww my poor Jongdae :((((( BUT YESSSS THEY KISSED! *cheers* this is SO CUTE soulmate I need moreeeeeee <3
heonnni #7
Chapter 2: AHHHH okay this is so cute my goodness I love it too much already <3 GREAT JOB!!!!
Megan2703 #8
Chapter 5: Awww this is sooo cute omg (*^o^*) !! <33