Chapter 4

Best Friends Forever

A few days later, the two were sitting in the bathroom as Minseok replaced Jongdae’s bandages.

“Ow!” Jongdae winced as Minseok re-wrapped his arm.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, kissing the bicep. He smiled cutely “Better?”

Jongdae blushed redder than a tomato. Minseok giggled at Jongdae’s reaction.

“You’re so cute” he said, before kissing Jongdae’s cheek and turning to put the supplies away.

“Minseok?” Jongdae asked leaning against the door frame.

“Yes” Minseok turned his attention towards Jongdae.

“Will y-you um,” Jongdae stuttered “Be m-my b-boyfriend?”

He looked down totally embarrassed. Minseok smiled and lifted up Jongdae's chin so their eyes met.

“I thought we were already dating?”

“I-I mean officially Minseok, will you? B-be my boyfriend?” Jongdae asked with a little more confidence.

Minseok wrapped his arms around Jongdae's neck and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

“Yes Kim Jongdae. I will be your boyfriend.” Jongdae smiled widely. This was all he had ever wished for. Minseok being his boyfriend. HIS.

“Thank you Minseok, thank you!” he said excitedly, peppering kisses on his new boyfriend's face. Minseok giggled before catching Jongdae’s lips again.

“It is my pleasure.”


A few years later


Minseok, Jongdae, Hoseok and Taehyung were sitting in an outdoor restaurant at night. The city lights and the stars were harmonizing perfectly that night.

“Ok, so you guys wanted to tell us something and judging by how much Tae is squirming, it must be important. So spill,” Minseok said

“Ok. So the big news is,” Hoseok started, looking at a beaming Taehyung to finish.

“We’re engaged!!!!” Tae squealed, showing off his glistening ring to Minseok and Jongdae.

"Oh my gosh! That's so exciting congratulations you two!” Minseok exclaimed, his face showing true excitement for his dongsaengs.

Hoseok smiled a smile of genuine happiness and pulled Tae into a kiss. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too Hobi-hyung,” Tae giggled, resting his forehead against Hoseok’s.

“Ah stop it you two! My eyes, they burn!” Jongdae complained, covering his eyes.


Naturally, Minseok was feeling a little bit jealous. He and Jongdae have been dating for 2 and a half years now and Minseok wanted nothing more than to marry his best friend turned boyfriend.


“I have something I want to announce too.”

Everyone turned to Jongdae and silenced themselves. Hoseok and Taehyung watched as Jongdae got down on one knee and Minseok’s eyes widened.


“Kim Minseok, I have known you for an incredibly long time. Since we were kids. Through every good and bad time, you have always been there for me, whether you were my best friend or my boyfriend. I can never imagine spending my life with anyone else besides you. So,” he said, opening the box to reveal a gold and silver twisted ring. “Will you marry me?”


Minseok laughed and a few tears escaped his eyes. “Get up stupid, of course I’ll marry you!” Jongdae got up from his spot and slipped the beautiful band on Minseok's finger. Minseok then attacked Jongdae with a tight hug and a passionate kiss. Jongdae then spun Minseok around in a circle, causing him to giggle. People around them clapped, congratulating the couple, along with Tae and Hobi, who were clapping and hooting loudly.

“I love you so much hyung,” Jongdae said soft enough for only Minseok to hear.

“I love you too Jongdae,” Minseok smiled his gummy smile. In that moment, Minseok felt, heard and breathed nothing but Jongdae, his best friend, turned boyfriend, turned fiance.


“You may kiss the groom!” It was Jongdae and Minseok’s wedding, a day they had waited so long and planned so hard for. It was perfect.

Minseok pulled Jongdae into a long kiss as the crowd went wild, friends and family clapping for the two.


While dancing their first dance as a married couple, Jongdae went to grab the mic from the DJ.

“I have a small surprise for Minseok, in thanks and in love for him always being beside me.” He signaled to the DJ who began to play The Beatles, All my loving. Jongdae began to sing.


Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you,

tomorrow I’ll miss you,

remember I’ll always be true,

And then while I’m away,

I’ll write home everyday,

And I’ll send all loving to you.


I’ll pretend that I’m kissing,

the lips I am missing,

and hope that my dreams will come true,

And then while I’m away,

I’ll write home everyday,

And I’ll send all my loving to you.


Minseok smiled widely because he loved Jongdae’s voice so much. He often hummed for Minseok when he was sad or sick to make him feel better.

After the song ended Minseok hugged his husband close.

“That was beautiful Jongdae.”

“Not as beautiful as you sweetheart.”

“You’re so cheesy,” Minseok frowned playfully.

“That’s your fault,” Jongdae grinned.

“You’re lucky I love you,” Minseok rolled his eyes.

Jongdae leaned in and kissed his cheek, “I love you too.”


“Hey babe, have you ever thought about having kids?”

“Way to ruin the moment Jongdae.”

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I finished and I love it!!!
Chapter 3: So tearful, I love this chapter!!!
Chapter 1: Aww, poor Chen!!! I'll read the rest...
Chapter 1: Sequel please
heonnni #5
Chapter 5: Omg the Yoonmin in there was SO. ADORABLE. I. CANT. also this story was absolutely wonderful!!!! I love it so much it's so cute <33333 great job!!! I look forward to seeing new stories from you soulmate^^ ❤️
heonnni #6
Chapter 3: Awww my poor Jongdae :((((( BUT YESSSS THEY KISSED! *cheers* this is SO CUTE soulmate I need moreeeeeee <3
heonnni #7
Chapter 2: AHHHH okay this is so cute my goodness I love it too much already <3 GREAT JOB!!!!
Megan2703 #8
Chapter 5: Awww this is sooo cute omg (*^o^*) !! <33