Chapter 5

Best Friends Forever

"Baby, I need you to make sure that Jimin is ready to go to Hoseok and Taehyung’s,” Minseok called to his husband from the bathroom.

“Don’t worry darling! I’m helping him tie his shoes!” Jongdae called as he helped their adopted son, Jimin, tie his shoes.

“You excited to meet Yoongi?” Jongdae asked the 4 year old boy. Jimin smiled his closed-eyes smile.

“Yes Daddy I’m vewy excited to meet Yoongi-hyung!”

Hobi and Tae had recently adopted a boy named Yoongi who was 2 years older than Jimin.

“Ok time to go!” Minseok said as he stole his son away from Jongdae, peppering him with kisses.

Jimin giggled and squealed, “Appa that tickles!!”

Jongdae laughed at the two most important people in his life. Locking gazes with Minseok, he leaned in and kissed him. “Saranghae~”

“EWWWW!! Daddy and Appa kissed!! Ewy ewy ew!! My eyes, they buwn!!” Jimin squealed, covering his eyes with his tiny hands. Jongdae and Minseok chuckled at their son’s cuteness.

“Come on! Let's go meet Yoongi!”


"Hyungs!” Taehyung said excitedly as he opened the door for the family. “Hi Jiminie!”

“Hiiii!!” Jimin squeaked. His Uncles Tae and Hobi were some of his favorite people on the planet.

“You must be excited to meet Yoongi, huh?” Tae asked.

“Yeahyeahyeah!” Jimin nodded quickly.

“Well, come on in!!”


When they entered the house, Hoseok came out of a room and they all noticed a small boy hiding behind his legs. The boy was a little bit taller than Jimin.

Minseok knelt down to face the boy as Jongdae greeted Hoseok.

“Hi there,” he said gently. “You must be Yoongi”

The boy nodded so softly it almost went unnoticed.

“I’m your uncle Minseok, and that is your uncle Jongdae,” He said pointing to his husband. “And this is Jimin.”

Jimin peeked his head around to get a good look at his hyung. Yoongi hyung was very cute. He had small eyes like Jimin and small lips too. Jimin smiled.

“Hello Yoongi-hyung! I’m Jimin!” He stuck out his tiny hand. Yoongi stared for a few seconds before he hesitantly took the hand to shake it.

“Do you wanna play with me?” he asked. Yoongi turned to his parents and they nodded with smiles on their faces.

“O-ok” Yoongi stuttered softly.

Jimin giggled, “You’re so cute hyung!” Yoongi blushed out of embarrassment.

Jimin grabbed his hand and together they ran outside.


After a few hours, Jimin was able to coax Yoongi out of his shell, a little bit. At one point, Jimin wanted to try to ride a bike without training wheels. He somehow got Yoongi to agree to help him take the training wheels off of his bike.

“Jiminie I don’t think this is a good idea,” Yoongi tried to warn him.

“It’s ok hyung! I’ll be fine” Jimin smiled widely, trying to convince his hyung otherwise.

“Alright…” Yoongi muttered. When he looked up, Jimin was already off pedaling down the road. He turned his head around.

“See hyung? I told you-”


Jimin tried to swerve away from the back of a parked truck, but failed miserably, tumbling forward into some mailboxes.

“Jimin!” Yoongi cried out, running toward the younger, who was on his scraped knees, wiping the tears from his eyes.

“I’m sowy I didn’t listen to you hyung!” Jimin cried. “My knees and my face huwts a lot!”

Yoongi pulled a sobbing Jimin into his chest and his dark hair.

“It's ok, we all make mistakes. Don’t cry Jiminie.”

Jimin hugged Yoongi tight, burying his face in his neck.

Yoongi eventually pulled back and kissed the scrapes on his cheek. Jimin flushed a deep red.

“Appas told me that if you kiss a boo boo, it makes it better, does it feel better Jiminie?” He asked with concern in his voice.

Jimin sniffed “A little bit. Thank you hyung”

“Lemmy carry you back so Appas can help your knees and face,” Yoongi said before scooping up Jimin bridal style. Jimin squeaked and wrapped his arms tightly around his hyung’s neck. This caused Yoongi to smile. Jimin looked at the dark haired boy and smiled softly. “You have a nice smile hyung.”

Yoongi blushed a soft pink as he carried Jimin back to the house.


While Jimin was getting his knees fixed up, Yoongi was there the whole time, holding his hand. Whenever Jimin felt pain, he squeezed Yoongi’s hand tight. And when he was scolded by his parents, Yoongi was there to make sure he was okay. Honestly, both of their parents thought it was the cutest thing in the world (they took many pictures).


Once Tae was done with the bandages, Jimin and Yoongi sat together on the couch watching cartoons. Jimin had his head resting on Yoongi’s shoulder and Yoongi rested his head against Jimin’s head.

“Hyung?” Jimin asked.

“Yeah Jiminie?” Yoongi answered, looking at the small boy next to him.

“Can we be best fwends?” Jimin asked, sitting up to get a better look at Yoongi.

He smiled a gummy smile. “Of course we can!”

Jimin giggled and tackled his new best friend with a hug, who happily hugged him back.

“Best fwends foevea?”

“Best friends forever."




I really hope you enjoyed the story! I'm just a real er for all three ships and I just AH! I just had to add them in! Thanks so much for reading!!!

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I finished and I love it!!!
Chapter 3: So tearful, I love this chapter!!!
Chapter 1: Aww, poor Chen!!! I'll read the rest...
Chapter 1: Sequel please
heonnni #5
Chapter 5: Omg the Yoonmin in there was SO. ADORABLE. I. CANT. also this story was absolutely wonderful!!!! I love it so much it's so cute <33333 great job!!! I look forward to seeing new stories from you soulmate^^ ❤️
heonnni #6
Chapter 3: Awww my poor Jongdae :((((( BUT YESSSS THEY KISSED! *cheers* this is SO CUTE soulmate I need moreeeeeee <3
heonnni #7
Chapter 2: AHHHH okay this is so cute my goodness I love it too much already <3 GREAT JOB!!!!
Megan2703 #8
Chapter 5: Awww this is sooo cute omg (*^o^*) !! <33