Rising to the Occasion

A Small Moment


All of the members had finished eating. Yoongi ended up eating the rest of his dinner by himself while the others were giving him side eye the whole time.

Yoongi was walking down the hallway to get to the elevator, wondering what his next move should be. He needed to talk to Jimin again about what's going on, but he was feeling temperamental and was afraid he might say something he'd regret.

How had Jimin figured him out? Was Yoongi that obvious? 

Yoongi cussed. He's probably been practically drooling over Hoseok and everyone could see it. Way to be subtle. 


Hoseok was jogging up the hallway trying to catch up to Yoongi.

"Hey, I was just heading back up to the room."

"Same here. I'll go with you!" Hoseok's face was fixed in a smile that never seamed to leave.

They reached the elevator and Yoongi pressed the button to bring them to the top floor. The doors opened instantly and Hoseok followed him in. The doors shut behind them.

"Why did you eat by yourself?" Hoseok's smile was gone now. His face was still soft but Yoongi could see the look stern look of concern in his eyes. 

"Ah... I said something to Jimin I shouldn't have. I made him leave. I'll apologize to him later."

"Hyung, if you need to talk to me, you know I'll listen. You know I'm here for you."

Yoongi turned to look at him, and he knew his own expression looked sad. He was tired. Emotionally. Physically. Tired of hiding and resisting.

Hoseok turned towards Yoongi to face him. "Hyung... I don't want you to feel like you have to keep anything from me."

Yoongi dropped his head back down. "I think I'm just feeling a bit stressed. It's nothing to worry about."

Yoongi felt a hand on his cheek. Hoseok had stepped over to him, and taken Yoongi's face in his palm. He turned it so Yoongi faced him, holding him there.

"Are you stressed because of me?" Hoseok's brows were furrowed down with what looked like a mix of confusion and worry.

"I guess you could say that." What was Yoongi saying? It's time to shut this down. 

Hoseok's face was only inches away from Yoongi's now, and he could feel beads of sweat forming on the back of his neck. He ran his thumb over Yoongi's cheek.

"I don't want you to stress over me." His cheek brushed Yoongi's as he spoke into his ear. "I know what you're going through, Hyung. I've been going through the same thing."

Yoongi in a small breath of surprise. "Hoseok..."

"I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want to ruin things. But over the past couple of days... It's just become clear. I don't think we should fight this."

Yoongi didn't want to fight anymore. His put his hand over Hoseok's, which was still holding his cheek. He looked up into Hoseok's eyes and saw fire there, threatening to burn him alive.

Yoongi reached up and pressed his mouth to his. Hoseok froze in surprise, but quickly melted into the kiss. He leaned down closer to Yoongi, making up for the height difference, and put his hand through his hair.

Then the elevator sounded and doors exposed them to the outside world.

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Army_carat_ #1
Chapter 7: This is so cute
Garrisonj #2
Chapter 7: I cant so cute hall I must stay loyal to yoonmin and vjope

We all know that's no going to happen...f u yoongi and hobo for declaring you know what sole meant and how you guys tucking smile at eachother all the damnable time errggg
Chapter 7: owwww~ this makes me feel all fuzzy and happy :3
alovera1 #4
Chapter 5: HOLY~~~
alovera1 #5
Chapter 4: Yaasss~~ i loved it❤❤
inkane #6
Chapter 1: yeaaah great fic !
alovera1 #7
Yass I'm looking forward to this fic~~~