Fighting It

A Small Moment

Yoongi was sitting in a single booth inhaling his food. The events over the past few hours had actually made him feel physically ill, and now that all his overwhelming emotions were gone, it was time to fill the void.

He heard someone take a seat across from him, and he smiled as Jimin opened his disposable chopsticks. 

Jimin was the most brotherly of all the members to Yoongi. Every time he saw him, he wanted nothing more than to pat his head and tell jokes and laugh until they couldn't breathe. 

"How was the plane ride for you?"

Jimin looked up from a mouthful of noodles. "Same as always I guess. I slept most of the way between Jungkook's selfies and Namjoon's insults."

Yoongi smiled and let out a small chuckle while poking around at his food.

"How was the ride for you?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Fine, I guess."

"Alright, what's wrong, Hyung?"

Yoongi looked up to a very serious Jimin. He had sat down his chopsticks and crossed his arms.

Yoongi avoided eye contact. "With what, exactly?"

"You. You're acting different, Hyung. I know you, and something's off."

Yoongi's first instinct is to tell Jimin everything. It's what he's always done. Jimin had always had open ears, and nothing made Yoongi feel better than to unload his brain followed by Jimin's feedback.

But obviously that was out of the question. It would destroy the group's brotherly bond and turn it into something awkward and uncomfortable. The chemistry would change, and everybody would see it.

Jimin furrowed his brow. "Is this about Hoseok-hyung?"

Yoongi furrowed back, but ten times more ferocious. "What do you mean. Why do you think that?"

Jimin brought his head in a bit closer and lowered his voice. "Is this about... well, you know."

Yoongi was beginning to feel a bit hostile. "No, Jimin, I don't know."

Jimin closed his eyes for a moment and let out a deep breath. "Is this about your feelings? Your personal feelings. I know, Hyung, about how you feel towards him."

Yoongi slammed his hand down on the table. Where is he getting this from? Yoongi had never even hinted at the fact that he had even remote feelings for Hoseok, or any human for that matter.

"You don't know , Jimin."

Jimin stood up from his chair and leaned in towards Yoongi. "Maybe. But let me share something with you. I think in this situation, you shouldn't be fighting it."

"Fighting what?" Yoongi practically spit the words at him.

Jimin turned to walk away, and looked at Yoongi one last time. He saw something there. Jimin cared, enough for it to read across his expression.


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Army_carat_ #1
Chapter 7: This is so cute
Garrisonj #2
Chapter 7: I cant so cute hall I must stay loyal to yoonmin and vjope

We all know that's no going to happen...f u yoongi and hobo for declaring you know what sole meant and how you guys tucking smile at eachother all the damnable time errggg
Chapter 7: owwww~ this makes me feel all fuzzy and happy :3
alovera1 #4
Chapter 5: HOLY~~~
alovera1 #5
Chapter 4: Yaasss~~ i loved it❤❤
inkane #6
Chapter 1: yeaaah great fic !
alovera1 #7
Yass I'm looking forward to this fic~~~