Mission 3: The Beginning of the End

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GD was sitting on a bench not far from the church he mentioned to Dara last night. However, his face was drained of its enthusiastic energy. He couldn’t get the last night’s conversation with his boss out of his head. The men he had beaten quickly recognised him, and additionally, Jiyong was informed that it was Seunghyun who ordered to capture Dara. GD couldn’t entirely blame his Boss; they had just survived a murder attempt which was ordered by Cheondung, and the latter had to pay for it. GD had to lie about the way he didn’t know the girl was Thunder’s sister, and only saved her because he didn’t want anyone to be wrongfully attacked in the middle of the street. Although his reputation for sure endured a severe strike, there was much more to come. Something much more dangerous, much more conflicting. 

While he contemplated this matter in his mind, he didn’t even notice how the time flew and when he checked his watches, his eyes widened at how an hour passed: and Dara was still nowhere to be seen.
She won’t come, he told himself, and started wandering through the narrow streets, disappointed and thoughtful. He hadn’t gone too far from the church when his eyes stopped on the nearest library, and he peered inside from the window. 
There. There she was. Sandara Park. The girl who proved him he could something he never thought he would be able to: the girl who made him fall in love with her. 
She was inside, completely focused on the book that she was reading and leaning her head on her palm. He watched her read with a gentle smile and love shining in his dark eyes. She was insanely pretty. The way her fingers moved around her hair… The way her eyes ran through the words… Not a single word he could use to say how beautiful she was. He was happy with just staring at her from afar, and he didn’t even notice the time. She made him forget about all of his problems. At last she finished reading and was about to leave, when she met him standing right in front of the exit door. Seemed like a confrontation with him was the least thing she expected. Her eyes widened for a split second and she let out a sharp gasp, freezing on her spot for a couple of seconds. Then she remembered to breathe again and tried to pass by. He remembered how he left several messages at night, in the morning, and just about a couple hours ago, but she didn’t respond. He also called her, but she didn’t answer. Additionally, she ignored his request to meet in the morning, preferring to spend her time in the library instead. 
“Hey.” he said, quietly. No response. “You didn’t come.” he said as they left the library and walked along the street. 
“You were the one who told to be careful. My brother has got many enemies here.” she avowed boldly, but carefully. 
GD tried to perceive every single hint hidden behind her words. “So you don’t trust me too?” he concluded at last.
“Look, — she stopped in the mid-way and hid her hands in her pockets, looking up at him very gravely, — I don’t want to waste your time. You know who my brother is. Imagine how he’d react if he knew I went out to meet someone I know nothing about.” 
“So you’re only afraid of your brother? What if he weren’t that strict? Would you go out with me?” 
“No. I’d rather cope with reality than let the ‘what if’s eat my brain.” she turned and started walking along the narrow street again, but he wouldn’t leave her, and still walked beside her.
“I don’t care about your brother. And I see no reason for him not to approve of us.” GD declared after a little while. 
“There’s no ‘us’, to begin with. Second, I don’t know what makes you think I’m different. I annoy people, piss them off, say stupid things, have my flaws—“
“All that aside, will you ever be mine?” GD cut her off. 
Annoyed, she growled and heaved a sigh. “You don’t even know me. What if I’m a terrible person?” 
“Well then, tell me every terrible thing you did and let me love you anyway.” 
She suddenly froze, speechless, staring at him. Her face reddened as her mind kept repeating the same line he used:  “… and let me love you anyway.” She was slow on the uptake. No one, not even her brother, had ever sincerely confessed his love to her. Well, maybe except for her ‘best friends’, who rarely did that anyway. Everyone around was afraid of her family, hence not everyone gathered up the courage to befriend her. He, on the other hand, not only wasn’t afraid, but was willing to accept her into his life. 
“What did you say?” she asked, blushing. He noticed that; and he knew his words had the expected effect on her. 
“I said, let me love you, — he smiled gently, — Because as much

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XTheCatX #1
Chapter 7: Aahh~ Maaaaannnn whyy???!!!!!!
Not that i die or something *sneaky hiding away*
But authornim i'm really curious about how you came up with this kind of storie!!
I like *kuch* delete that please__ i love your storie!!
Even it isn't finished _ I hope not actually please write more chappie! Not that it have to sound like a demanding lionnisss *i don't really know another Cat king Aside of me anyways!!* (^_^V)
You can't let us lovely kittens wait Authornim!! (^_~)
But i like how you put the gang stuff in it...
A bit action and romantic *sigh*
And how you keep the romantic side!! Kkk~
However i want to wish you luck with your other chappies!!!
See you on the next update ;3
yousee #2
Chapter 6: Update juseyo please, its a good story
haruhi19 #3
Chapter 6: Man. I hope you continue this story, it's really good
maria4smith #4
Chapter 4: Wahh next button where are you?! Hehehe can't wait for your update authornim :)
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 2: Wow... I'm loving it
I think it will be a reaally good story. I hope you will write soon author-nim ^^