10. part

A little thing called love / Only the greatest love ever


''So what are we doing today?''-Ji Chi said as he walked into my room, no, let me correct myself. Jumped into my room. Trough a window. He still does that. Why?

''Do you have suicidal thoughts?''-I ask. He drops a bunch of snacks on my bed and looks at me.

''Not yet, why?''-he asked. What's with that yet...

''Well if you don't mind, please use the door.''-I said.

''It's way more fun this way.''-he said. ''I learned the skills when I was filming Healer.''-he added.

''This is not a drama Ji Chi. You could get seriously hurt.''-I say throwing a book at him. He dodges it.

''This would have hurt me too.''-he said picking the book up from the ground and putting it back on the table. He has agreed to keep me company, no, he volunteered. Since I can't go to the beach and it's too hot outside to walk around, I have to stay in during the day. Mom still goes to the beach, today she payed for a whole day of spa. She deserves it. But that just meant hell for me.

''I don't know. What do you want to do?''-I ask him.

''Well I brought a lot of snacks, so we can watch a movie or something.''-he said.

''Korean?''-I ask.

''Doesn't have to be.''-he said. I stayed silent for a moment and he sighed. He really looked like something was bothering him. ''Hanna...''-here it comes. ''You don't owe me anything.''-he said.

''What are you talking about?''-I ask him.

''This, us trying to be friends. You don't owe it to me so don't push yourself if you don't want to.''-he said. I was speechless for a second.

''I'm not pushing myself. Why do you think I am pushing myself?''-I ask.

''I mean, you were avoiding me and you seemed like you really hated the idea of us being friends. So I thought you feel a duty towards me. Because of yesterday.''-he said.

''No no no. Believe me I don't owe you anything. We are square now. I saved you and you saved me.''-I say.

''Right, true.''-he said smiling. ''So you're really not faking it?''-he asked.

''No. I am not faking it. I like...''-I stopped myself. I should have just went for it and said it was a friendship thing. Now that I've stopped it's only more suspicious.

''Me?''-he asked pointing to himself.

''Yeah, you're a pretty good person to hang out with. When you're not evil.''-I say quickly. Nice save.

''Well you can be a too.''-he said. I laugh and bump him on the shoulder with my fist. I don't know what happened or why it was so awkward but every time I touch him things just don't turn out right. Where I should feel the friendship closeness between us, I didn't feel it. For me it was all electricity and I was only getting more pumped up. I don't know if he could sense it but I think I make the awkwardness so obvious it makes him tense. He looked at me for, what felt like, a long time and then his phone rang. He went by the window and answered it. I left the room to get us something to drink. I poured us both orange juice and put ice in it. I took some bowls for snacks too. I was about to call him to open the door for me since my hands were full when I heard a part of his conversation. I understood even though it was in korean.

''Yeah no one knows.''-he said. ''Look she'll believe whatever I tell her. I am an actor right? I am on vacation so girls are included. I'm a man before anything.''-a laugh. ''No I won't do anything scandalous. ''Yes boss. I'll tell him. No she's kind of stupid so it's not a problem for me.''-he said. Corners of my mouth twitched. You know in that moment when you're about to cry but really don't want to so your face muscles don't listen. What the hell was that? ''See you in two weeks. Bye.''-he said. I heard footsteps so I gathered myself and plastered a fake smile on my face, the best one I could pull out. Like I wasn't just stabbed right in the heart. He opened the door and smiled. Son of a . ''Why didn't you say you need help?''-he asked taking the bowls from me.

''I was about to just when you opened the door.''-I say. ''Who were you talking too?''-I ask.

''My boss. He wants to make sure I don't do crazy while I'm away. Hyun Woo reports everything so he knows about you.''-he said. So it was about me. I felt like the knife twisted.

''Well then try not to do crazy .''-I say, maybe a little to harshly.

''You know me, I'm an angel.''-he said. Is it a sin to kill an angel? No, you know what? I am not going to sit and wait for him to screw me over.

''Go home.''-I say. He looks at me suddenly.

''What? Why?''-he asks.

''I don't feel well. Just go.''-I say opening the door.

''I'll take you to the hospital come on.''-he said taking my hand and I pulled away.

''Don't touch me.''-I say. Now he looked worried. He has a decency to look worried.

''What's wrong?''-he asked.

''You're such a good actor. Wow, I am amazed. Truly. I hope you get an award or something. You really deserve one.''-I say.

''Hanna..''-he started.

''Shut up. Shut up and leave. I don't know what the is wrong with me. I swear the next guy says he's an actor I'm gonna poke him in the eye. With a fork!''-I say slamming the door into his face.

''Hanna I don't get anything.''-he said from outside.

''Oh but I do.''-I say. ''Leave, now! Or I call the cops.''-I say with my lips trembling. My adrenaline wore out and all I felt was sadness. A big hole in my chest were love was. I felt like it has been ripped out and all the roots torn and they were now raw nerves.

''Okay, I'll go. Don't call the police. I'm sorry for whatever I did.''-he said softly and I banged the door with my fist.

''Why do you make it so hard?!''-I yell. No answer.

Mom came home in about six hours looking all pampered. Me on the other side... I looked like I've been hit by a train. I had eye bags to my chin, my hair was a mess my eyes were red and tear ducts were all dried up. I bawled, I kicked, I sobbed. I almost died crying my heart out and it still isn't enough.

''What happened to you?''-mom asked straight from the door. She looked around. ''Where's the boy?''-mom asked. She just couldn't say his name.

''Home.''-I say sniffling.

''What did you do?''-she asked dropping her bag on the couch. ''I leave you for a day and you manage to cause a world war III.. How?''-she asked.

''Mom, he's a lying bastard.''-I say.

''What did he do?''-mom asked with suspicious eyes, still not quite on my side.

''I heard him on the phone, he called me stupid and he told he was just acting in front of me and that he picks up girls because he is on a vacation and ..''-I say and start crying again. Mom hugs me and pets my horrible hair.

''Son of a .''-she said. Now my mom doesn't say that to a lot of people so that means she is pissed off. Majorly. ''He's gonna pay.''-she said.

''No, leave him be. Don't talk to him. Just ignore him and everything will be fine. I told him I will call the cops if he comes again.''-I say.

''Okay Hanna. I feel so bad. I really trusted that boy. Are you sure that you heard correctly?''-she asked.

''Yes mom.''-I nod leaving tear marks on her shirt.

''Let's go out.''-mom said and pulled me to my feet.

We went for a nice walk on the beach. We took off our shoes and walked on the warm sand. It was so nice not to think about anything. I haven't even put on my make up. I just wore an over sized shirt and some shorts underneath. My hair was in a bun and I was accessory free. Including my phone which I left at home.

''Wait here.''-mom said and ran away suddenly. I stood in the spot and watched her run to a little bar on the side of the beach and she came back with two glow in the dark blue drinks.

''Thanks. They look cool.''-I say.

''They taste good too.''-she said sipping it. It really was tasty, lime I think. And not too much alcohol. I saw a dark figure on the side of the beach. He looked lonely. He was just standing there. Not even in the light but in the dark. With his hands in his pockets. He wore black cropped pants and, I think gray t-shirt. The pink flip flops gave him away. I instantly felt tears and my vision got blurry. Mom followed my gaze and she unlinked her arm from mine. I didn't get a chance to stop her when she quickly marched away, looking like a storm that's about to blow. Oh no. she tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned she threw the rest of her drink straight in his face. I gasped and took a step back. I looked around wondering if anybody saw that, luckily only the waiters from the bar. And they were laughing their asses off. I looked back to my mom and Ji Chi and she was giving him a full blast of her anger. He looked stunned and thrown aback. Until his face started to change into recognition. He knows that we know he's been lying to us. But why doesn't he looked pissed off. He just looks.. sad. Suddenly he started talking and waving his arms and going trough his, now glow in the dark, hair. Mom was going from pissed off to shock and than to disbelief and then to anger again. She pointed a finger in my direction and his eyes darted to mine. I flinched and started walking away. Please don't follow me. He's not stupid enough to follow me. I walk faster. I turn slightly to see if I got away when he catches my elbow and I scream. We both stumble and fall and he puts a hand over my mouth.

''Don't scream.''-he said. ''You stupid .''-he said. Tears spill from my eyes. He got my mom against me and now when we're alone he's gonna go crazy on me. ''You really stupid stupid stupid girl.''-he said and moved his hand from my mouth. My back was pressed on his chest and my breathing quickened.

''Let me go, please. Don't be mad.''-I say crying.

''Are you crazy? Of course I am mad.''-he said standing up and pulling me with him. ''Of course I am mad that you hear me saying a bunch of lies to my boss and you don't even ask me about it. And you just shut yourself off to me. You kick me out and threat you're gonna call the cops. You're really a you know that?''-he said holding me by my shoulders. What is this?

''What?''-I manage to croak out.

''Those were lies. My boss would drag my back to Korea if he knew what kind of I have been trough. I lied so I can stay with you. Why on earth wouldn't you just ask me about it? You could have saved us both suffering.''-he said.

''Suffering?''-I ask dazed.

''Yes.. don't lie to me and say you didn't cry all day because I heard you. Don't you know how ing awful that is, to hear a girl you like cry and you know it's because of you and you don't know what you did?''-he said. Oh my God. ''It's pretty ing horrible.''

''But you...''-I stutter.

''But what?''-he asked.

''Wanted to be just friends with me!''-I yell and start sobbing again. Tears were spilling everywhere.

''I said that because we weren't even friends to begin with. You didn't want to be near me and I thought coming with 'I want to be your boyfriend' would be kind of strong.''-he said. I punch him in the chest with my fist. ''Ouch what was that for?''-he asked letting go of me and rubbing the left side of his chest.

''It wouldn't be strong! It would be just right you . I thought I was the only one. That it was one sided. Do you know how hurt I was? Falling in love when I really didn't want to.''-I say.

''You were? You're falling in love with me?''-he asked with a faint smile on his lips.

''No!''-I say and stomp away. He caught up with me pretty fast, he turned me around and his lips landed on mine. It started of so gentle it felt like a flower touched my lips, then it grew fierce as if you were giving a thirsty man water. And God knows I've been thirsty too. I grab his hair and pull him to me more. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses his body against mine. I hope my mom isn't here anymore... mom what... he pressed his forehead against mine and gasped for air.

''I didn't know Koreans can kiss like that.''-I say and he laughs.

''We sure can.''-he said.

''Show me.''-I say and he smiles before he pressed his lips to mine again.

His fingers intertwined with mine while we walked hand in hand. Mom left ages ago and we continued where me and her stopped. He said he needed to be with more people around or he's gonna loose it and I just turned red like a little child I am and stared at him. Thankfully he is more experienced than I am. I didn't quite know if that bothered me or not yet. I looked at our hands, it felt like I am at the most beautiful part of the dream, the part when you wake up and wish to murder everyone. But it keeps on going. Ji Chi squeezed my hand and I looked him in the eyes. I don't know how I never saw it before, the tenderness and care he had in them, when he looked at me. It was obvious now. So obvious I wanted to slap myself. But what would you do in my place? You wouldn't believe it either. Ji Chang Wook in love with me? Puh-lease. I giggle.

''What are you giggling about?''-he asked.

''Nothing.''-I say quickly.

''Thinking about me?''-he asked.

''Not really.''-I say and he frowns. ''Maybe a little.''-I say and he smiles again. ''You're twenty eight. How can you be childish like this?''-I say. He laughed and I noticed people behind him. Korean people who knew who he was. My hand felt like I was burned and I let go of his hand.

''Why?''-he asked.

''We've got company.''-I whisper. He looks around and notices them too.

''So?''-he asked. I turn to him.

''So? Are you nuts?''-I ask. He nods and takes my hand again.

''Yes, I am really nuts.''-he said. I try to let go of his hand but he doesn't let go. ''Hold my hand or I am going to kiss you in front of them.''-he said and I hooked my fingers with his. ''Good girl.''-he said.

''Are you training a dog?''-I ask him.

''A very cute dog.''-he said and I got goosebumps.

''Please be evil again, I can't take this.''-I say and he laughs. ''Ji Chi...''-I say.

''Hmm..''-he looks at me.

''What if my heart gives out while you're with me?''-I ask dead serious and he throws his head back and laughs like he never did before.

''How can I not kiss you when you ask me something like that?''-he said and placed his hands on my cheeks. In that moment he was so cute I didn't care about the people. He leaned in slowly and pecked my lips. It was the quickest but the sweetest thing I ever tasted. We heard camera shutters and he turned around.

''Please no pictures.''-he said to them. They nodded and left.

''Wow, they just listen.''-I say.

''Yeah if they don't want a lawsuit.''-he said.

''Ooh, badass.''-I say. He smirked. He put his arm around my shoulders and we continued our walk. I sighed, I was so happy. Today I went trough so many emotions. I felt so drained. But he was my life battery. Something was bothering me at the back of my mind, but we have just begun, and I don't want to pull that out just yet. I want to enjoy every little piece of him. I look at him, a beautiful man beside me. Mine.  

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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 14: wow....a very great ending....love this story so much......Thanks to you..i've being a fan of Ji Changwook.....<3<3<3<3<3<3:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
Starxxdominax #2
Chapter 14: Nice one
Chapter 7: holy effing ji changwook. Stop doing wonders to my poor unguarded heart ;__;
lilith9999 #4
Chapter 14: Perfect! Congratulations for this story. I imagin him as a great boyfriend too. Between the fantaisies of a fan and who he really is, it may have a big gap!!!!
Hanna is severe with herself but you wanted her to think first about Ji Chi and I can understand. The last scene is violent but ends with their make up: that scene was as the typical bad guy who claims the girl they want. (Boys over flowers...)
lilith9999 #5
Chapter 2: I begin your story. It's funny. ;)
Isabellachoi #6
Chapter 9: Rly good! Glad they're together now! Keep going!
Isabellachoi #7
Chapter 6: Luv this chapter! Well done
Isabellachoi #8
another update! Ur writing is good, keep it up
SakuraOP #9
Chapter 5: This is sooo good! Super amazing! Thanks!
SakuraOP #10
Chapter 3: This is super duper good! Just read all of it! Rly excited for this! Woo!