7. part

A little thing called love / Only the greatest love ever


We walked trough the sea of people. Ji Chi barging trough and me blindly following. He still had my wrist in his fist. We reached the other side of the ship and there were close to none people on that side making us almost alone. He stopped at the far end letting my wrist go and leaning on the railing. Nothing but black sea in front of us. I stared at his back and how the wind blew the strands of his hair. My dress was whipping around my legs and my hair stuck on my lip gloss. I tried to remove it but there was always this one strand that you couldn't get a grasp on. He turned around and stepped toward me. His hand went to my face and he removed the stuck strand of hair from my lips. I stayed silent for too long.

''Why?''-I ask. His eyes went from my lips to my eyes.

''What?''-he asked as if he was taken aback.

''Why did you lead me here?''-I ask pointing around us. I really wanted to take a step back because the closeness of his body made my ovaries bounce around, but my feet were glued to the spot.

''Why... I don't know.''-he said.

''Are you for real?''-I ask.

''I can't stand that .''-Ji Chi said. I cross my arms on my chest.

''Mark? What has he ever done to you?''-I ask protectively. He snorts.

''Well you can clearly see that he is some kind of player. I just saved you a heartbreak.''-he said. I laugh ironically.

''Are you completely out of your mind? What heartbreak? He is so nice. Unlike you.''-I say pointing at his chest.

''So nice, he was all over you.''-he said.

''We were dancing! And maybe I wanted him all over me.''-I say. He took a step back.

''Whoa.. then I am very sorry. I was clearly overstepping my boundaries.''-he said lifting his hands in the air.

''You know what.. you were jealous.''-I can't believe I just said that, and judging by the look on his face, he didn't either.

''I was what?''-he asked.

''Jealous.''-I repeat. He laughed.

''In what world do you live in?''-he said. ''Look, I am sorry to break it to you, but have you ever heard a celebrity dating their fan? Not in this lifetime.''-he said smirking.

''I hate to break this to you, but I am not, in any way, your fan.''-I said and turned away to leave his . He didn't follow.

Mark was standing where we left him talking to some guy. Judging by the way they talked and laughed they knew each other well. He saw me coming and waived.

''Hey. What was that about?''-he asked when I joined them.

''Oh it's nothing. He is a bit weird.''-I say shrugging it off.

''Well I can see that. Is this some one sided love thing or what?''-he asked.

''I don't like him.''-I say quickly. Mark laughs.

''I meant him.''-he said.

''Oh, I don't think so. He has a habit of being a jerk to me that's all.''-I say.

''There's a thin line between love and hate you know?''-he said.

''I heard that before.''-I say. I looked at Mark's friend and he smiled at me.

''That's a nice dress. You look hot.''-the friend said. Wow, that was a direct blow.

''Don't be alarmed. He's gay.''-Mark said. The guy shot him a weird look.

''Well my name is Ken, not gay.''-Ken said. Well he did look gay, I just didn't notice it before. For a second I thought he was offended but he looked fine, except he looked at Mark worriedly.

''Nice to meet you Ken, I am Hanna.''-I say.

''Well cheers to our new friendship girl.''-he said handing me a glass of champagne from the tray which was on the piano behind him. I took the glass and clang with his.

After a few minutes of laughing and talking about crazy stuff I was already in love with Ken, not literally but in a friendship kind of way. He was amazing. He left to say hi to some work colleague and me and Mark were alone again.

''Sorry about that again.''-I say.

''No problem. Look, if he's giving you a hard time, don't hold back on telling me. We can always work something out.''-he said.

''And by that you mean by the law of course.''-I say and he laughs.

''Yeah, by the law.''-he said. ''My break is kind of over now, so I need to go back.''-he said apologetically.

''Okay, go. Thank you for trying though.''-I say.

''My pleasure.''-he said. When he turned to leave, after a few steps I saw Ken grab his elbow and telling him something in a low voice. Mark shook him off and shook his head. He disappeared behind the bar and Ken just stood there. Something about him looking like that made me very sad, and very familiar. Somehow he reminded me of me.

I joined my mother and Ji Chi at the table and was welcomed with death glares. Mom stopped eating and Ji Chi turned away from me.

''So you are here with us? I was beginning to wonder.''-she said.

''I went to get a drink. I just got into talking with Mark.''-I say.

''Yeah, we could see what you talked about on the dance floor.''-she said.

''Okay honestly, I don't see a problem here. I don't see a problem with me spending some nice time with the guy I enjoy being with. Dancing, what in the world is wrong with dancing?''-I ask.

''That boy is trouble.''-mom said.

''He is not!''-I say.

''Well he is kinda off Hanna. I don't know how to put it, he is too perfect. It's weird. Like he is trying to be something he's not.''-mom said.

''You're wrong. You're both wrong.''-I say. Ji Chi looks at me but says nothing.

''Fine, you will see for yourself.''-she said.

''I will.''-I say. I went for the wine bottle and Ji Chi took it out of my hands. He poured it for me. Fake courtesy.

We walked in silence back to our apartment. It wasn't awkward when you can sense the anger. But for some reason most of the anger radiated from Ji Chi. Like he had anything to be mad about. I walked behind him, drilling a hole into the back of his neck with my eyes. A bug flew next to my face and I tried hard not to waive my hands around to move it. It landed on Ji Chi's forearm and moved downwards. It was so nasty looking that I got goosebumps just imagining it crawling on me. I silently moved toward him. I was gonna smack his arm with all my might and blame it all on the bug. I was so occupied with the bugs position I didn't notice we were in front of stairs. They stepped up but I didn't. I tripped over the stair and instead of smacking the bug I held Ji Chis hand. I held his hand... the bug flew away and it didn't seem like I tripped at all. It was like I casually held his hand. But the weirdest thing of all was that he just looked at me for a moment before holding my hand back. With no weird look on his face or anything. We stood there hand in hand. Mom was oblivious and walking in front. It was as if we did it before, so natural. My heart beats faster snapping me out of my daze.

''There was a bug on your arm, sorry.''-I say taking my hand back quickly.

''Oh, right... thanks.''-he said and scratched his head. He continued to walk in front of me. It took a few moment until my legs started to move. I looked at my hand. Somehow I expected it to look different as if a hand could have its own ity or something and it has just been its first time. But it looked the same, except it looked empty. He glanced at me for a second and I let my hand fall to my side. What was that? He held my hand. The angry situation from before completely disappeared and awkwardness settled in. If somebody saw us we would look like The Beatles to them. Walking in line.

In front of our yards we went our own ways. Without saying anything. Me and mom to our apartment and Ji Chi to his. I rushed to my room and threw myself on the bed just kicking of the heels from my feet. I buried my face to my pillow. Why is this so hard? I feel like an idiot. I feel really angry at him but in the same time I am addicted to his presence. I know he's no good to me but I still continue to linger around him. Like cigarettes. Just like that. And I don't even like the taste of cigarettes but I smoke here and there. And God knows I could use one right now.

Light was poking my eyes. It was like it was giving tiny slaps on my eyelids. I groan and open my eyes maybe a millimeter. I didn't draw the curtains last night and now the sun was pouring inside my room making it even hotter. I was already sweating. My elbows were wet from being bent. The middle of my back was wet as if I walked out of a shower a second ago. I hate summer. I was always a winter type. Where you could sit by the window reading books and drinking something hot. You knew that it's cold outside but you were cozy and warm. Not hot, warm. I miss winter. I get up from my bed and peel my clothes away. I was walking toward the door when something on the window caught my eye. It was a blue post it note. I walk over and open the window because it was from outside.

>I'm sorry for yesterday. I had no right to ruin anything for you. I won't do that again. -JCW

Something about that note felt very final. As if something was closing. Ending. I felt panic rising from the pit of my stomach. I didn't want the panic I felt. I ought to be relaxed now. But I wasn't. I touch his initials with my finger. But how did he stick this post it to my window? Our houses were close but you need some sick circus skills to manage to stick this on without falling and breaking a hip or a leg or a neck maybe. I shudder at the thought. I sighed. This is good right? This is what I wanted right? To be left alone. I stick the post it from my side of the window and leave the room.

''Good morning.''-mom said cheerfully.

''What's so good about it?''-I ask. She came from the kitchen caring pancakes. ''Oh I see what's good.''-I say.

''You still pissed off?''-mom asked.

''Not really.''-I say with my mouth full of pancakes.

''Good. Look, I don't mean anything bad. I just hoped for...''-she stops.

''What?''-I ask.

''Well that asian boy is really nice. And he seems to care about you somehow, and I can see you care about him too. I just hoped you two would...''-she said.

''We have nothing mom.''-it was true. ''I don't care about him,''-a big fat lie. ''and he doesn't care about me.''-again, the truth.

''Oh honey.''-mom patted my shoulder in a way where you break down to someone that he has a cancer.

''It's okay.''-I say. ''The pancakes are delicious mom.''-I say.

''Eat up, I made a lot.''-she said. ''By the way, did you two have a big fight?''-she asked.

''What?''-I ask.

''On the ship, when he took you away to talk. When he came back he seemed so distant, different. And after that he didn't even try to talk to you. And I wanted to bring him some pancakes earlier but he had already left to the beach early I guess. And he doesn't go this early.''-mom said. This is so ed up beyond repair.

''Yeah, we fought. Bad. Not worth retelling.''-I say.

''I understand. I won't ask anymore.''-mom said. I glanced toward the balcony. What if he went home? I stood up and went for the balcony. I leaned over the railing as far as I could to see inside and my hand almost slipped away.

''What are you doing you idiot?''-a voice came from the yard. I looked down and I saw him and his manager standing there coming back from somewhere since Ji Chi had his car keys in his hand. I sighed with relief. ''Are you trying to kill yourself?''-he asked.

''Do you want pancakes?''-I blurted out. I can't look more stupid than I am. Hyun Woo smiled at the word pancakes but Ji Chis face remained expressionless.

''No, thank you.''-he said and went inside the building. That's how it was now. Deal with it.

''Hyun Woo, pancakes?''-I asked. He smiled and gave a thumbs up. ''Go and I will pass them to you here.''-I say and he nods then goes inside too.

''Will they eat with us?''-mom asked.

''Ji Chi- Chang Wook doesn't want to. But I said to Hyun Woo I will give him some.''-I say and mom grabs a plate for pancakes to give.

We were so close yet so far, to avoid any awkwardness, I took mom on a different beach today. I guess he had a same thought because he was there too. Man, the look on his face when he saw me there was a thousand bucks worth repellent. His face was screaming '' off'' every time I came too close. Which was easy because this beach wasn't even that big. It was kind of secluded and it looked more like a bay. It was actually very pretty and cute. It looked wild and untouched. A small peace of paradise. I bought a large swan shaped float, like the ones you see on Instagram, at first I was too embarrassed to use it but I am not the only one so I decided to bring it today. I was about to get on when about seven or eight guys started jumping around throwing balls and themselves. Too much waves for me. I stood there with my hand around the swans neck looking like a fifteen year old.

''Well he spits poison from his eyes.''-some guy said. I followed where they looked and saw Ji Chi standing near them shooting them down one by one. Uh, it did look poisonous. I don't even want to know what they did to him. But thankfully they went somewhere else and I got my peace and quiet. I climbed on the swan and relaxed. Every now and then checking my position. I had my sunglasses on so I glanced more than a few times in his direction. He didn't look at me even once. Fair enough. We were done knowing each other I guess. This is good, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I changed sides few times and after a while I could see that red was really not my color so I ran outside and in shade. I don't wanna burn. I don't ever burn that badly that I feel the pain, it's just that I am annoyed with the skin peeling afterwards.

''I've been wondering when you gonna run.''-mom said handing me an ice cream.

''Thanks.''-I say taking it.

''Still nothing?''-she asks. I look at her and I see her glancing at his direction.

''Mom, let it go.''-I say.

''Okay.''-she said but she wasn't letting it go I could feel it. I went to sit on my towel and the guys from before were sitting near me.

''The girl from before, with a giant chicken.''-one said and everybody laughed. I rolled my eyes. They were about seventeen years old. I turned away from them. Teenage guys were so annoying I swear. No wonder I liked older guys. Like twenty nine or something. ''Oh come on, it's a joke don't shut us out.''-another guy said. ''Can we join you?''-he asked.

''No thanks.''-I say and they all go 'Ooooh'. ''That guy is seriously weird, what the is his problem?''-they said and my eyes went to Ji Chi. He was staring them down again. Like a hawk. They flipped him off and he lifted an eyebrow. ''He's probably gay though and he likes us.''-someone said. ''.''-I don't remember standing up but I definitely remember throwing the ice cream into the guys lap. ''What the hell?!''-he said standing up. ''.''-he said.

''Be careful who you call you worthless piece of .''-I say. He laughed. Maybe I am in over my head a bit.

''Are you real?''-he asked.

''Yeah, real stupid.''-other guy said and they laughed again. I turned to walk away and he grabbed my shoulder. ''Not so fast, you gonna wash this ice cream off of me.''-he said. Ji Chi stood between us and pushed the guy away.

''You gonna wash it off yourself.''-he said firmly. He was by a head taller then the teenager and had by one person more muscles.

''Get lost .''-guy said. I wanted to punch him but Ji Chi pushed me back I almost fell on my .

''What is your problem?''-Ji Chi asked.

''The girl behind you, give her to me and we have no problem.''-the guy said.

''No way.''-Ji Chi said. I get closer again.

''Look, I got into this myself-''-I try to say but he interrupts.

''No one ing asked you.''-Ji Chi said. ''Let it go and walk away like nice boys your mothers raised you to be.''-Ji Chi said.

''Why mention my mother?''-the guy said.

''You don't want her to be sorry right? Walk away.''-Ji Chi said. The guy spat at the ground and walked away.

''I better not see you again, you're ing weird.''-the guy said and the rest of them stood up and left. When they did so did Ji Chi. Not even glancing at me. But he saved me. I felt so bad. So torn.

After some while mom and I gathered our stuff and went home, I just didn't feel like being there anymore. While we were walking by the side of the road, there was a cafe and the guys from before were sitting there.

''Just be patient. The only exit from that beach is trough here and he will show up. I am so going to beat his . He won't know which country he came from.''-the guy I threw my ice cream on said. They were planning to wait for him. ''I know a guy here he can get us some baseball bats, we gonna kick him senseless.''-he said. I stopped walking. Mom turned and I motioned for her to go without me. I need to go back, I need to tell him. I need to save him. I left my phone in the bag my mother was caring so I can't call for help. Crap. I run to the beach like my life depended on it. I see him on the spot where he was before. I ran to him almost crashing into him.

''Chang Wook.''-I say. ''You're here.''-I say out of breath. What do I say? If I say they are waiting for him he will want to fight them head on. I can't let that happen. ''Can I borrow your phone?''-I ask. He stares at me for a second like I lost my mind then he gives me the phone. I type in moms number and walk a few steps away. Mom answered after a few rings.

''Mom, listen to me. You need to call the police. And send them to the beach where we were.''-I say quietly.

''Why? What happened? Hanna are you okay?''-she asked.

''Yes, for now. Look, some guys are waiting for Chang Wook and they are going to beat him up. Please call the police.''-I say.

''Okay I am calling.''-she said and hung up. My heartbeat was off the wall.

''Can I get my phone back now? What's with you?''-he asked. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't judge his expression. I hand him his phone.

''I will stay with you for a while.''-I say.

''No you won't.''-he said stepping away.

''Oh please you won't even know I'm here.''-I say waving it off.

''I was going to leave now anyway.''-he said.

''No!''-I yell and he flinches.

''Okay what's going on?''-he asked.

''Nothing at all. Just don't go yet. Look at the sunset.''-I said flipping around but it was nowhere near a sunset yet.

''Hanna...''-he started softly.

''Look, only for ten minutes, let's stay.''-I plead. He looked like he was really thinking about it, the look on his face told me he was going to stay when he shook his head.

''No. I'm going now.''-he said grabbing his towel and backpack from the floor. This stubborn idiot. He walked way too fast for my taste. I couldn't keep up calmly. I tugged on his backpack every few steps. ''Stop it.''-he said.

''Wait for me. Please walk slower.''-I beg.

''No, don't walk with me. I am in a hurry actually so you can go on by yourself.''-he said. Jerk. We came so close to the place they were talking about. Even though it was in the daytime it was secluded enough that no one could see that easily what was going on. My palms sweated. I tugged on his backpack one more time and he turned around. ''Stop it!''-he yelled grabbing my hands. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two guys approaching and just in time he took a swing I pushed Ji Chi out of the way by switching out places. The bat hit me in the back just between my shoulder blades and the air from my lungs was kicked out. I was gasping for air and couldn't even scream while I was in pain.

''Hanna!''-Ji Chis voice echoed in my buzzing ears. I was on my knees and somebody pushed me even further. Tears spilled from my eyes. Ji Chis backpack dropped to the ground and I could see him fighting off some guys but earning good punches too. He can't take this for much longer. I tried to stand up and he motioned for me to stay on the ground. No way. One guy saw him looking at me and went for my neck.

''Hey Greg, this the who threw ice cream on you.''-he said. Greg turned from, now on the floor, Chang Wook and came to me.

''Right. Fancy meeting you here.''-he said and I spat in his face. He slapped me. His hand had risen one more time but that was when I heard the sirens closing in. He looked around in panic. The guy who held me let go and started to run I fell on my knees again. Greg turned to run away too but in the last minute I grabbed his ankle and he fell.

''Let go!''-he said kicking my hands away with his feet. It hurt like hell.

''No!''-I say.

''Hanna let go.''-Ji Chi said clutching his stomach. I shook my head. Cops came running and pressed on Greg's back. They cuffed him and took him away. The rest of the guys ran away. Ji Chi came by my side and put his arms around me. ''You are so stupid. Really stupid.''-he said. I looked away from him. Even like this, he had nothing to say to me apart that I was stupid. Maybe I was. Really stupid.


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murnilan_98 #1
Chapter 14: wow....a very great ending....love this story so much......Thanks to you..i've being a fan of Ji Changwook.....<3<3<3<3<3<3:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
Starxxdominax #2
Chapter 14: Nice one
Chapter 7: holy effing ji changwook. Stop doing wonders to my poor unguarded heart ;__;
lilith9999 #4
Chapter 14: Perfect! Congratulations for this story. I imagin him as a great boyfriend too. Between the fantaisies of a fan and who he really is, it may have a big gap!!!!
Hanna is severe with herself but you wanted her to think first about Ji Chi and I can understand. The last scene is violent but ends with their make up: that scene was as the typical bad guy who claims the girl they want. (Boys over flowers...)
lilith9999 #5
Chapter 2: I begin your story. It's funny. ;)
Isabellachoi #6
Chapter 9: Rly good! Glad they're together now! Keep going!
Isabellachoi #7
Chapter 6: Luv this chapter! Well done
Isabellachoi #8
another update! Ur writing is good, keep it up
SakuraOP #9
Chapter 5: This is sooo good! Super amazing! Thanks!
SakuraOP #10
Chapter 3: This is super duper good! Just read all of it! Rly excited for this! Woo!