Chapter 5- Night Belligerent

The Skirmish for Love

Chapter 5

...Night Belligerent...




The five  exhausted SHINee boys finally reached their dorm and one by one, flopped onto the couch and armchairs. The mechanic that was supposed to fix their car couldn’t make it and sent another mechanic to do the job, which wasted more precious time. Their manager couldn’t stop talking about how their schedules were completely ruined because of one mechanic. It was true.


Key and Taemin were supposed to head to a radio station for a talk session with the deejays there. Minho and Onew were expected to be models of a new fashion line while Jonghyun was called to be a guest star on a variety show. But none of those could have been accomplished. The boys pity their manager for handling all the apologizing he made to the agencies who wanted the SHINee boys for their programmes. While their manager stayed mad at the first mechanic, Jonghyun had only one person in mind that he wouldn’t mind tearing off the head; Onew.


He couldn’t believe he fell into the leader’s trap! He could have just run away from that devil, but he didn’t and now Key would never come close to him. Jonghyun lifted his arm and stole a glance at the diva, who was already curled up into a ball and sleeping. He sighed and closed his view again with his arm. He knew Key wasn’t really asleep. The latter was just so upset that he would do that, and solve things inside his mind while others thought he had fallen asleep.


Jonghyun understood that after the shocking scene, Key needed time alone. He didn’t need comforting from anyone at the moment. How wrong Jonghyun was. From under his arm, he saw Onew coming close to Key and gently prodded him awake.


“Ne, Key. You should really freshen up,” his tone was caring. “After that you can sleep all you want. We have a super busy schedule tomorrow.” Jonghyun was so surprised to actually see Key’s head nod at Onew’s words and the diva got up and walked towards the bathroom. Key wasn’t usually like that. Even when Jonghyun was still his boyfriend, Key wouldn’t even lift his head when Jonghyun tried to comfort him. He felt a pang of sadness and jealousy.


Then, it was only him and Onew in the living room. Jonghyun hadn’t realised it at first, for he thought the 2Min couple were still there. But when silence drifted in that seemingly empty room, Jonghyun lifted his arm and scanned his surroundings. Onew sat in the armchair where Key was a few moments ago and Jonghyun hissed.


“Is there something you would like to say, Jonghyun?” Onew smirked. He sat cross- legged on the chair and made Jonghyun feel small under his superiority. Jonghyun scowled and shifted his lying position on the sofa. “You know, Key is very upset with you. And I’m still surprised as to why he didn’t even blame me for, I dunno, having you falling for me.” Onew chuckled and Jonghyun’s body trembled with rage.


“I have to admit, Key is such a dense person! I mean, it was so obvious that I can be the culprit behind your cheating on him,” Onew laughed while covering his eyes with his hands. Jonghyun buried his head deeper into the cushions to block the leader’s rants, but he knew he couldn’t avoid it. “I mean, didn’t he remember that I was the one who offered to go to the men’s room with you? Didn’t he find that one bit suspicious? Man, that boy’s killing me!”


Jonghyun sat up and glared at his leader with murderous eyes. “Stop talking about him like that!” He burst but Onew remained calm and did not even flinch under the younger’s glare.


Onew crossed his arms and looked sceptically at Jonghyun. “What can you even possibly do about it, Jonghyun? Key wouldn’t even look at you! How do you expect to defend him from me?” Jonghyun cursed under his breath as yet again, what Onew was saying was the truth. “You’re pathetic, my dongsaeng. Pa. The. Tic!” Onew chided.


“Hyung, JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!” Jonghyun yelled and widened his eyes as he saw Key’s head poking from the bedroom hallway. His mouth went dry and he saw Onew smirk while putting on his innocent mask yet again.


“Wh-why are you yelling at me, Jonghyun? I didn’t do anything wrong…” His voice faltered and his face turned sad.


“It’s okay, hyung. You’re not the one at fault,” Key stepped in and placed a reassuring hand on the leader’s shoulder and shot Jonghyun a glare. The latter could actually feel tiny daggers piercing his heart and soul. “Jonghyun. What makes you think getting mad at Onew- hyung is going to change anything between us? Just get a life.


Jonghyun flinched at the last sentence. It hurt.


“Key, just hear me out for a minute. I- I can explain,” Jonghyun pleaded, finally finding his voice. When he saw that Key’s eyes softened, he began. “What you saw in the hallway was true. I’m not denying it. But… but I wasn’t myself. Onew had this potion that could make you delirious and… and fall in love with the first person you set your eyes on. And—” Jonghyun was cut off with an irritated wave of Key’s hand.


“Your minute is up. Stop talking trash about Onew- hyung. Everything you do is your own.” And with that, Key vanished into his room. Jonghyun gave a defeated sigh and Onew chuckled quietly. He got up from the armchair.


“Well, so much for ‘the ‘truth’, ne, Jonghyun?” Onew was about to leave when he felt a hand gripped his. “Hmm?”


“Hyung… Let’s make another challenge.” Jonghyun said, his eyes focusing on something else other than the leader. Onew smiled but stayed quiet, and Jonghyun continued. “Forget about the first challenge. This time… this challenge will determine the winner; the legitimate boyfriend to Kim Kibum.”


“And?” Onew yawned in mockery.


“Whoever can give Key the last kiss, in his room, will be the winner and his new boyfriend. You get it?” Jonghyun declared and at last looked eye to eye with the smirking leader.


“You know, whatever you do will never work,” Onew said. “But since you’re so persistent and above all, pathetic, I’ll play along.” The leader then jerked his hand away from Jonghyun’s grip and went straight into the bathroom. Jonghyun sat in the empty living room in silence. But rather than being worried at Onew’s threats, he smiled. There was a reason he wanted to do the last, daring challenge in order to win back Key’s heart. And tonight, he was going to make sure he wins! Because tonight, was going to be the real war.



SHINee’s dorm was in deep silence as the members were all asleep. Well, most of them.


Jonghyun lay awake on his bed, playing with a set of keys in his hand. He had been up all night trying to figure out an explanation if he came into Key’s room. He looked at his bedside clock; 4:10 a.m. Even though it was that late and close to morning, Jonghyun couldn’t find the peace to even close his eyes. The thought of Onew creeping towards Key’s bedroom to win the challenge in the middle of the night while he slept gave him the chills. From time to time, he could feel the fatigue building up. But he would shake it away and prevent himself from falling to sleep, no matter how strong the temptation was.


After all that happened, only the 2Min couple didn’t know what really went on between them . They only hinted that Jonghyun and Key were having one of their fights, but they didn’t know the fact that the both of them had actually broken up. When Onew, Jonghyun and Key went into their rooms, the 2Min couple just had to follow their elders’ lead, much to Taemin’s disapproval.


“But I wanted to watch that new drama~ Minho, let’s stay up.” Jonghyun heard the maknae whine at his boyfriend earlier that night.


“But the others are going to sleep now. And we have a busy schedule tomorrow,” came the reply.


“Aww… Minho~”


There was silence and Jonghyun heard Taemin gave a little squeal. “Alright... alright!” The maknae said between giggles. Jonghyun guessed that whatever Minho had said to Taemin made the latter forget about the drama that he so wanted to watch and turn in early like the other members. Jonghyun sighed at the memory and continued fidgeting with the set of keys.


One of the keys opened to Key’s bedroom door. The item was decorated with a Kibum clay figure a fan gave to the diva when they were holding a fan meeting. Jonghyun smiled at the small figure of Key smiling oh so adorably. That was the reason why he was confident he could win the challenge. He had free access into the diva’s room, while he doubt Onew had any. Jonghyun snickered at the thought.


“I’ll set things right again, yeobo. You know I will.” Jonghyun whispered to himself and clutched the key close to his chest. Suddenly, he heard a door opening softly and closing just as quietly. Jonghyun sat bolt upright in his bed and crept to his door and pressed his ear against it. The footsteps were light, but he could tell from where it was coming from.


Onew…! Jonghyun realised and swung open his door and faced the mildly shocked leader. In his hand was the bottle of ‘Love Poison’. Jonghyun stared at him. “You’re not gonna use that on Key, are you?” Jonghyun gulped, hoping that the leader was not going to try and hypnotize Key with the potion, but Onew just smiled.


He clicked his tongue. “Jonghyun, you never learn, do you? Of course I’m going to use it on that darling boy. Who in their right mind wouldn’t?” Onew gave a sly smile and advanced towards Key’s room but Jonghyun grabbed his arm and pulled him backwards. The leader fell painfully on his bottom with a loud thud.  


“And who says you’re going first, rat?” Jonghyun smirked. Onew growled and lashed out his leg, tripping Jonghyun just as he was about to walk out of his room. The younger cursed and kicked Onew’s leg and tried getting up, but Onew tripped him again, causing him to bang his head onto the wall. Jonghyun grunted in pain.


Onew ran past him and that was when Jonghyun decided to take action. He brought both legs towards his chest and kicked with all his might at the leader’s ribs, knocking the breath out of him. Onew gritted his teeth to stop screaming and he fell sideways, hitting the wall opposite Jonghyun. The latter then quickly got up and swiped the bottle from Onew’s hands before he could register what was happening.


“Wha—” When Onew saw where Jonghyun was headed, his eyes were ablaze with fury. “Jonghyun! Don’t you DARE!” Onew quickly stretched himself and pulled Jonghyun’s shirt, causing the younger to fall backwards and hit his head on the floor.  The leader tried grabbing the potion from Jonghyun’s hands but the latter pulled him downwards to the floor and elbowed his chest. Onew gasped as the air in his lungs shortened. Jonghyun wasted no more time in getting rid of the potion. He quickly got up and ran.


Onew lashed out his leg in an attempt to trip Jonghyun yet again, but it was too late. Before the leader could even gather the strength to get up from his fall, Jonghyun burst open the bathroom door and poured all the powdered concoction into the toilet bowl as fast as he could shake the bottle.


When Onew arrived at the scene with an angry huff, Jonghyun had already flushed the content down the drain. Both were silent, the bathroom filled only with their ragged breathes. Suddenly, a door opened from the hallway and an all too familiar voice called out in the darkness.


“Is anyone out there?” It was Key!


~A lil something to add~


Oh my God!!! I'm so sorry for the super late chapter, guys! >< I have been very busy lately.. Well nothing serious but everytime I wanted to update, there's always an excuse for me to not.

I've been going out a lot lately with my friends and family. I really can't deny their desires to spend time with me but all the while I was out, I kept thinking about my fanfic and when will I ever have the time to update it! TT^TT So now I've been granted the chance! :)

This also goes to show that the next chapter will be a bit delayed coz I'm having a pretty busy week; going out with friends... (I'm sorry!!!)

Hope you guys can still love this fic and wait for new updates! And thank you so much for subscribing to this fic! Love you guys to bits! <33

For now, Chapter 5 is the most recent~


~Replying to comments~


@vampireme12... Whoa! You've got loads of questions! xDD Not that I mind! Ask away~ Anyways, Onew is doing it for money. And doing it for someone. And yes, the Mastermind is a guy. Ahh?! Key is not the Mastermind~ He is too innocent! ^^"

Oh, about the 'my Lord' thingy, Onew is just saying that coz the Mastermind employed him to do something, but yeah. The Mastermind is younger than him. Not special in any way.

As the chapters unfold, I'm sure you won't be confused anymore.. :D Please wait on my updates~


@keyloverlocket... Haha! Nope! Not SooMan-ssi~ Aaand.. The Mastermind was referring to Jonghyun.. :)

Whether it's 2Min or not, you'll just have to keep guessing before the finale is updated~  

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banana-milk-unni #1
Chapter 7: It would be awesome if u made a sequel~ I'm still a little confused :D
So Key was the king????
CupcakeSarang #3
I have so much love for this many questions i had for it...i wish it haven't finish so soon >.<
Finally. Heheh~ I thought you'd be a tease and would not reveal who's who till the end. >.< I'm glad you did.
My guess:<br />
KING: KEY<br />
<br />
TheAlmightyBling #7
I want a sequel!! I want a sequel!!!please!!
Y...YAH!!<br />
Then what happened to Onew-oppa?? Did he just give up? Or was he like, honouring the challenge? Or was it all a joke?? A test?? A bribe??? And who's the mastermind?? O_O<br />
<br />
*scratches head*<br />
mehh... Anyways....nyehehehehe~~~~~ I love happy endings!!!! <3<3<3 Key will forever be Jjongie's.....Mwuahahahahahhaa!! JongKey FIGHTING!<br />
It's fine. I think chapter 6 is a fine closure for this fic since everything went well for the two.<br />
The only thing that is of concern now is the mastermind.<br />
<br />
You know, I really think that Onew and the mastermind did these things just to test Jonghyun and his love for Key, if not, why wouldn't Onew still fight/argue when Jonghyun had Key's kiss? Did Onew really accept that once the challenge is over the order from the mastermind will stop? Or is it that the mastermind said that once Jonghyun won Onew has to stop?<br />
<br />
Aish! Until the end, I have so many questions. :)
Hell yeah, I have. Sorry about that :)<br />
If Onew's doing that for money, why? Is he in a tight need that he had to destroy someone's relationship for money? I think there's really more to it.<br />
<br />
Oh. He's a guy. Figures.<br />
Younger than him. Hmm.. if it is, then I guess the mastermind is really close to Onew that Onew even let himself call the mastermind 'my lord' Or is it just because of the crazy mind of the mastermind that he wanted to be called 'my lord'? Why would Onew let him?<br />
<br />
Okay. I think, Jonghyun wouldn't win and the truth won't be found out yet.<br />
Is Key really that innocent or he's just so dense that he didn't suspect Onew? Can't he just let Jonghyun explain? Jonghyun is his boyfriend after all. He should have trusted him more than Onew, right?<br />
Or is it just Key is feigning innocence for he has knowledge of everything? he just wanted to see/ know who the mastermind is? or if Jonghyun is really worth of his love?<br />
<br />
Sorry. I have so many questions :)<br />
I just love this fic ^^