Chapter 4- Dusk Infidelity

The Skirmish for Love

Chapter 4

...Dusk Infidelity...



Key groaned in frustration. “How long is this gonna take?” He dangled his legs like a spoilt child as the boys waited for a mechanic to fix their car. Dusk was approaching and the skies were a brilliant shade of orange and purple. But that didn’t lift Key’s mood one bit.


“Be patient, Key. I’m sure that mechanic’s gonna come soon,” Onew spoke up. That evening, as the boys were about to depart from the publishing company, something went wrong with their car and it wouldn’t start. And so their manager decided to call on a local mechanic to come and fix the vehicle. But the mechanic has yet to arrive, and even SHINee’s manager was getting impatient, calling on the mechanic again and again. The boys just sighed as they sat in the waiting hall of the company. Suddenly, the receptionist came to them.


“Good evening. I’ve just received a message from the director that SHINee and their manager may wait for the mechanic in the private lounge that they have used in the past hour,” she said with a smile and the five boys looked at each other and sighed in relief. At least they would have something to eat while they waited.


The five of them bowed in appreciation to the receptionist and excused themselves towards their lounge. Taemin and Minho took the lead and the lovebirds chatted to one another merrily without a care in the world. Jonghyun on the other hand stayed close to his boyfriend for fear Onew would try anything sneaky to try getting Key. The leader was the last of the five, hands in his pockets and walking without company. But Jonghyun knew that in his silence, Onew was hatching another devious plan that would land him another kiss with Key.


And with that poison, no doubt… Jonghyun thought in disgust. Damn him! He tried to calm himself down, but those dark disturbing thoughts began to invade his mind as soon as he tried to do just that. Jonghyun turned his head towards his adorable diva boyfriend, who was chattering non- stop about some actress’s love life with a squire.  


Key, as innocent and naïve as he was, loved sharing gossips with Jonghyun. But the latter just couldn’t enjoy them, no matter how much he liked hearing embarrassing or hot events happening in the Hallyu world. This was a time of crisis, a war between him and Onew for Key. But he knew Key wouldn’t understand, nor believe him. The diva always cared for everyone, befriending them like they were his close friends even though they were strangers to him. Jonghyun liked that side of Key, but it was also dangerous.


Sometimes, Jonghyun could detect slyness from the people who Key was friends with. They tried hitting on him, but as the man of the relationship, Jonghyun would always ward them off, much to Key’s irritation. But Jonghyun didn’t care. As long as he kept his boyfriend safe, then he would be at peace. But not at the moment.


“…And then, the press was like; “Have the both of you ever been in bed together?” Key laughed as he told Jonghyun the gossip. His laugh was like a sweet sonata, dancing their way into Jonghyun’s ears and making him forget about the world. Jonghyun smiled, but he couldn’t utter a word. His mouth went dry as he saw Onew’s figure closing in on them. His eyes narrowed and thought desperately of a ruse to get Onew off their backs.


He knew that if he didn’t say anything, Onew would make the first move. “Ne, yeobo. I’ve already heard that story before,” Jonghyun faked a teasing yawn and brought his hands to the back of his head. That earned a surprised look from Key and Onew’s slow retreat to the back of the group again. Jonghyun heaved a sigh of relief.


“Mwo? Really?” Key arched his eyebrows. “From who?”


“Uh… Well… From Yunho- sunbae,” Jonghyun covered his stammers with a smile, hoping that Key would fall for it. He knew the Dong Bang Shin Ki leader wasn’t interested in gossips, but his sunbae’s name just flew out of his mouth and he really hoped it was believable. And it worked but Key still held his suspicion.


“Yunho- sunbae? But I thought he never liked gossips!” Key pointed out, but then went deep in thought. “Well, I guess Changmin- sunbae has changed him for the better!” Key smiled and went on in changing the gossip topic. Jonghyun stole a glance at Onew and the leader smiled mockingly at Jonghyun’s attempt in getting rid of him. Jonghyun stuck out his tongue at him and gave Key a kiss, earning him a pinch on the cheek by his boyfriend.   


At last, they reached their private lounge and the 2Min couple went inside, seizing the seats side by side and continued sending love beams into each other’s eyes. Just as Jonghyun stepped into the room, he felt the urgent need to go to the restroom. He looked at Key, and then at Onew who entered after him. He gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to leave Key with Onew alone.


“Yeobo~ Will you accompany me to the restroom? I really need to go…” Jonghyun hopped up and down in cutesy to win his boyfriend’s heart. Key giggled and was about to oblige to Jonghyun’s request when the last person Jonghyun ever hoped to accompany him to any restroom stepped out and accepted the offer.


“If you wouldn’t mind, Key; I also need to go,” Onew said with his innocent dubu smile and Jonghyun could feel the anger boiling inside of him. “You can rest here while I go with him.” Key looked at Onew and Jonghyun tried giving him eye signals that he should really come with him. But all of that was a total waste of eye muscles as Key agreed and the two nemeses walked side by side to the men’s room. Jonghyun could see Onew’s mischievious smile from the corner of his eye and he fastened his pace with disgust.


After the two members relieved themselves, Jonghyun was about to get ahead of Onew in their trip back to the private lounge when the leader gripped his shoulder. He cornered Jonghyun to a section of a wall and the younger sensed something bad was going to happen.


“Ne, Jonghyunnie,” Onew’s voice sounded like poison behind the sweet tone. “Where do you think you’re going? I’ve got plans for you, you know.” He slowly reached into his pocket, unnoticed by Jonghyun.


“What the hell do you want, you rat?” Jonghyun growled between clenched teeth.


“You really don’t need to show me that hideous T-Rex face at me,” Onew jeered. “I just wanted to do this to you!” Quick as a flash, Onew uncapped the bottle of ‘Love Poison’ and brought it to Jonghyun’s nose for him to smell at. In the midst of it all, Jonghyun only caught a tiny sniff at the concoction and screwed his nose shut. He angrily pushed Onew away and was about to make a run for it when he staggered and fell to his knees. His head was swimming and he felt like he could faint at any time.


“W-wh-what the… What d-did you do to me…?” Jonghyun rasped, his eyesight was beginning to fail. Hands enveloped him from behind and Jonghyun faced a smirking Onew. Suddenly, a shocking amount of adrenaline shot up and took control of Jonghyun’s mind and body. He had the serious desire to make out with the leader right there and then. Jonghyun gripped Onew’s collar and called the elder’s name in a drunken voice. He could hear Onew chuckle and swipe Jonghyun’s hand from his collar in a teasing way.


“Ne, Jonghyun. Don’t tell me you’re hitting on me, now?” Onew said, his voice devilish. “Whatever happened to your sweet adorable Key?”


Jonghyun came at Onew and gripped the latter’s shirt once more and seductively at it. “Key…?” He repeated the alien name. Deep inside, Jonghyun was struggling to find the meaning of the name Onew just spoke. A light shone somewhere in the swirling void of the potion, and Jonghyun’s sanity began to resurface. He held his head and groaned.


“Ughh… Key…” Jonghyun’s senses were fixing themselves. But the potion was too strong. As his eyes laid themselves back on Onew, his desires began to drive his body wild. “W-what are you talking about, hyung? J-just shut up and l-let me do you…” Jonghyun couldn’t believe he had said those words. But his sane side was slow and almost hidden in the oblivion somewhere inside him, that at the time he was completely controlled by the ‘Love Poison’. Before he could stop himself, his lips began attacking Onew’s neck, at it with pleasure.


Onew in return, moaned mockingly. His plan was working perfectly. Now, the final phase was about to be accomplished…


Footsteps came from the direction of SHINee’s private lounge and Onew went into action. He put on his deception mask and faked a desperate squirm away from Jonghyun. As the target’s body began to appear, Onew went to the next level of his plan.


“J-Jonghyun? W-what are you doing?!” Onew said in a scared and defenceless voice. “G-get off me!”


A wide eyed Key stood in the hallway, his jaw dropped to an unattractive angle. “KIM JONGHYUN!!!” The diva’s demanding voice boomed throughout the hallway and instantly snapped Jonghyun out of his drunken state. He jumped and realising how close he was to Onew’s body, scooted away in disgust and confusion. He looked at Key, who was standing some distance away. The look on his boyfriend’s face was not what he was expecting.


The diva half- stomped, half- strutted towards Jonghyun. “What the Hell was that, yeobo?! You told me to stay clear away from Onew- hyung, treating me like I’ve cheated on you! But it was you all these times, huh?” Key looked ready to explode. Jonghyun was still trying to register what had just happened. Vague images of him about to make out with his nemesis hit him and he gasped in shock. He looked at Key at first, then Onew. The leader was trying his best to mask his delight with a scared expression.


“You had your eyes on Onew- hyung from the beginning. That’s why you didn’t want me near him! And look what you’ve done; you’ve scared the crap out of him!” Key pointed at Onew and helped the shocked leader up.


“B-b-but all of that wasn’t me. Honest!” Jonghyun defended himself. But it was no use. He had lost as he realised how strong the poison was.


“That’s enough, Jonghyun! We’re through, you hear? IT’S OVER!” Key screamed and Jonghyun could see tears forming in the corners of the diva’s eyes as he brought Onew away from Jonghyun. The latter could only stare helplessly at his ex- boyfriend and his nemesis going away. Onew managed to turn his head and gave one last evil victory smile before he and Key disappeared down the hallway.


Jonghyun sat where he was, trying hard not to cry or shout with rage at his defeat. But the tears wouldn’t stop themselves and the shout just burst from his throat, and the hallway echoed with it. He leaned against the wall and brought his knees up and buried his head in it.


And he sobbed.



The Mastermind leaned against the wall in the same hallway where Jonghyun was crying his heart out. The latter didn’t know there was someone watching him, and the Mastermind liked it at that. He had secretly spied on Onew’s progress a few minutes ago and he had to say; he was quite impressed by that man’s timing and mischief.


He chuckled quietly to himself. “All’s well that ends well, my dear hyung.” And with that, the Mastermind walked away with a big grin on his face.



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banana-milk-unni #1
Chapter 7: It would be awesome if u made a sequel~ I'm still a little confused :D
So Key was the king????
CupcakeSarang #3
I have so much love for this many questions i had for it...i wish it haven't finish so soon >.<
Finally. Heheh~ I thought you'd be a tease and would not reveal who's who till the end. >.< I'm glad you did.
My guess:<br />
KING: KEY<br />
<br />
TheAlmightyBling #7
I want a sequel!! I want a sequel!!!please!!
Y...YAH!!<br />
Then what happened to Onew-oppa?? Did he just give up? Or was he like, honouring the challenge? Or was it all a joke?? A test?? A bribe??? And who's the mastermind?? O_O<br />
<br />
*scratches head*<br />
mehh... Anyways....nyehehehehe~~~~~ I love happy endings!!!! <3<3<3 Key will forever be Jjongie's.....Mwuahahahahahhaa!! JongKey FIGHTING!<br />
It's fine. I think chapter 6 is a fine closure for this fic since everything went well for the two.<br />
The only thing that is of concern now is the mastermind.<br />
<br />
You know, I really think that Onew and the mastermind did these things just to test Jonghyun and his love for Key, if not, why wouldn't Onew still fight/argue when Jonghyun had Key's kiss? Did Onew really accept that once the challenge is over the order from the mastermind will stop? Or is it that the mastermind said that once Jonghyun won Onew has to stop?<br />
<br />
Aish! Until the end, I have so many questions. :)
Hell yeah, I have. Sorry about that :)<br />
If Onew's doing that for money, why? Is he in a tight need that he had to destroy someone's relationship for money? I think there's really more to it.<br />
<br />
Oh. He's a guy. Figures.<br />
Younger than him. Hmm.. if it is, then I guess the mastermind is really close to Onew that Onew even let himself call the mastermind 'my lord' Or is it just because of the crazy mind of the mastermind that he wanted to be called 'my lord'? Why would Onew let him?<br />
<br />
Okay. I think, Jonghyun wouldn't win and the truth won't be found out yet.<br />
Is Key really that innocent or he's just so dense that he didn't suspect Onew? Can't he just let Jonghyun explain? Jonghyun is his boyfriend after all. He should have trusted him more than Onew, right?<br />
Or is it just Key is feigning innocence for he has knowledge of everything? he just wanted to see/ know who the mastermind is? or if Jonghyun is really worth of his love?<br />
<br />
Sorry. I have so many questions :)<br />
I just love this fic ^^