Night Boys, Sweet Dreams

Life before Got7

We climbed into the back seat with JB in the middle. I was scared to ask where they were going to take us, especially if it was to any of our parents’ places.


We were heading back.


I broke out in a cold sweat. Jr didn't look much better. JB was still in La-la land.


"So, what should we? Drop you at your houses or maybe at the police station?" Junho asked us sarcastically. "Underage drinking and out passed curfew, I do believe they're both frowned upon."  What a jerk!


"I beg you, Hyung-mins." Jr was doing his very best to work a deal." Please let us get JB sobered first. Then we will face the music." He was rubbing his hands together, a way of pleading in many Asia cultures.


I have never seen this side of Jr, acting very submissive. It was freaking me out.  I knew we were in trouble but the way he was acting, took it to another level.


We were a few blocks from JYP Entertainment, Jr was almost to the point of tears. He was quiet and lost all colour in his face. Why was he such a wreck?


The car slowed down as we approached the building, Jr was starting to shake. Chansung leans in, "Junho, remember just after we debut, when Kim Tae Woo and Son Ho Young caught us at out past curfew. Still makes me shudder." 


"That was a night none us will ever forget." Junho exhaled loudly. The car came to stop right in front Jr's father's business. The older men were enjoying themselves at our expense. I wanted to tell them to grow up, but luckily by inner voice kept my outer voice in a headlock.


"Guys, I think I'm going to puke." JB pushed me to open the car door, which I did. He scrambled out and over to some hedges. I followed after him and made sure he didn’t fall face down in it. The force that everything was coming out of him was shocking.  Watching poor JB puking his lungs out made I feel queasy too.  Don't ever want to be in that shape


"You'll live."  I patted his back. After a few minutes, he straightens up.


"You okay?"  asked him as I put my arm around him.


"I'll survive until my father gets a hold of me," he smiles weakly at me.  Yeah, I had that same feeling. We headed back to the car to face our captures.


I opened the car door. "Hyung, what do you want us to do?" I was standing with JB's arm around my neck.


"Get back in for starters before the whole world sees you!" Chansung shouted at us. We quickly obeyed. The car drove away. Jr let out a sigh of relief as the building left our sight.


It was really late or should I say early in the morning, around 3:00am.  We finally pull into an underground parking lot.  The car stops at the entrance.


"Everybody out," Chansung demanded as he climbed out of the vehicle.


The three of us followed like lambs to the slaughter, heads down and silent.  We had no clue to where we were. One positive was it wasn't one of our houses. We might live a little longer.


We followed Junho to the elevator with Chansung close on our heels. The doors opened and we all get in.


We followed the two men silently into an apartment. It was large and nicely furnished.


"You can crash here. But don't expect any sympathy come morning." Chansung motioned for us to follow him down the hallway.


 "There's the bathroom and here's where you guys can crash.  JB, I suggest you drink as much water as you can before your head hits the pillow...Night, Boys. Sweet dreams!" he turns away chuckling to himself, shaking his head.


Yeah, right! I was shaking my head too. How could the night that started out so awesome, end so crappy? Not to point any fingers but if JB hadn't been so wasted we would have gone unnoticed. 


Jr called dibs on the twin bed, I didn't complain. He was in a very dark mood and I knew better then to start popping off on him.  JB headed to the can first.  Jr flopped down on the bed. 


"So...any more bright ideas? How are we going to salvage this?" his tone was accusing me of being the instigator. 


Well, it was my idea to celebrate JB's birthday, but the birthday boy picked the location. I didn't want to argue over schematics.


"We're all in it up to our necks, so let's not lay blame on any one person." I stated the obvious.


The look he gave me was anything but friendly.  I ignored him. I grabbed a bunch of quilts out of the wardrobe and made two beds on the ground. I found a plastic waste basket for JB, just in case.


When JB reappeared in the room, he look horrible. "Guys, my head won't stop spinning?"


"Did you drink some water?" I asked.


"Yeah. Found and took some Tylenol, too." He laid down on the quilt. "Just kill me now and be done with it."


“No, that honour is going to be left to our fathers, I'm afraid." Trust Jr to say the right thing.  JB eyes got as big as saucers. The look of fear on his face was no joke.


"Would you stop it already?" I was getting pissed off now, "you're not helping the situation... So can it."


He gives me a little shove as he left the room. I felt like yelling at him to grow up. But in his mood, he would definitely punch me out.

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SmileHoyaHorse #1
Chapter 9: Oh my god this story is so interesting!!!
xxAiX009xx #2
Chapter 9: Jackson seems to be not so close to his father more of respect and fear which is evident in his action and speech and I love that element. I wish to know more about it and I want to see a carefree and affectionate side of him towards his mother/siblings that will surprise everyone
xxAiX009xx #3
I love how jackson is a man of few words but so manly.... I love jackson wang!