We met again

Moon's Hotel


To hwalion: are you free today? 
From HL: no. Come here, help me if you are super bored~~ 
To HL: nahh.. Just do it yourself :p

To Whepup: are you free today? 
From WP: i'm working. Sorry ><

"Guessed i have to go alone.." he jumped out from the bed then took the car key and his wallet.


At the shopping mall....

Moonbyul need to buy some formal shirt and suit. As what Mr. Han said, he need to wear neatly and show a great example to other staffs at the hotel. Plus there will be an event to welcomed him as the new ceo, all staffs will be there.

Unfortunately, he desperately need someone to help him to choose the attires. Why? Because all these times he only know how to wear the shirt, jumper, jacket, sweater, jeans....
He didn't expect he would work at the hotel so he didn't bother to buy them. 

1 hour walking around the shopping mall without entering any shop made he felt thirsty so he stopped at the coffee shop. He bought the ice americano and sat there to rest a bit. 

"Ahhhhh.." he slurped it. Ice americano flow through his throat made it fresh. 

When enjoying his drink, he saw someone at the cashier. A girl who was busy looking for something in her handbag and a boy in front of her who looked pissed.

"Forgotting the purse? Such a bad day" Moonbyul thought. "...but wait, i knew her" 

He then walked to the counter and paid for her "it's on me. Come on let's share the table" he smiled nicely to her and she followed him. 

"Thanks for helping me. I'll pay you back. It's nice that people like you still exists. Helping a stranger. Thank you so much" she said sincerely. 

"No problem. But you are not a stranger. I knew you. Don't you remember me? This face?" he pointed at his own face.


"Ahhh. That stal.... I mean the guy with the book" 

"So my name is the guy with the book now? Why so long??" he . 

"Maybe?? i don't know your name" she replied awkwardly.

Moonbyul then suddenly offered his hand to her "Byulyi" 

"Huuh?" His sudden action made her flustered. 

"My name is Byulyi. What's yours?"

"Ooo...Call me solar" she shaked moonbyul's hand and smile. 

"Is that your really name?"

"It's not. My name is Kim Yongsun. My friends call me Solar"

"Kim yongsun? It's pretty. Pretty like the owner" he smiled.

Solar gave a wow faced to him "Are you always these chessy?"  

"Nah. Only to the pretty girl like you" he winked playfully

"So smooth" she amused.

Moonbyul then looked at his watch. He late! and yet still didnt buy the attires. "Anyway.. Are you free right now? Please say yes" 

"Yes. It's my day off. But why?"

"You said you will pay me back right? Can you pay it right now. It's not about the money but can you spend some of your times to help me?" he asked nicely which got a nodded from her. 


In the shop.

"Why suddenly you want to buy these. It's not like one but a lot in a one time?" she asked him curiously. 

"I got a job" 


"I said i got a JOB" he had to scream a bit because he was in the clothing room while Solar was at the outside waiting for him. 

After finished trying all the clothes. They went to pay.

"You both make a great couple. Your husband is so handsome" the staff said while packing the clothes.

That made Solar suprised "he is not..." Then Moonbyul cutted her "You have a good eyes on man miss. Honey, you are not jealous with her right?" He looked at solar then laughed together with the staff. 

While Solar's mind still blank and didn't digest well what was going on. 



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Chapter 8: yahh updatee ,it was good and we like it .thank you for this
Chapter 8: pls update story lines really cool i enjoy it
armal9308 #3
author-nim~ update soon please
arizanazi97 #4
Chapter 5: sounds good. maybe author-nim, you can make byul is actually solar's crush at school long time ago. but byul don't know about it. just an opinion. have a nice day!
malina #5
Chapter 3: Thank you for updating .. Looking for the next chapter :D
mcnor_akhma #6
Chapter 1: Nice story..looking forward for the next update!