
Moon's Hotel


"One iced caramel macchiato" Moonbyul ordered and handed back the menu to the waitress. 

Moonbyul observed the cafe.

It's totally Hwasa's taste like 100%. The American's feel with the American flag hang on the wall. It is not big and yet not too small, perfect size and absolutely comfy and a best place to hang out. Nice job Hwasa!

The cafe was filled with a few people as it is already pass 11.30pm and 30minutes left before the cafe would close. 

Moonbyul sat alone waiting for Hwasa and Wheein to finish their jobs. He looked at the outside. The sky full with the stars....

Star... You used to call me that.

He smiled unconsiously thinking about the past and the smile quickly erased as someone patted his left shoulder. 

"Hyung! I'm sorry. I have a bit thing to settle at the back just now" he pointed at his office which is in the second floor of the cafe.

"Sit now. Urghh i am bored waiting for you" Moonbyul whined.

"You should say it to wheein. But i bet you will never say it to her. Why? because she is you favourite and number one dongsaeng. And I, number two. Sad!!" Hwasa pouted.

"Dont pout like that. If wheein see that she might hate you. You know she the only one can pout like that" Moonbyul added. 

"Lol. You got a point hyung!" Hwasa nodded quickly as agreed with him. 

The cafe filled with their laugh till someone came...

"Did you talked about me behind my back" she placed her hands on her waist. 

"NO!!" Hwasa replied nervously. 

"Yes, he did" Moonbyul said emotionless while sending the eye signal to Hwasa, you deserved it. 

Wheein punched slightly to Hwasa's back. 

"Hyung is lying Wheein ah. Hyung, do you want to fight with me?" He acted as he was ready to boxing. 

Moonbyul just laughed watching both of his dongsaeng. He missed them. Joking around with them. They catched up everything that they missed that night. Hwasa is now a succesful bussinesman and wheein works at the hotel, Moonbyul's hotel. 

"Oppa, now answer me honestly, why you came back? Before, i begged you like crazy to follow us after graduated high school but you said you would never EVER want to be back. What change your mind?" Moonbyul saw Wheein's serious eyes. 

"My father..dead" Wheein felt shocked with Moonbyul short answer. 

"I'm sorry for your loss. I did not meant it. I did not know it will turn like this. I'm so sorry" she holded his hand. 

"It's okay wheein. I'm okay" he smiled. 

"Who want CHICKENNN??!!" Both of them suprised with Hwasa's loud voice. 

"Just eat by yourself" Wheein knocked Hwasa's head. She need to head back home right now. "Oppa, let's meet again next time. You can take my number with him and don't forget to leave a message" she waved at them as goodbye.

"She's right. Just eat alone. I have to get up early tomorrow. Order it, my treat" he picked his phone and mouthed "see you tomorrow" and leave the cafe.

Hwasa knew Moonbyul didn't want to discuss about his father. And thanks to the idea of the chicken he managed to get him out from it. You should thanked me, hyung


"Wheeny see you at the hotel tomorrow~ from your ex crush or should i say boss? ^^ "

Wheein laughed reading Moonbyul's message. She was glad he is still the same Byulyi she last met. But something felt weird to her. She tried to read the message again. 

See you at the hotel? Boss?







Sorry for the late update. I stucked with the test. Have fun anyway ^^ 



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Chapter 8: yahh updatee ,it was good and we like it .thank you for this
Chapter 8: pls update story lines really cool i enjoy it
armal9308 #3
author-nim~ update soon please
arizanazi97 #4
Chapter 5: sounds good. maybe author-nim, you can make byul is actually solar's crush at school long time ago. but byul don't know about it. just an opinion. have a nice day!
malina #5
Chapter 3: Thank you for updating .. Looking for the next chapter :D
mcnor_akhma #6
Chapter 1: Nice story..looking forward for the next update!