Chapter Five

Thanks for Everything

Months had passed since Yuhwa’s last breakdown. She was much happier than she had been during the first semester of the school year. Jeongmin was now more perceptive when it came to her; he didn’t want to make the same mistake he had that first weekend of school when he had failed to realize that she needed comfort. He never wanted her to deal with her grief alone again and now agreed to all of her requests to hang out.

They had weekly lunch dates, usually discussing future plans after college since they were in similar majors or planning gatherings with their group of five that comprised of the two of them, Donghyun, Youngmin, and Kwangmin. They went out to eat every Friday evening after Yuhwa finished her tasks at the neuroscience research lab she worked in. The group’s favorite spot to hang out was at the noraebang, where they spent hours singing the night away. If there were any new movie releases, they went to the theater to watch the film together. After returning from their outings, the boys all logged on to either League of Legends or Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and Yuhwa would quietly watch either Jeongmin and Youngmin or Donghyun and Kwangmin in their respective bedrooms until they went to sleep.

It was a comfortable way to spend her Friday nights with friends she cared about, despite being the prime target of their teasing due to her innocent naivety. Although they bullied her, it was all in good fun and in their hearts, they really appreciated their quasi-younger sister. For each individual’s birthday, Yuhwa had generously treated them to dinner. Whenever they needed to order Uber rides, she was the first to pull out her cell phone and order the service.

So when Yuhwa’s birthday was approaching, Jeongmin racked his brain for how he could repay all that she had done for them. For him alone, she had bought face masks and skin care ointments for his birthday, an infinity scarf for Christmas, and a shirt while studying abroad in Paris while he hadn’t prepared anything in return. He felt guilty accepting the gifts, but Yuhwa insisted that he take them.

Unluckily for them, her birthday fell on a Monday that year. It was difficult to plan anything since they had classes and midterm exams. Nevertheless, Jeongmin was determined to celebrate it somehow. He could tell that Yuhwa still wasn’t back to being the outgoing, light-hearted person she had been before Minwoo’s father’s death. As he lounged in bed, Jeongmin grabbed his cell phone from beside his pillow and opened up Facebook Messenger to chat with her.

Lee Jeongmin
Are you doing anything for your birthday?

Shim Yuhwa
What time do you finish class tomorrow?

Lee Jeongmin
At 3:30PM. Then I have to go to the lab for a few hours. I’ll be done by 6PM.

Shim Yuhwa
Let’s have dinner tomorrow.

He was surprised at how forthright she was being. It was quite refreshing. Whenever she suggested anything, there would usually be a touch of trepidation when she asked if they could do something. So this straightforwardness was uplifting to see.

Lee Jeongmin
Sounds good.

Shim Yuhwa
I’ll come over when you’re done with research.

Lee Jeongmin
Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Jeongmin was in the kitchen when Youngmin entered and began rummaging through the freezer. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to make dinner,” the elder twin answered nonchalantly.

“Today is Yuhwa’s birthday though. Don’t you want to celebrate?”

“Oh, is that today?”

Jeongmin could punch Youngmin for being so self-centered sometimes. This wasn’t the first time it had happened either.

For the twins’ birthday several months ago, the group had decided to go to a tofu house to celebrate. However, at the last moment, the elder twin had proclaimed that he was going to have all-you-can-eat barbeque for dinner that night no matter what.

As the less-outspoken twin, Kwangmin hadn't push for their initial choice and wordlessly let Youngmin have his way.

Yuhwa exchanged looks with Jeongmin and Donghyun when the younger twin smiled softly and said, “Okay, let’s get going before it’s too late.”

“Shall we go to Music Plaza first?” Yuhwa suggested, knowing that she could get something for Kwangmin to cheer him up.

“If we’re going there as well, we need to leave now,” Donghyun said, looking at his wristwatch. “The store closes at eight and it’s already seven.”

“You guys are going to Music Plaza again?” Youngmin shook his head disdainfully. He had no interest in the music store, unlike Yuhwa and Kwangmin, and always voiced how annoying it was that they wanted to go there any chance they got.

Jeongmin wasn’t too entranced by the store either, but still went with them because it made Yuhwa happy and her happiness was one of his priorities. Donghyun didn’t particularly care either way, since he was more laid-back about these things. The only reason he had for going to Music Plaza was to see the cute cashier who worked at the store.

“Of course we’re going,” she responded matter-of-factly. “I’m buying Kwangmin’s present there.”

“What about my present?”

“I’m paying for your dinner tonight.”

Youngmin pouted as he lamented dramatically, “I thought you promised me twenty plates of Kobe beef.”

“Not today.” Yuhwa smiled as she punched the elder twin’s arm good-naturedly. “When I’m rich in the future, I’ll buy you all of the Kobe beef you want.”

“You better.” Youngmin grinned as he led them out of the apartment. “Let’s hurry up. I’m hungry.

Once they were at Music Plaza, only Yuhwa, Kwangmin, and Donghyun entered the store. Jeongmin stayed outside with Youngmin, who refused to go inside, because he couldn’t leave the taller boy on his own. Especially not on the elder twin’s birthday, although Jeongmin was tempted to after his roommate had overturned their original plans in an instant without regard for his younger brother’s wishes.

When the three exited the store, Kwangmin was carrying a rolled up poster of his ultimate bias and looked exponentially happier than he had all day. On the other hand, Donghyun looked at the ground dejectedly as he walked out. “She wasn’t there today.”

“There’s always next time.” Yuhwa laughed as she patted his shoulder comfortingly.

There was no denying it anymore. Jeongmin knew for sure that he had fallen for Yuhwa once he saw her smiling brightly at Donghyun and trying so hard to make the twins’ birthday enjoyable. He wanted to see that beautiful smile every day.

So there was no way that he was going to allow Youngmin to mess up today of all days. “We should treat her to dinner,” Jeongmin suggested to the elder twin.

“Kwangmin and I were going to work on our organic chemistry post-lab assignments tonight though.”

“Please. You’re just going to work on it for an hour and then play League of Legends for the rest of the night. And Kwangmin is going to be on Skype with his girlfriend the whole night anyway,” Jeongmin countered with his predictions.

“Fine, I’ll go if Kwangmin goes. Wake him up from his nap and ask him,” Youngmin said as he closed the freezer door before walking back to his bedroom.

Jeongmin silently fumed at how indifferent his roommate was being. Moments later, the door to the apartment suddenly opened.

“I’m here.” Yuhwa beamed once she caught sight of her best friend. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Youngmin is in our room and Kwangmin is asleep,” Jeongmin replied as he pointed to the closed door of Donghyun and Kwangmin’s shared bedroom.

“What about Donghyun?” she asked, looking around and failing to see the apartment’s fourth occupant.

“He went to dinner with his accounting fraternity. He couldn’t skip it.”

“Oh, I wanted to see him.” Yuhwa’s expression fell slightly, but she quickly resumed her cheery expression. “Well, it can’t be helped. I’ll see him some other time this week. I still need to yell at him for leaving me after promising to be my roommate next year,” she joked.

Jeongmin knew it was selfish of him, but he couldn’t help but feel thankful that Donghyun had decided to take his grandparents’ apartment that was fifteen minutes away from campus instead of living with them next year. Youngmin had already planned on bringing in a high school friend, so they initially had five. In order to reach an even number, the elder twin suggested that Yuhwa live with them since she had problems with her current roommate.

However, Youngmin was going to share a bedroom with his high school friend and there was no way she could room with Kwangmin, since he had a protective girlfriend. Soojung and Kwangmin often got into little fights because she was jealous of his many female friends, despite the numerous times he insisted that he only had eyes for her. That left Jeongmin and Donghyun as the remaining roommate choices. When Youngmin had first proposed the idea of Yuhwa living with them, Jeongmin panicked. And he had vehemently refused to share a bedroom with her.

Thus Donghyun had agreed to be roommates with Yuhwa instead, knowing that he owed her after she had sided with him against Jinri after the two had a falling out which ultimately ended their brief period of dating. Donghyun abhorred Jinri now, especially since she had begun treating Yuhwa coldly out of spite for supposedly meddling when Yuhwa had only been the messenger between the two because of Jinri's refusal to directly contact Donghyun herself.

“I think she’ll be a good roommate,” he commented after thinking briefly about it. “She won’t bother me as much as she does now since we’ll be seeing each other every day instead of once or twice a week. And she’ll keep the room clean, so that’s a plus.”

Jeongmin had to silently accept that the girl he had fallen for was going to be rooming with one of his good friends, due to his cowardice. He had rejected the idea of sharing a bedroom with his best friend only because he knew he would go insane seeing her every night, being so close yet so far from her. There was absolutely no way Jeongmin would allow their perfectly good friendship to turn to rubbish due to his possible inability to contain his emerging feelings if they were roommates. It was safer if he drew a clear line between friendship and romance.

So when Donghyun had announced that he wouldn’t be living with them anymore for the upcoming school year, Jeongmin cheered internally. He did chastise himself for harboring such selfish thoughts, especially when he lacked the courage to confront his feelings and pursue a more intimate relationship with his best friend. But he justified everything with the reason that his friendship with Yuhwa and her happiness were much more precious than his own budding feelings towards her. If she didn’t reciprocate his feelings, then who was he to ruin their friendship?

“Let me wake up Kwangmin and ask if he wants to eat dinner with us,” Jeongmin said as he headed towards the younger twin’s bedroom.

“Wait, you don’t have to. I’m sure he’s tired if he’s napping at this hour,” Yuhwa reasoned. “I’ll just ask Youngmin if he’s free.”

Once she disappeared down the hallway to the elder twin’s bedroom, Jeongmin slowly opened the door to Kwangmin’s bedroom and stepped to the napping boy’s bed. After lightly shaking him awake, Jeongmin asked, “Do you want to go out and eat for Yuhwa’s birthday today?”

Kwangmin yawned and rubbed his eyes groggily, his elbows propping his body up. “Sure, I’ll go. What about Youngmin?”

Just as he asked, both his older brother and the birthday girl traipsed down the hallway into his bedroom. Yuhwa’s eyes widened when she saw how sleepy the younger twin was. “Kwangmin, you don’t have to push yourself for me. Youngmin told me that you guys have your post-lab assignment due tomorrow. We really don’t have to celebrate.”

“I’m awake. Don’t worry.” Kwangmin smiled cheerfully and gave her a thumbs-up.

Youngmin jerked his thumb towards the apartment entrance and said, “Let’s go. I’m starving.”

“I’m ordering the Uber right now,” Yuhwa said as she began walking towards the door and took out her cell phone, her fingers busily tapping across the bottom half of the screen.

A few minutes later, they were on their way to a tofu house. The four friends chatted mindlessly in the car as their driver transported them to their destination. Jeongmin sat in the passenger’s seat, even though he would have preferred to sit in the middle back seat where Youngmin was. Yuhwa was in the seat directly behind him, so even if he turned around to speak to the other three, Jeongmin would only be able to see the twins. But hearing her high-pitched laugh and her gleeful voice made him smile as he listened to the ongoing conversation in the back, interjecting every once in awhile.

They arrived at the restaurant and sat down at an empty table. As they were perusing the menu, Jeongmin felt his stomach rumble hungrily. “I’m going to order two bowls tonight.”

The other three snapped their heads towards him immediately. “Two entire bowls?!” they cried out incredulously.

“I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday,” the raven-haired boy defended himself hastily, a slight pink tinge appearing on his cheeks.

“Why not?!” Yuhwa looked at him with worried expression on her face.

“I wasn’t feeling particularly hungry last night,” Jeongmin answered sheepishly. “And I woke up too late for breakfast.”

“What about lunch?”

“I didn’t have time for that either.”

“Dummy,” Yuhwa muttered as she shook her head at her best friend’s negligence.

“Watch. You’re going to eat the first bowl and then claim that you’re too full to finish the second one,” Youngmin predicted with a snicker.

“Shut up. I’m going to finish both,” Jeongmin responded hotly.

“Donghyun could probably finish two bowls of soondubu jjigae. Too bad he’s not here to eat your leftovers,” Kwangmin commented snidely.

Jeongmin threw his chopsticks wrapper at the younger twin, saying, “I’m hungry so there won’t even be any leftovers to eat.”

When they ordered their food, the waiter did a double-take upon hearing Jeongmin’s order. “Is there a fifth person arriving later?”

Yuhwa and the twins erupted in peals of laughter as the slightly embarrassed male glared at them before clarifying that he wanted two bowls of soondubu jjigae for himself. The waiter looked skeptical as he wrote down the order, glancing at the other three who were still laughing hysterically. “You’re all dead to me,” Jeongmin stated once the waiter left.

“Sorry. The waiter’s expression was just too funny,” Yuhwa explained in between giggles.

His expression slightly lightened, seeing how joyful she was, even if it was at his expense. “I’ll show all of you, including the waiter, that I can finish both bowls,” Jeongmin said confidently as he stared down the twins, who were doubled over with laughter in their seats.

Once the food arrived, Yuhwa hungrily eyed the raw eggs that were laying in one of the ceramic dishes. Youngmin and Kwangmin each grabbed one, cracking them against the stone bowls of bubbling soondubu jjigae. She let out an involuntary squeak upon seeing the number of eggs decrease, even though she knew that there was only enough for one egg per person.

Jeongmin paused in his slurping and saw how she longingly gazed at the remaining two eggs. Setting down his spoon, he pushed the ceramic dish towards the birthday girl. “You can have mine too.”

“Really?” Her eyes sparkled at the prospect of having an extra egg.

“Go ahead. I have enough food already.”

Yuhwa squealed with joy as she eagerly cracked them open, watching the two yolks drop into boiling soup. “You’re the best, Jeongmin!”

The ends of his lips turned up slightly as he resumed wolfing down the soondubu jjigae. Soon, everyone had finished their bowls of food, including Jeongmin who looked over his two empty bowls in satisfaction. After Youngmin asked for the check, the raven-haired male noticed that the waiter who had taken their orders was absent. “Wow, I didn’t even get to show him that I could finish two bowls,” he commented, slightly miffed.

“It’s okay. We know you did it,” Yuhwa said as she smiled at his childishness. Once the waitress arrived with their check, Yuhwa reached across the table and grabbed the small black plastic tray carrying the receipt.

“What are you doing?” Kwangmin asked once he saw her reach into her purse for her thick black wallet.

“Paying for dinner,” she answered simply.

“But it’s your birthday,” Jeongmin protested as he tried to grab the tray away from his best friend. “And I had two bowls. I’ll pay for it.”

Yuhwa moved faster as she snatched the tray away from Jeongmin’s outstretched hand. “It’s fine. I owe you dinner anyway.” She laid her credit card on top of the tray and waved for the waitress to take the payment.

“You don’t owe the two of us anything,” Kwangmin pointed out.

Youngmin agreed with his twin brother. “Let us pay for our own dinner at least.”

“Think of it as a thank you for spending my birthday with me,” Yuhwa responded cheerily.

Jeongmin knew that there was no point arguing with her any longer. Once Yuhwa’s mind was set, it was impossible for anyone to change her stance. Her stubbornness could be frustrating at times, like now for instance, but it was what made her Yuhwa. So he dropped the subject, promising himself that he would make it up to her in the future somehow. Youngmin and Kwangmin also ceased pushing to pay for their meals as they were also familiar with Yuhwa’s stubborn ways.

Once they returned from their excursion, Yuhwa exclaimed, “I have the cake that Hyunseong bought for me last weekend! Do you guys want some?”

“Jeongmin might be too full for it,” Youngmin answered teasingly, jumping away from the shorter boy who lunged towards the elder twin.

“What kind is it?” Kwangmin asked excitedly. He had a penchant for sweet and unhealthy food, which Soojung reprimanded him for multiple times. She had banned him from eating instant noodles, candy, and other junk foods for a month, which Kwangmin had unenthusiastically agreed to. He hadn't wanted to anger her any further, especially since they had just made up after a fight over another girl she had accused him of liking.

“Ice cream cake. Hyunseong gets me one every year.”

The four friends went to Yuhwa’s apartment to pick up the cake and some groceries that she had gotten for the twins over the weekend. While the boys took turns using her bathroom, she grabbed a plastic bag from the living room closet to carry the box of ice cream cake, a carton of brown eggs, some frozen pork meat, a head of lettuce, and several packs of instant beef-flavored ramen. She hurried as quickly as she could so that they could leave before Jinri returned. Yuhwa didn't want to put Kwangmin in an awkward spot since the younger twin had almost dated her roommate at the beginning of the school year before Jinri decided to pursue something with Donghyun instead, which had ended in disaster. Since then, none of the boys particularly liked Jinri and Yuhwa didn't want to give her roommate another reason to dislike her.

The group quickly left her apartment as soon as they could, successfully avoiding running into Jinri, and chattered away as they walked up to the boys’ apartment. Soon after they entered the unit, the door opened again to reveal Donghyun who had come back from the dinner with his accounting fraternity. Yuhwa greeted him enthusiastically, pleased that their group was now complete. After she prepared the cake, plates, and eating utensils, the boys began to sing “Happy Birthday” to her in four different languages.

All of them had taken a foreign language back in high school, so Youngmin decided it would be amusing to change up the tradition. Jeongmin had taken Mandarin Chinese and Kwangmin had studied English. Both Youngmin and Donghyun had learned Spanish, so it was decided that Donghyun would sing in their native language of Korean.

Once the song started, Yuhwa couldn’t help but laugh at how comical the sight of four adolescent males singing disjointedly was. But her heart swelled with love for all of them. If they weren’t here, she would have spent the entire day alone, doing homework and studying for her midterm exams. Instead, she got to eat a delicious meal and share the cake her loving older brother had gifted her with these four dorks. If Hyunseong and Minwoo were here as well, it would’ve been perfect.

After returning home, she her laptop and logged on to Facebook. It was nice receiving birthday messages from friends and acquaintances, and she duly responded to them all. Her grin unknowingly grew wider as she read the messages from the people she cared about most.

Jo Kwangmin
Happy birthday. This guy , but you’re still cool so hope you had a good day. We should noraebang and let me buy you something for once.

There was an upside-down picture of one of her favorite male idols attached to his post, causing her to chuckle at his immaturity.

Kim Donghyun
Happy birthday!!! Here’s a photo of your favorite person, though I don’t know what’s so attractive about Mark Twain… Whatever. I’m not going to judge you on your birthday. You do you, buddy.

Similarly, a black-and-white photo of the famous author was attached to the post since the author's name was very similar to the male idol's name. Still smiling, Yuhwa shook her head at his joke.

Jo Youngmin
Happy birthday, Yuhwa! Wise words from your idol.

Continuing with the trend, the elder twin had attached a picture of the author with a quote next to it, saying “Learn to ride a bike. You will not regret it if you live.” It was to poke fun at Yuhwa’s inability to ride a bike, which was a recurring cause of teasing among the group of friends. She felt very lucky to have these boys at her side, even if they made fun of her all of the time.

Shim Hyunseong
Happy birthday to my favorite person in the entire world!! Your big brother can’t believe you’ve hit the big TWO-ZERO!! When did my precious little sister grow up?? Before I know it, you’re going to be married and I’ll have to share you with some nasty boy who won’t know how to treat you like the valuable gem you are!! I wish I could be with you on this very special day, but don’t worry!! We’ll be reunited in a month!! Take care of yourself and if you ever need me, I’m just a phone call away!! Enjoy your cake and think of me each time you have a slice!! Hehe, love you, my dearest butterfly!!

Yuhwa could hear this message in his voice when she read it, as if he were sitting right next to her. Even though she had seen him just two days ago, when both of them had come home for the weekend so that he could take her out to dinner and celebrate her birthday early, Yuhwa yearned to see him now. He was the only person who fully understood her. No one else could ever come close to the bond she shared with the one person who was most like her.

No Minwoo
Yuhwa, happy birthday! I hope you’ve been well since I last saw you. Thanks for everything: our childhood memories, worrying about my father, caring about my family even when we’ve drifted apart, and most of all, being my best friend in the past.

She could feel herself tearing up as her chest began to ache. Minwoo still cared enough about her to write something thoughtful for her on her birthday. It was more than she could ever ask for.


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[TFE] This story is now marked complete and the A/N is posted. Please read it! Thank you so much for reading! I love and appreciate you all! :)


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chanbob 102 streak #1
Chapter 8: I'm not sure if I get the whole thing in this story but it was a nice read overall. I have never been abused by my parents before so it was kinda hard connecting to Yuhwa's situation, how she overreacts to everything Minwoo's father related. The other thing to talk about might be the title. If I'm not wrong "thanks for everything" appears two times in the story yet there is not enough description for me to understand what the characters wanted to express through those seem-to-be simple words.
I'm too dumb for deep stuff, I guess.