"I Know I Won’t Love Another Person, Cause I Don’t Wanna Let You Go, In My Memory."

My Fan... I Love You!



___’s pov

___ was still feeling so happy after she had a chat with Junho last time. She thanked her mom for not letting her to go to the fansign.


She knew that she wouldn’t be able to have a “long” chat like that again with Junho. It was her first time chatting with her bias, she felt so satisfied, she couldn’t stop smiling all day long, even now, if she think about that moment, she will smile widely. She didn’t tell her best friends about that incident, she scared that her friends might call her a liar or they might be jealous of her.


___ went home from school, she passed by the coffee shop where she talked to Junho last time. She smiled quietly and looked inside the coffee shop, who knows if Junho was there to buy coffee just like last time. Too bad she couldn’t find Junho, ___ realized and reminding herself “last time it was just a fanservice, Junho oppa wouldn’t look for me anymore:(“ She felt a bit disappointed, yet she didn’t know the truth. She didn’t know that she was making Junho confused.

Junho’s pov

Junho was at Music Bank backstage since today is Friday, the day for Music Bank. 2PM was promoting Hands Up and they were waiting for their turn to perform.


Something was disturbing Junho’s mind, he couldn’t stop thinking, he was feeling so confused, he really didn’t know what is happening to him. He was hoping to meet that girl he chatted last time once more, he really wanted to know her better. He didn’t know why he was feeling the way he did, he was too busy to think about a way to contact that girl.

“Hey guys! Be ready! It’s your turn after this.” Called 2PM’s manager. 2PM prepared themselves and went straight to the stage. They were going to sing “Like The Movies” for their first comeback stage.

___’s pov

At home, ___ the tv and switched the channel to KBS. She has been waiting for 2PM’s comeback on today’s Music Bank. F(x) just finished their performance and it was 2PM’s turn right now. ___ was so excited to see 2PM, especially Junho.

___ caught herself smiling quietly as she thought about her chat with Junho last time. “Oraeduin yonghwa soge uriga isseo~” Junsu’s voice broke her thought. “Yeayyy it’s 2PM” said ___ feeling so excited.

Junho’s pov

Junho was standing on the stage, “I got to do my best in this first comeback stage!” he thought, encouraging himself just before the music started. “Will she watch my first comeback stage?” he thought again for a second, then he realized that the music has just started, he need to prepare for his part.


“Dasin nugul saranghaji anheul geol ara, cause I don’t wanna let you go, nae giok sogesseo~” Junho sang his part, he felt the lyrics so much, it could be seen from his expression.

___’s pov

“Dasin nugul saranghaji anheul geol ara, cause I don’t wanna let you go, nae giok sogesseo~” here comes Junho’s part, ___ couldn’t take her eyes off of the television, ___ looked at Junho’s expression closely, her heart skips a beat……


“Why did my heart beat much faster than last time?” ___ wondered. She tried to calm herself as her heart was still beating so fast. She should be aware of her feelings, she knew, she shouldn’t like Junho for real, she shouldn’t make herself hoping for something impossible, she shouldn’t misunderstand Junho’s nice behavior.

“Fan service, it was a fan service, nothing more than that.” ___ keep reminding herself. She shouldn’t let herself carried away by her own emotions. “Junho oppa wouldn’t remember me, I knew it, there are thousands of fans out there, there’s no way he would remember me, no way…” ___ sighed. ___ would just be an everlasting fans for Junho, ___ thought.

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sam098 #1
Chapter 10: I love your story^^
Chapter 10: so much love JUNHO <33333333
Thank you for this story
Update faster !! ^^
wow...Junho oppa is so cute here..:)
mrsitnuneo #5
@melho91 thanks for what? it's me who should thank you for reading ;) thanks dear!<3
melho91 #6
thanks dear~><
mrsitnuneo #7
@Kew_na thankyou :)
kyaa~ I loved it ^.^
mrsitnuneo #9
Thankyou :) should I write a sequel? hehehe :D
done? so soon! this story is so cute >w<