
My Fan... I Love You!

Hi! Actually, this is not the final chap... The final chap is chap 9. This is author's message actually hehehe

So sorry, I made a really simple fanfic:( Hmmmm.... But I bet this story is every fans' wishes, right? lol

Honestly, this fanfic is based on my fantasy, a little bit:P

Anyway, thankyou so much for reading!!!!! *bows*

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sam098 #1
Chapter 10: I love your story^^
Chapter 10: so much love JUNHO <33333333
Thank you for this story
Update faster !! ^^
wow...Junho oppa is so cute here..:)
mrsitnuneo #5
@melho91 thanks for what? it's me who should thank you for reading ;) thanks dear!<3
melho91 #6
thanks dear~><
mrsitnuneo #7
@Kew_na thankyou :)
kyaa~ I loved it ^.^
mrsitnuneo #9
Thankyou :) should I write a sequel? hehehe :D
done? so soon! this story is so cute >w<