When Our Eyes Met, My Heart Skips a Beat

My Fan... I Love You!


___’s pov

*riiiinggg… riiiingggggg* school bel rang.

___ woke up from her daydreams, she stared at the clock, then she hurrily packed her things and put everything into her bag. She ran out of the class to the outside of the school gate. She looked left and right to find her car and at the same time her driver arrived right in front of her. She got into the car quickly and went straight to 2PM fansigning event’s venue. She was so excited!

Junho’s pov

Junho was staring at the longgggg queue of fans in front of him. Suddenly, he remembered a fan who gave him a blanket at a fansigning event last week. The blanket is so warm, he always brought it with him. “She is kinda cute…” he thought. “Junho oppa~~~ kyaaaakkk~~” a fan just broke her thought. Junho gave his sign to this fan and smiled sweetly to her. He has always been so nice to all of his fans, but one thing, he is scared of fans who will scream loudly in front of him. But, the fan who he was thinking before is so different, she talked in a nice manner and treats Junho just like a friend.

___’s pov

At last, it was her turn to get 2PM’s autographs after standing for one hour in a super long queue. She was feeling so nervous, she was trying to make up some words to say to 2PM oppas. She met Taec who was sitting on the first chair, she got his sign and moved to the 2nd chair, it was Nichkhun. Finally, she went to the next chair and it was her bias, Junho, she couldn’t look into his eyes as she was feeling too nervous. Junho greeted her and smiled, she smiled back and their eyes met. She didn’t know why she felt so comfortable when she looked at Junho’s eyes. She had never felt like this to her other biases before.

Junho’s pov

“Annyeong haseyo :)” A girl greeted Junho, Junho smiled to her and this girl smiled back. Their eyes met, Junho heart skip a beat but Junho didn’t realize it. “It was her….” He thought. He couldn’t stop staring at this girl, she was the calmest and sweetest fan who has ever greet Junho.

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sam098 #1
Chapter 10: I love your story^^
Chapter 10: so much love JUNHO <33333333
Thank you for this story
Update faster !! ^^
wow...Junho oppa is so cute here..:)
mrsitnuneo #5
@melho91 thanks for what? it's me who should thank you for reading ;) thanks dear!<3
melho91 #6
thanks dear~><
mrsitnuneo #7
@Kew_na thankyou :)
kyaa~ I loved it ^.^
mrsitnuneo #9
Thankyou :) should I write a sequel? hehehe :D
done? so soon! this story is so cute >w<