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                I woke up the next morning, feeling somewhat refreshed. It was just that feeling you get after crying a ton. It’s like your eyes were cleared out. Yes I cried. Who wouldn’t after being heartbroken by your 8 year boyfriend?

“You need to cry sometimes, so you can smile after.” Jiyong once told me. My heart beat quickened again. I hate him for doing this to me. Did I mean nothing to him? I rubbed my eyes. I just wanted to go to sleep again. I groaned and plopped back down on my bed. I glanced at my hand and made a face. That stupid two year anniversary ring. I never took it off. It was like a marriage ring or something. I twisted it off and threw it in one of my jewelry boxes. I stretched my fingers out. There was a visible mark where the ring used to be. My hand felt strangely empty without it. I sighed and stood up. I guess I’ll just go to downtown Seoul to get a taste of Korea again.


                After taking a bath, I sat in front of my old makeup table. It had plenty of old pictures of Jiyong and me. My mood automatically dropped. I peeled the pictures off and tossed them aside. I tied my hair up and made a fist. Forget about the bastard with no regrets! Seungah fighting! This is like a new start. Kind of like being reborn as a new person… A Seungah who doesn’t know Jiyong.


                I roamed around Seoul, visiting places that held special memories for me. I met a few people I used to know as well. I then decided to eat some street food. Sure, I ate street food in Japan, but Korea was different. I my lips. I decided to go to one of my favorite vendors.

                “Halmoni!” I exclaimed running over to her ddukbokki stand.  She looked up and her eyes slightly widened. I grinned and gave her a tight hug. She patted me on the back.

                “Welcome back Seungah,” she said. “I heard Jiyong dumped you.” I felt as if she just stomped on my already broken heart.

                “I know…” I said weakly, trying to be as positive as I could. It’s hard to do. You can’t just forget about a past love so easily like that. Ms. Shin is way too straight-forward…  My eyes followed her frail hands as she scooped up some extra spicy ddukbokki for me. Ms. Shin makes the best ddukbokki in my opinion. The spiciest. I love spicy food, and everyone knows it. The busy voices around me tune out as I reminisce.


                “Ji, try this place!” I exclaim as Jiyong looks around at the various street vendors. “Ms. Shin makes really good ddukbokki!” I drag him over to her stall. He nods slowly, glancing at the short line of the people at Ms. Shin’s stall. “Halmoni!” I call. She looks up and waves. I pull Jiyong up to the front.

                “Hey, don’t cut them,” Jiyong chides, aware of the complaints from the people behind us.

                “It doesn’t matter, I have special privileges,” I say, smiling cheekily. “Halmoni, give us two!”

                “Oh, who is this?” she asks, staring Jiyong down. I can tell he feels a bit uncomfortable.

                “My boyfriend,” I beam, hugging his arm. He seems to relax. Jiyong wraps his arm around me.

                “I’m Kwon Jiyong,” Jiyong introduces himself, bowing.

                “Take care of Seungah or else I’l

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nice nice! :) finished re-reading~^^
JBL511 #2
Chapter 10: It so boring.

keena-choding #4
Kay so I just read it.

Now don't get mad at me!

They're were a couple errors here and there dealing with past and present tenses. But that's as technical as I'm gonna get!!!!

Your story was still awesome sauce. I enjoyed reading it! ^^
@kagaki: Thanks for reading! She ended with her ex~ :B
kagaki #6
The ending was sweet <3
who did Sohyun end up with? A random guy lol
@Seonriyong: Yeeep. <3 Hurhur I loved that manga :'D Thanks for reading and supporting~
@-vipboss: Aha, I do that a lot. o w o;; Eh, I don't really like doing sequels. LOL. Sorry, Thanks for reading!!! <33
@EnjoySmilesx3: Yup. 8D She is btw, XD I'm not making a sequel this time. hurhur. Sometimes sequels ruin the magic of the first story x) Thank you for readinggg. :D
WHOAH I was not expecting the end... RUN ON ENDING... sequel?~ talk about their married life hehe
Ahh~ ^^
It's over~
And it's a happy ending for everyone~ =3
I had so many flashbacks of when I read "Sand Chronicles"~
I loved the story, Steph-eonni~ =3