
I Dream of You

It had been a long day for the boys and they had all hope for some sleep. The promotion period was always the hardest. It was even harder when they all had different schedules and different things to do. Today was the first time all seven of them were together for a practice in about two weeks. Even though they had practiced their hardest today, things weren't going so well. 


"Jimin, watch where you're stepping. You almost knocked me over." J-Hope told the younger as he moved back to his spot.

"Sorry, hyung." Jimin stared hard at the floor as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He hated being scolded by s. It only made him think he was horrible at what he tried his best at. 

"Let's do it again." Rap Monster's voice rang out over the small chatter coming from the two youngest. Everyone took their places and the song started again. Jimin put all his focus on his feet. He didn't want to be tripped up again and make J-Hope mad. Jungkook took notice of what Jimin was doing. It made him lose focus and he tripped over Jin, who was lying down in front of him.

"Ow." The maknae sat up on his knees, rubbing his arm. 

"Are you okay, Jungkook?" Jin stood over him, eyes scanning for injuries. No wonder the fans called him mom. He nodded, standing up.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He glanced around the room. The other six were all staring at the youngest. They were always worried that Jungkook was going to get hurt. He didn't really have any self-control when it came to the dangerous. Tricks were something that he always wanted to do and he could do them fairly well, but sometimes he could get a little carried away. "I'm fine, really." Rap Monster sighed.

"Let's take a break here for now. We'll work more in a few." 


The boys returned to the dorm, excpet Jimin who insisted that he needed to practice more. Jungkook wanted to be by his side, but the older sent him away with a kiss. "Don't worry about Jimin, Jungkook-ssi. He'll be back before you know it." Jin patted the younger on the back. "Jimin is just hard on himself. He wants to be perfect so we don't have to work as hard. He'll be alright." Jungkook nodded. He already knew why Jimin was working hard. He just hoped he wouldn't push himself.

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raebmonster #1
Aww, this was so cute! I love how jungkook cares so much about jimin, getting all worried and stuff <3
Maram_Bangtan #2
Chapter 3: This fic is so cute. I wonder what will happen to jiminie in the next chapter! Thanks alot for writing this fic and I hope you'd update as soon as possible :)