Chapter 1

Boy In My Dreams

It’s him again, always the same dream, in a foreign place. I think I should feel scared but somehow all I fell is comfort and calm.

Tiffany wakes up in her small room; she is surprised to see that she is back in her own room. This may sound totally crazy but it makes sense to her. She has been having a dream of herself meeting a strange boy in a dream. Basically a dream about a dream where she meets a boy, a boy she never met before. She checks the time and realizes she still has five minutes before he alarm is due to ring. She groans internally; she hates it when that happens because it’s a little too early to get up but it’s a little too late to go back to sleep. She turns onto her back and checks her phone; there is a bunch of group messages and a message from Sally, her best friend.

Sally: Don’t be late for the first day of school! I’ll be waiting at the normal spot.

Today was the first day of her second last year; also know as the second year of high school.

Tiffany: I’ll be there five minutes to quarter to eight.

Sally: Why do you always make things so complicated? Just say twenty to? Gosh! =_=

Tiffany smiles as she gets out of her bed as her alarm starts ringing. She puts on her uniform and brushes her hair; she tries to make it look stylish, like those magazines she reads occasionally, but it all fails miserably as it makes her look more like she has a badly made wig more than anything else. She sighs as she pulls her hair into a plain ponytail. She runs downstairs and sees that her mother had already made breakfast and was busy making her lunch.

“Morning!” She says.

“Good morning, hurry up and eat, you should let Sally wait too long.”

“Ok!” Tiffany replies as she sits down and starts eating. Tiffany doesn’t like breakfast much but she understands the importance and other whatnots, but then again it’s not like she would have a choice, her mom would have force fed her otherwise. She gobbles up the last bites, grabs her bag and lunch and heads for the door, giving her mom a quick hug before hurrying out the door.

As she gets nearer to the meeting spot, she sees Sally is already there, staring blankly at nothing in particular, she turns toward Tiffany as Tiffany’s get’s closer.

“Let’s go.” Sally says as the two of them starts walking the short distance to school.

“Someone’s excited!” Tiffany laughs.

“Not really.” Sally replies monotonously.

“Does it maybe have to do with a certain senior, whose name starts with a K, and his surname is Do?” Tiffany teases as Sally maintains her lazy gaze, not reacting, but Tiffany knows exactly how Sally is reacting on the inside.

The two of them walks into the school and down the familiar hallways toward their new classroom. There is not seating arrangements so Tiffany and Sally choose seats that are next to each other close to the windows. They chat about the teacher they hope will be teaching them, slowly other student arrive and choose their seats. The classroom gets noisier and noisier; Tiffany almost didn’t hear the announcement that asked all the students to go to the auditorium for the opening ceremony.

All the students slowly file down to the auditorium; they chatter excitedly about their holidays and complained about school even though it just started. Sally and Tiffany manage to grab a seat in the middle, while the new first years stood at the back. Tiffany was telling Sally about how she failed at baking cookies again, they had melted, I repeat, melted. How do cookies do that? Sally suddenly turns around; Tiffany follows her gaze and sees a first year smiling timidly while awkwardly holding out a small notebook.
“You… You dropped this…” She says slowly.

Sally smiles, her eyes becoming brackets.


The first year smiles relieved. “

‘What’s your name?” Tiffany asks curiously.

“It’s Samantha, but you can call me Sam.” She says.

“Samu!” Sally says.

The first year looked like she was about to correct Sally when a voice echoes throughout the auditorium.

“Good morning student, I’m Kim Junmyeon, the president of the student council, on behalf of my vice, Zhang Yixing and the rest of the student council body, I would like to welcome all student, old and new to the beginning of a new academic year.” 

Tiffany whispers, “Don’t you think the president has that rich guy look?”

Instead of a normal reply all Tiffany hears is sally soft squeal. “I see Kyungsoo Oppa!”

Tiffany sighs, knowing that she just lost Sally into her own fan girl world. She turns back to listen to Junmyeon go on about what he plans to achieve for the New Year.

“Could you please get a move on? I don’t have all day.” A tired voice resounds throughout the auditorium. Every student turned around to look at the source of that statement. A tall figure leans casually against the door frame at the back of the auditorium. People start whispering around, it was Kris Wu, the leader of the delinquent third years. A deep laughter rumbles from somewhere in front where the rest of student council is sitting. Junmyeon looked a bit frazzled, not expecting this commotion so early in the year. He stood there looking a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. The source is quickly hushed when the vice president steps forward, leaning into Junmyeon’s ear. After a few minutes Junmyeon clears his throat, “I’m glad to see that you have attending school so early in the year, Kris.” Kris nod slightly in response before leaving the auditorium in one swift motion. Only the people sitting at the near the exit heard a sound of someone tripping followed by some soft swearing. Following that commotion two people from the third year class stood up and filed out the exit quietly. The rest of the ceremony passed peacefully with little disturbance.

Tiffany collapsed into her new seat; Sally goes on about her Kyungsoo oppa, Tiffany stares out of the window at the building opposite to theirs, the third year building.

“Hello!” a familiar voice comes from behind her, Tiffany turns around to face her best male friend, Blake.

“Hey.” Tiffany turns around with a laugh, “I see your brother is up to his usual antics.”

Blake sighs, Blake is Kris’s younger brother, and they used to be very close but even since Kris went to high school he basically cut Blake out of his life, ignoring all of Blake’s attempts to find out what is going on.

“I hope he’ll come around soon.” Tiffany says as she puts she pats his arm before turning back to face the teacher. She missed seeing how a blush slowly colored Blake’s cheeks.

Sally, seeing the situation, raises her eyes brows at Blake, who sticks out his tongue in response. Sally rolls her eyes before also turning to face the teacher.

Classes are long like usual, the teacher goes on and on about the work they have to know for the already upcoming test. Finally there is the bell signaling lunch which brings relief to all the student’s faces.

Blake, Sally and Tiffany walk together towards their usual spot, a table outside which was surrounded by trees. They discovered it sometime during their first year, and have claimed it as their own for over a year now.

“I had the dream again.” Tiffany says.

“Which one?” Blake asks.

Sally rolls her eyes, “the one about the boy, right?”

Tiffany nods taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Is it still the same?” Sally asks.

“Yeah, I just see him on the beach where he takes my hand.” Tiffany explains.

Sally pretends to puke, “that’s so cheesy.”

“Well I can’t decide what I dream ok?” Tiffany says a little offended. She turns to Blake hoping for some support. ‘What do you think?” Tiffany asks.

Blake shrugs but says nothing.

“Are you ok? You’ve been a little quiet.” Tiffany says, “Are you sick?” She asks as she puts a hand onto his forehead. Blake’s flushes at the contact. “Your face is a little red too…’ Tiffany comments.

Blake pulls away, turning his face the other way. “I’m fine.” He says gruffly.

“I’m going to steal some of your chips ok?” Sally says to Blake.

Blake nods relieved at the change of subject, and give Sally a grateful look, to which Sally just rolls her eyes. They just about finish their lunch when the first bell rings, the three of them pack up their things and head back to the class room.

Class resumed once small and she caught herself looking at the building opposite to her once again, looking at the third year students in their class room, it almost seems like they were from a different place.

Tiffany is brought back into the real world with a hard prod in her back courtesy of Blake.

“Tiffany! Care to tell us what is so interesting about the third year class?” Their teacher asked frowning deeply.

“Nothing, Ma’am.” Tiffany answered politely, a faint smile on her lips.

“See me after class; this is not the way to start a new year…” She mutters as she turns back to the board in front, explaining a new concept.

Tiffany tries to concentrate, but her efforts were in vain when a little white note, flew past her shoulder and onto her table, she smiles, knowing where it came from.


That is all that was written but she laughs internally, to make sure not to annoy the teacher any more than she already did.

Tiffany watches as the minutes slowly dribble on waiting for the final bell to finally ring. Tiffany excitedly pack up all her things she is about to join Sally and Blake who were waiting for her, when she saw the teacher waiting for her. She frowns apologetically at Sally and Blake. Blake gives a sympathetic smile as he jogs over to get her bag for her, “We’ll wait for you by the front gate ok?” He tells Tiffany before he joins Sally again. The two watch Tiffany follow the teacher to her office.

“You know, you should just tell her.” Sally says monotonously.

Blake remains silent, pressing his lips tightly together.

“You never know when someone may just come to take her away.” Sally continues.

There are a few moments of silence, where only footsteps could be heard.

“I’m scared.”

“I know, but what if you’re too slow? You won’t have that chance again.” Sally replies.

Blake remains silent, a twisting feeling developing in his stomach, maybe he is getting sick after all…

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Babbie #2
Chapter 6: I like
CrashingWaves #3
Chapter 5: I'm kind of sad that this story is finished but the ending was just too cute so I'm not sad at the same time!!! The cut out dictionary and Tiffany not wanting to listen to Sehun... and poor Blake..... I really enjoyed this story and I look forward to the future one shot!!! Okay I'm off to read the other updates!!! I'm super excited!!!
CrashingWaves #4
Chapter 3: I'm really looking forward to the next update!! Hwaiting Unnie!!
CrashingWaves #5
Chapter 2: Oooooo so much mystery in the one little section!!
CrashingWaves #6
Chapter 1: Gah!!! I have too much excitement right now!!!