
Prisoner of Love


“Is there anything you want?”

“What is there to do?”

“Anything to do? Silly girl, that wasn’t what I asked.”

“Tsk, oppa!”


“Can we go somewhere? Please? I don’t want to be stuck here..”

“We can’t.”

“Why not? We haven’t hung out in a long while, can we please? Just this once?”

“No Hana. Just drop it. What do you want for dinner? Want to make it together?”

“I’m not hungry...”

“...I’m sorry baby, it’s just I don’t want to share to the world,” his fingers gently grazed you cheeks, making you look at his wonderful, mesmerizing eyes.

“....Ok, but next time we get to go somewhere ok? Promise?”

“Yes, whatever you want,” his eyes created perfect crescent moons as his hands ruffled your neatly done hair, making you pout.


Chuckling, he led you to the kitchen..

“So, how are you guys doing?” the woman across you asked you.

“Nothing much, he’s growing I can tell you that.”

“Oh? No problems at all? That’s good! I cannot wait to see the results,” the lady exclaimed, her face lighting up with delight.

“Mmmm.. Say, um, what would happen if I decide to keep him?” You hesitantly asked, you did not really want to separate with him yet, even after he grows up. He carries his features after all..

“Oh? So you want to take the responsibility now? Are you sure you can handle it?” The once joyful woman turned cold.

“...Yes, I think I can..” You hesitantly replied back, you hands tracing nervous circles amongst your dress.

I found you...

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