
Prisoner of Love




“Can you please bring the cake to the porch? I want to let it cool a bit.”

“Sure, anything for you!” Woohyun smiled a cheesy smile as he picked up the cake to put it to its destination. It was a very sunny afternoon, with the wind gently grazing anything it touched. Woohyun looked back to see Hana still cooking in the kitchen with her back to him, her hair settling flawlessly to the side letting a bit of skin show. She truly looked like a goddess in his eyes.

Looking away, he sighed. He could tell that today will not be a good day despite the cheery weather. Might as well make the best out of it.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Hana blinked. Looking back at Woohyun, she just shrugged and smiled. “Oh nothing, I was just thinking of what ingredients to put into this,” she pointed at the uncooked chicken. “I want to make it delicious! People need to prefer my cooking more than yours!” Her hands gestured the ‘fighting’ sign cutely.

Woohyun chuckled, “Never in a million years would your cooking be compared to mine. I have special secrets!” He poked her on the nose with the left over flour from the cake.

“Hey! I still need to use that! And I know, I just need to find my own secret to mine.” Hana winked back.

Woohyun was stunned. Hana never winked or did anything adoring for that matter. “What’s gotten into you?” He blurted out. Whoops.

“What?” Hana turned to him, her hand inside the chicken. Her eyes were confused. With the sight in front of him, Woohyun could not help but to burst out in full laughter, his chuckles echoed throughout the whole house.

“Yah.. Yah! YAH! Nam Woohyun! Stop laughing! What’s so funny?” Hana questioned. She clearly was confused.

“Chi-chic-chicken! You! BAHAHAHA! So Hilarious!” Woohyun smacked his knees repeatedly.

Finally understanding, Hana laughed too. Now both laughter echoed melodiously everywhere. Even Woohyun’s cat, Mello, looked up from its nap and joined them in the kitchen, looking at them with a precarious and bored expression.

“Okay.. okay! No more laughing! Haha..” Hana giggled, trying to control her face to contort back to its previous form. Finally getting everything straightened out, she crossed her arms and pointed out to Woohyun, “Hey! stop laughing and help me darn it! Our parents will be coming in 2 hours and everything is not set up!” Pointing everywhere, she emphasized the work that they needed to do. Or the work she will do. ‘Lazy Woohyunnie,’ she tsked, still waiting for Woohyun to stop laughing who was literally on the ground, rolling. ‘What is so funny? Stupid Woohyun, your sense of humor has really gone down.’

“Bye! I’ll see you guys tomorrow! Sungjong! Save that piece of cake for me tomorrow okay?!” Hana shouted as she left the Bakery.

“Sure thing Noona! Just hope its not eaten by the hyungs!” Sungjong waved cutely to her disappearing form.

‘Geez.. It’s gotten too cold.’ She thought as she trudged her way to the bus stop, snow flakes silently falling around. ‘I shouldn’t have worn shorts and leggings today, pabo Hana! Just hope that Woohyun is home or else you’ll be freezing your off outside.’

Hello again. 
I just couldn't contain myself to update twice today. 
These just popped in my mind unexpectedly.
I just added Woohyun to the story... so, now there are two people. :)
Thanks for reading!
Until next time.
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