
Prisoner of Love


“And in here, we went to that sushi place that I really liked. Remember? You used to not like sushi, but then when I forced you to eat that one really spicy roll you immediately told me that you love sushi? That was the funniest thing I have witnessed from you!”

As the thundering storm continuously battered her tired form, she could not help but feel helpless.

‘What am I to do now?’

Looking at the illuminated house in front of her from a distance, she wished she was back at home cuddling in the couch instead of standing here, getting battered by the rain as if it was reminding her that coming to this place was very dangerous to them.

“Should we leave then?”

Though after saying that, she could not help but stay rooted to the ground. She could not leave after all the courage she spent just to come here.

‘Come on Hana! Snap out of it! Either you tell, or leave. The storm is bad for the both of you.’

Still looking at the house, she could not help but reminisce the times before the fight. Softly rubbing her hands together, she knew that the temperature was probably twenty degrees and that if she stayed outside longer, she will get sick again. But she just could not turn away from the house and its shadows. She knew that he was home. She knew that if he saw her, he would probably get mad at her for leaving..

Making up her mind, she gave the house and its lone shadow a final longing look and slowly trudged away.

‘Don’t worry, we’ll survive this together. It’s better for him not to find out anyway or else he will try to terminate you. He has a future ahead of him after all.’
I'm guessing that writing 2 stories at the same time is very bad huh?
I can't help it though. 
I'm sorry if I cannot update as frequently. 
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I am still itching to post the next one, but I will wait until tomorrow. So please anticipate it.
I would also like to thank the following people for subscribing:
prisena and -Ashley-
Until next time.
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