
Prisoner of Love


Sitting in a cold room, she shivered. This place was very unknown to her. What was she doing here? What’s going on?
Slowly, she was starting to panic. Wrapping her arms around herself, she started to chant the same thing over and over again: We’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.

“Are you sure it’s safe to do this? What if she gets hurt? She’s already emotionally unstable. We could hurt them both.” An unknown figure looked through the glass, his features showing discontent and worry.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get her out of there soon. We just need to test her. Plus she asked for this, she came to us first knowing of the consequences. Stop being over-protective towards her.” Another unknown figure replied back, its voice echoing a dominant tone.

“But what if she gets hurt?! You know she will try to hurt herself if she loses it!”

“Shh! Be quiet and listen! Just observe and look for changes in her.”

A defeated sound came from the first unknown figure. Worried thoughts did not stop racing through his mind as he looked back at the woman rocking herself back and forth on the bed.

“Stop. Come on, it’s okay. Please stop.”

She looked up. She stopped crying. She heard him.
Looking around, she tried to search for him. Only to be disappointed as she looked around the white room.
Feeling helpless yet again, she started crying silently. It’s fine, we’ll be okay. It’s okay, we’ll be fine.

He couldn’t find her. After searching all over the house, he still could not find her. Where are you Hana?

He was starting to panic now. She had never done this before, leaving just like that.
Where are you?
Looking back at his phone, he realized that he forgot to give back her own phone.

Stupid! What if someone kidnapped her? It’ll be all your fault!

Worried thoughts raced against his panicked heart beats. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to call someone, anyone that might know where she is. Rapidly dialing through his phone, he called the only person she would trust besides him. Though this person greatly irritated him, he had no choice but to accept their friendship. After all, he is her best friend.

Ring.. Ring..


“Yah! Do you know where Hana is? I can’t find her anywhere. She hasn’t come back from work and her colleagues told me that she left early. I know you know where she is. Tell me.” His voice betrayed his barely concealed panic as he yelled through the phone.

“Chill dude, she’s not here. What do you mean? Where could she have gone? Don’t tell me you lost her. You are such a bad boyfriend, what does she even see in you? She clearly knows that I’m better than you. Why did she stoop so low? My poor best friend.” The voice mocked him.

Clenching his fists, he tried to calmly tried to reason with the other. Though his anger made it almost impossible to do.

“Can you just please tell me where she is?”

A chuckle resounded from the other line, “I’m telling you. I don’t know where she is. Trust me. Otherwise you would hear her giggle right beside me. Stop being paranoid, I’m sure she’s about to go home right about now. You are getting irritating, just wait for her. Bye.”


It was half past midnight and he was going to go crazy. This is my fault, I shouldn’t have given her freedom..

*Knock* *Knock*

Knocking resounded through the whole house as he sat there, fazed with the sudden noise. As the knocking began to falter, he immediately scrambled to his feet, flew to the door, and threw the door open.

“Is this the Kim residence?”
Hello again. 
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