
Prisoner of Love


“What do you mean?! She has to be here! Where did she go?! Come on! Tell me where she went!” He shook the person in front of him.

He was so tired..

Panicked eyes looked through the see-through glass. She wanted to go outside to comfort him, but she can’t. He hurt her too much. And now she was carrying something the monster seeded inside her. Seeing him again raised her worries all over again. Tears lingered in her eyes for a moment before gliding through her face. His face was contorted.


Because I love you..

Looking around the room frantically, he knew that she was there. He can sense her. Her presence so tangible in the air, he can almost see her.

“I know you’re here Hana! Come out! You can’t leave me! Why are you doing this to us?!” He screamed, his tears finally betraying him.
“Please...” He choked, his knees surrendering.

His pathetic whimpers made him sick. ‘You don’t deserve her, you monster.’ If he could, he so badly wanted to throw him against the wall and beat the pulp out of him. ‘You can’t though, he is important to her,’ a jeering thought reminded him. He looked up at the wall, he knew they were there. He knew that she was probably crying too. ‘Why didn’t you choose me instead Hana? We could have been happy.. You wouldn’t be suffering now because of this monster.’

Clenching his teeth, he looked back to him.
“Myungsoo, she’s gone. She’s dead.”

“NO!! She’s not dead! I can feel her! She’s around here somewhere! Let me out! I need to find her! HANA!!” Myungsoo thrashed around the room, punching walls, shoving the lone desk in between them. He couldn’t accept it. He knows that she is still alive. ‘Why did you take her away? We were happy! Why...?’

She couldn’t take it anymore. Seeing him like that, she could not help but try to rush to him. Giving up her plan, she moved, only to be blocked by an arm.
“Don’t. It will be all for nothing. We have to protect you from him, remember?”
The authoritive tone made her cringe. Silently sitting back down, she looked at the scene before her. She knows that she has to let go. He had abused her too much now. Looking down at her hands, she silently cried once more.

It’s okay, after this we’ll be okay. No more sadness. Only happiness. We’ll be okay. Just trust me.
Hello again. 
Here is another chapter.
If any of you are confused, just ask.
Thank you for reading.
Until next time.
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