
In love there are no impossibilities~

Not sure if this chapter makes sense...

I'm trying to speed things up a little...

And as I've warned previously,

Bom isn't a good person in this story...along with TOP.

This applies to future chapters too so yeah :D

If you're a big TOP or Bom bias, please don't come and kill me!!!

Ahnyway I hope I can update soon...till then your comments are loved :D

I love comments cause they motivate me ^^

Alright enough of me crapping :)

here's the story ^^

Another day at work and like what Prince Seunghyun has ordered, I arrive promptly in his quarters at 11am only to be welcomed by clothes scattering around the floor and furniture knocked all over the floor.  Oh my god what…did they just…oh my!!! Calm down Lee Chaerin. He is the Prince and even if he isn’t, he is still your owner and you are his servant. You are not allowed to probe into their life and just do your work. I…omo I still can’t get over the fact that they actually did it before they are married. I’ve always been told that this can be done only when both are married and legally husband and wife. Guess they have been too used to the westernised culture.

I didn’t know where to start to be honest. Analysing the quarters, I tried to work out a plan, where to start and what to start with in my head before I started work. I pick up the fallen furniture and place it back to its original place. There were glass fragments on the floor as I come to realise that it was from the broken bulb. I remove the bulb and clear the glass on the floor before getting a bulb to replace with the broken one in the general store room. After about two hours of cleaning, I was finally down except for the random article of clothing on the floor. Should I…pick it up?

After a few considerations, I’ve decided to pick them up in case the Prince blame me for not doing my work. I pick up the knee length boots that wasn’t far from where I stand before grabbing the white dress a few feet away. Seems like majority of the clothes here belong to Princess Bom other than the blazer. Picking up the blazer, I stood up ready to collect the others when I see Prince Seunghyun standing in front of me with nothing but a bathrobe, looking like he just woke up with his hair all messed up.


“Omo!!!” I muttered before turning around, all their clothing tightly hugged close to my body.

“Oh Chae you are here?” He asks annoyingly.

“N…neh mama. It’s already 1pm. I…I did some cleaning before and and…I hope…I hope it’s alright with you. I mean I didn’t get your permission and…”

“Tabi ah look’s like she’s afraid of you.” I heard Princess Bom said as I turn and greeted her.

“Good Afternoon mama~” I bow and look up to see that she was wearing Prince Seunghyun’s shirt that he had on yesterday. And she’s not wearing any pants so I could see her undies. Even as a female, her wonderful body can make my nose bleed. Especially those legs. I realize I was staring at them too much and immediately avoid gaze with them.

“Is that our clothes you are holding onto?” Prince Seunghyun said.

“Oh…neh mama I’m sorry I saw them on the floor and I wanted to clear it up and place it neatly by the side.”

“It’s alright you can hand them to me.” Princess Bom said.

“Neh mama~” I said as I handed her the clothing.

“Chae can you get the kitchen to cook us some lunch?” Prince Seunghyun said.

“Neh mama~” I said before excusing myself to the kitchen.

“Lee gungnyeo!” I heard someone call me as soon as I head into the kitchen and saw Yoon Ji unnie.

“Song gungnyeo~” I greeted before greeting the imperial chefs.

“What brings you here?” Yoon Ji unnie ask as she held my hands.

“The Prince would like to have his lunch now. Along with Princess Bom.” I announced.

“We’ll get it done right away.” The chefs said before I express my thanks to them.

“Yah what’s with this outfit?” Yoon Ji unnie ask since after I was dismissed yesterday, I changed into the hanbok before I continue with my day, be it studying or practicing with Jejo sanggung.

“Mama got me to put it on.”

“It looks good on you.”

“Unnie you must be joking. I feel so in this.”

“If not for this I wouldn’t have notice what amazing body you have.”

“Unnie stop joking.”

“So how is it serving the Prince?”

“I don’t know unnie but to be honest I haven’t done much.”

“I heard that serving the Prince, especially Prince Seunghyun is a chore.” Chef Kim said.


“Well from his dietary preference we can totally see that. Out of the royal family, he is the pickiest. Besides he has a ton of weird allergies.”

“Prince Seunghyun has allergies?”

“Jejo sanggung hasn’t inform you about that? Prince Seunghyun is allergic to nuts and a whole lot of other ingredients. If I have the time I’ll give you a list of his allergy so that in case you have to prepare him something someday, you would know what to avoid. Not only that I would also hand you a list of dietary preference of all the royals just in case. After all you’re the personal maid.”

“Really? Omo thank you so much. You’re so kind!”

“Chef Kim you are so good to her! Perhaps do you have ulterior motives on Lee gungnyeo?”

“Song gungnyeo do you want to get it from me? Have I not treated you well?” Chef Kim ask.

“Aigoo you look after me like a father. How can you not treat me well?”

“I just felt that I need to take care of you guys. It’s almost intuition and it came to me that I have to take care of you just like the time Song came into the kitchen. Lee gungnyeo feel free to come look for us in the kitchen anytime alright? Being a personal maid here your meals can be irregular so if you miss your meals come to us alright?”

“Awww you guys are so sweet.”

“After all we’re in the same boat~”

“Here you go Lee gungnyeo.” Chef Gong said as he handed me the tray of food.

“Thank you. I’ll bring this to mama now.” I said bowing to them.

“Lee gungnyeo hwaiting!!!” The kitchen team cheered before I head out towards the Prince’s quarters.

Upon entering, I set the food down on the dining table, preparing the couple their meal and when it was done, I informed the mamas and they took their seat at the dining table while I left to do some other chores in the house including…well dirty linen of cause. After they had their lunch, I cleared their meals and excuse myself to wash up the linen since they didn’t really need my help as well.

“Lee gungnyeo! Lee gungnyeo!” I heard someone shouting for me and see Sung gungnyeo running to me anxiously.

“Sung gungnyeo I’m here. What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Yah you’re in trouble!!! Mama is very angry now.” She said making me drop everything that I’m doing and head towards the quarters.

“Mama…” I said and before I could continue I felt a sharp pain against my cheeks. I didn’t dare look up at him after he slapped me but I know he wasn’t pleased.

“YAH WHAT DID YOU DO TO THE FOOD?!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO BOM?!!” he shouted as I look up and see Princess Bom sitting at the sofa, her face all swollen and red.

“Mama~” I said looking at the Princess then back to the Prince.

“What did you add to the food?!!” Prince Seunghyun ask and before I could ask what happen, I felt another stinging and this time it came from Princess Bom herself, slapping me and quickly hiding her swollen face behind her hands.

“Mama may I know what is wrong?” Jejo sanggung came into the room with Sung gungnyeo and some other gungnyeo.

“Ask her!!!” He growled before settling in the couch with Princess Bom.

“Lee gungnyeo what did you do?!!”

“I don’t know Jejo sanggung.” I said holding to my cheeks with my head hung low, biting my lips to prevent the tears that were threatening to fall.

“You don’t know?!! Do I look like I know what you did instead if you didn’t know?!!” He asked.

“Mama if it’s alright could you let me settle this? I assure you that I would look into this and give you a satisfying answer as soon as possible.”

“Get her out of my sigh now!”

“Yes mama. Do you need me to get the royal psychiatrist?”

“Bom don’t do traditional. I’ll personally get the western doctor.” Prince Seunghyun said as he slap his forehead.

“Neh mama~” Jejo sanggung said before all of us left the quarters and head to the servant quarters.

After rounds and rounds of questioning, the kitchen team and I were now in the kitchen waiting for our fate to unfold. The western doctor is in the building and after examining princess Bom, the results would be told to the Royal team and from there they would be deciding if it was our fault and if it was, what punishments we would be given.

“How can it be possible that Bom mama gets allergic? She isn’t allergic to any food all along!” Chef Kim said.

“Chaerin I believe you aren’t someone like that but please tell me you didn’t add anything in there while heading to the prince’s quarters?” YoonJi unnie asked.

“No. Why would I? Besides I don’t have a motive too!” I said and it was finally when my tears fall.

“Oh my darling it must be hard on you. Did it hurt?” She asks giving me a hug before caressing my cheeks where I just got slapped at.

“What happened here?” We heard someone say and I continue crying until Yoon Ji unnie stood up.

“Mama…” I heard her say and immediately I wipe my tears, turning to bow without even knowing who was in front of me.

“Mama~” I greeted before I felt a hand on my head.

“What happened? Why are you crying?” He asked.

“Jiyong mama~”

“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” He asked, knowing that there was no way I’m going to speak as he pat my head, trying to comfort me.

“It…it’s Seunghyun mama and Bom mama.”


“Bom mama developed allergy like symptoms after Lee gungnyeo served them lunch upon request. They accuse Lee gungnyeo for adding something extra into their meals and…” YoonJi unnie said until I stop her.

“Unnie…” I said shaking my head but all this actions were caught by Prince Jiyong.

“What else happened?”

“Mama it’s nothing.” I said bowing to him but he didn’t buy it.

“What’s your name?” He asks unnie.

“Mama Song Yoon Ji imnida”

“Song gungnyeo I order you to tell me what happened earlier on.”

“Seunghyun mama and Bom mama slapped Lee gungnyeo. Lee gungnyeo didn’t have a chance to defend herself.”

“Does it hurt? Do you need the doctor?” Jiyong mama said while I shake my head.

“Mama I’m really fine.” I replied looking at the floor.

“Yah look at me!!!” He said and when I didn’t obey, he forces me to by grabbing my chin to make me face him.

“Mama…” I said but as I say my tears were flowing. Not because of pain but because I felt I was maligned.

“They hit you really hard.” He said as he examines my cheeks, caressing it with his thumb.

“I’m fine mama~”

“So you guys are waiting for the verdict now?”

“Yes mama” unnie said.

“Alright you guys stay here. I’ll go talk to hyung.”

“Neh mama~” We all greeted him before he left the place.

Jiyong mama why are you so good to me? Why do you always seem to appear whenever I feel lonely and wish that Haraboji was here with me? I’m nothing but a gungnyeo and you’re the almighty mama. What got into you to want to help me? YoonJi unnie kept teasing me, saying that you have something for me. Please don’t let that be true. Like I said, you’re the Prince of the country and I’m nothing but a maid who comes into the palace so that I can survive. You definitely deserve someone better than me.

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...