feeding craze

In love there are no impossibilities~

Guys sorry for this slow update...

This two days is a little busy for me despite the fact that school is out...

I was out the whole day yesterday with driving lessons and contract signing with my internship company

and today my mom is going for a holiday in Bali so I send her off at the airport and then had to settle dinner outside with my brother since my dad has a function to attend to...

Hope this update didn't make you guys wait too long ^^

Anyway regarding @BlackJackVIPLuvsMe comment,

There is actually a belief that says that on special days like death anniversary and you have a butterfly/ moth in your house or around you,

It is actually the deceased party "visiting" you...

And I guess if you watch Bom's "Don't Cry" MV, you see that the butterfly leads her to her man that was gone...

The concept is similar ^^

I'm not sure if Koreans believe this too and even other peopl in the world, at least one thing i know is that this is what Chinese believe in :D

“Mmmm…” I moan as I tried to ignore my throbbing head that was disturbing my sleep.

Slightly turning my body to the side, I realize that I was on the bed when the last thing I know is that I was on the carriage. Turning to lie on my back, I slightly open my eyes to see the rather familiar ceiling. Seems like I was back at the palace and that reminds me about my visit to the Royal Tombs. Is that real?!! Or was it all a dream?!! With these thoughts in my mind, I immediately spring up from the bed but a pair of strong hands held my shoulders, pushing me to lean my back against the headboard and sit on the bed.

“Oppa…” I called out softly as he joins me, sitting on the edge of the bed facing me with his hands still on my shoulders.

“How are you feeling?” He asks with worries written on his face as he caresses my cheeks with his thumb.

“Is it true?” I asked making him look at me confused.

“What is true?”

“The visit…oppa we really went to the Royal Tombs right? Where my parents were? They really turned into butterflies and come see me right?” I asked making him hug me as he made me rest my head on his shoulders.

“We did~ We were there earlier but you were so worn out so we brought you back to rest.” He said, the back of my head.


“You’ll be fine. Chaerin is a strong girl isn’t she?” He said patting my back this time to comfort me down.

I grab a fistful of his shirt at the back as I tried to stop myself from crying. After all I’ve cried way too much today and worry everyone who has been by my side. Noticing that I was trying hard to keep my tears back, he kept whispering that everything is going to be alright as he continues patting my back, comforting me down while I bit onto my lips hard, hoping that the replaying scenes in my head would not cause me to tear again. When he felt that I was more or less feeling better, he pulled us away one arm’s length so that he could look at my face.

“You’re my strong girl~ Give me a smile baby.” He said and when I hesitated, he raised his brow nudging me at my arm as I look up at him and finally breaking into a smile, making him ruffle my hair.

“Oppa~” We heard someone call out following a knock on the door as it creaks open slightly to see Mingkki popping her head from the small gap she created.

“Come in Minzy ah~” Jiyong oppa said as Mingkki close the door behind her before she join us at the bed.

“Unnie how are you?” Mingkki ask as she held my hands, patting the back of it lightly.

“Don’t worry Mingkki ah~ I will be fine.” I said with a faint smile making Jiyong oppa pat my head.

“Right! Oppa, appa ask if you would like to have dinner?” Minzy asked making Jiyong oppa look at me.

“I think it would be good if Chaerin stays in.”


“Yes darling?” He asked as he gave me his full attention.

“Go have dinner~” I said weakly since I have yet to regain my energy despite all that sleep.

“What about you?” He asked as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

“I think I will just stay in…” I said softly with a smile, as if telling him I was going to be fine.

“Are you tired?” He asks me and this time I just nodded for I was dead beat.

“Jiyong oppa in that case we should let Chaerin unnie rest.” Minzy mentioned.

“I’m not going to leave you alone Chaerin. Mingkki go join appa and tell him that I would be taking care of Chaerin.” Jiyong oppa said as he helps me get back in bed.

“Oppa aren’t you hungry?” Minzy asked.

“Don’t worry about me Mingkki. I’ll get the kitchen to prepare something for us later when Chaerin is ready for dinner~”

“Ahrasso oppa. I’ll be taking my leave then. Please take care of unnie for me~” Mingkki said before she left me a kiss like how she always do against my cheeks before I go to bed.

“Oppa you didn’t have to…” I say making him turn and give me a smile as he pat me on my hands lightly that was resting on my stomach.

“I don’t want you to be alone.” Jiyong oppa said.

“But…you must be hungry…” I muttered as he straightens my fringe and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

This was the very first time that someone other than Haraboji and Halmoni gave me a peck on the forehead. Although it wasn’t against my lips or even my cheeks but instead on my forehead, it was still enough to send a current across my body as my face flushed bright red. My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid it was going to jump out of my body. Is this perhaps…the feeling of LOVE? Cause if it is, it definitely felt good.

“As long as you are fine, I’m alright. If you want me to leave you here and join them for dinner, I can assure you that I wouldn’t be able to eat peacefully. If you are tired, rest well and I promise you I would be by your side protecting you. When you are hungry or you aren’t tired anymore, we’ll then have dinner alright?” He said giving me an assuring smile.

“That can’t do…” I mumbled.

“Yah!!! Are you going to defy a mama’s words?!!” He said angrily.

“But I’m a mama too…” I whispered and immediately he broke into smiles.

“I’m glad it’s in your head~ But still as your future hubby, I hereby order you to rest.” He said, crossing his arm across his chest yet this time it was as if he was just acting angry now.

“It’s your dinner time. If you don’t eat on time…you’ll turn grumpy.” I said. After all being his personal gungnyeo for almost half a year, I know how he gets when he is hungry.

“Do I?” He asks with an innocent face that made me smile at his silliness.

“How about…we have dinner here?” I ask making him look up at me with a bright smile.

“Really?!! Don’t you want to rest?”

“I can always rest after dinner~ Besides, I may be tired to move out of bed but I guess my mouth is alright with that little exercise.” I said with a smile making him jump out of bed as he gave me a kiss against my forehead once again.

“I’ll get the kitchen to get ready dinner right away for us now!!!” He chirps before exiting the room and I can’t help but to chuckle at how cute he is when it comes to food.

Soon later he return back to the room as he joins me on bed, side by side to one another with our back against the headboard as he wrap his arm around my waist closer to him. Being close to him, he made me rest my head on his shoulders and even giving me permission to rest on it since all the wait seems to be slowly putting me back to sleep. Finally the food was here and immediately I sat up straight, hoping that this new gungnyeo that I’ve never seen before would not think badly about me and Jiyong oppa.

“Just leave the food at the table.” Jiyong oppa mention as the gungnyeo lay the food at the table between the sofas.

“Mama is there anything else that you would need?” The gungnyeo ask when the food was ready for us.

“That would be all for the time being. You may leave now~” Jiyong oppa said sending the gungnyeo out of the room. “Can you walk?” He ask and before I could even answer he wrap my arms around his neck, letting one arm under my knees while the other against my back as he carried me up bridal style towards the sofa, making me squeak a little.

“I could have walked here myself…” I said, feeling bad that he had to carry me.

“Aigoo are you feeling bad for me?” He asked making me nod. “If you really feel bad…” He said handing me the chopstick as he opens his mouth open. “Feed me.”

“N…neh?” I stuttered but soon received a frown from him.

“Yah your hubby is waiting!!!” He said and having no choice, I pick up a piece of kimchi with the chopstick and send it to his mouth. “Good girl. Now open up~” He said, patting my head before he too got a piece of kimchi with his chopsticks as he place it close to my mouth, letting me consume it.

Just like that, dinner was spent with the both of us feeding one another with every single food in the dish. At first it was a little awkward but as time pass, we were getting used to feeding one another and Jiyong oppa even started playing with me when he place the spoon in front of my mouth and when I was about to eat it, he pulls it away and send it to my mouth, making me pout as I slouch my shoulders.

“Aigoo ahrasso ahrasso no more games this time. Open up~” He said.

With that, another spoonful of food coming to my mouth and this time before he could pull away, I immediately launch myself forward to get the food but lost my balance and end up landing on him. As the atmosphere started to get awkward, I tried to get up but instead he place the chopstick that he was holding on the table and with his arm now free, he wrap it around my waist, as if knowing that I would get up yet not going to let me do so.

“Yah our Chaerin is getting naughtier huh?” He said with a smirk as I squirm out of his arm but to no avail.

“It…it wasn’t like that…I…” I said looking from left to right so as to avoid his gaze but was of no use when he swop hands to grab my wrist while the other grab my chin to make me face him.

 “Then tell me what is it actually?” He said with a smile before returning his hands back to my waist.

“I…food…just the…food…” I stuttered as he press my head down for his and my forehead to meet that I could feel his breathe against my face.

“You’re so cute when you get nervous.” He said tapping my nose before he pushes the both of us back up to sit.

“Oppa~” I whined at how he is bullying me.


“Neh oppa?” I ask looking at him.

“You’re so cute.”

“Oppa!” I said as I cover my face making him pull my hands down.

“Chaerin stop hiding your face!!!” Jiyong oppa said as he got closer, wrapping his arms around me to restrict my arms to the side of my body so that I couldn’t hide my face again as he inch his face forward to stare at my face.

“Don’t…don’t stare…” I said turning my face. Seriously, having someone stare in your face can be quite awkward sometimes.

“It would be a sin if I don’t admire such a pretty face in front of me.” He said with a smile.


“Aigoo if we keep this up we’re not going to be able to complete dinner and let you rest~” He said before breaking away.

Dinner was finally finished after 2 hours and when we were done he got the gungnyeos to clean the dinner out while I head to wash myself up. Getting into my nightgown, I exit the bathroom and immediately had my wrist pulled by Jiyong oppa as he leads me to the balcony, wrapping me with his jacket over my shoulders to protect me from the night breeze. Capturing me in between his arms that supported his body against the railings, he rest his chin on my shoulders that allowed his hot breathe to hit against my neck.

“The night is so much prettier with you around~”

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Chapter 54: When you will update this story authornim ??
Chapter 55: Update please :')
cipluk #3
Chapter 55: Update please . It was the chapter that we all wait for
blackwonderer #4
oooohhhh finally serious story about skydragon! so hard to find the ship in kingdom story or fairytale story (that's what i'm interest to) i'll read it good n leave feedback ^^
Vivianv96 #5
Chapter 55: Omo update juseyo!!!!
Pheana #6
Chapter 7: Update? Please
Songsong123 #7
Chapter 55: Please update soon I really miss this story
thetiffanyy #8
Chapter 55: Pleaseee updatee
GiianeGZB #9
Chapter 55: update please!!!
Chapter 55: where's the update ? chapter i think i've allready read this chapter in march 2013 ...