Chapter 2


20 January 2016

Book, I have been requested to write in you all my thoughts, memories and what feelings I can express. I do not see the point in this. However, I will do as they say.

I went for a walk today. It rained 20 minutes later.

27 January 2016

Book, today’s session with her was exceedingly boring. She only knows how to repeat and relay things I already know and suspect. Can she not see that her inquiries are pointless?

3 February 2016

Book, the food today was unsatisfying. Flavourless. I wish the chef would put in some heart into his occupation. Nobody enjoys eating food that lacks colour and dulls the taste buds.

10 February 2016

I want to go home. I miss my brother and I am uncertain how much longer I can stay here without driving myself insane.

24 February 2016

Book, it has been 2 weeks. They locked me up in solitary confinement due to the fight I instigated with another patient. She deserved it. She was like the others. She should thank Fortune, for had I been with Mother who knows what would have happened.

2 March 2016

Book, I sometimes wonder why I address you. There appears to be no point, you cannot answer me.

16 March 2016

I am bored. I have not had a session this week. I just realised I have not truly introduced myself.

Please allow me to write out my story. Or shall I rather say the part of the story that I can unveil.

My name is Kim Hanbin. I was born 19 years ago on the 22 October 1996. My family consists of Mother and my brother. I went to various schools and in total went to 9 different institutions in my life. Mother often had to move to different cities because of her chosen career. My brother and I are 5 years apart and I would do anything to protect him.

The moment I saw him I pledged to him and the universe that I would protect him. My sibling needed all the help he could secure, as he was a small little thing, even when compared to other babies born on the same day. Mother named him, Kim Jinhwan.

Due to our continuous uprooting and replanting, I have very few true friends. What friends I have I can count on one hand. As a child, I was highly gifted and many children grew jealous. This too is a factor in my lack of friendships.

A child prodigy I was called by many. Music notes and melodies were something that belonged to me. A space that I truly possessed on my own. Though I was not excellent in playing well-known pieces, I was talented at composing. I always was a faster thinker and remained top of the class regardless of where I was or which school I attended. Perhaps my only flaw, if I can call it that was my lack of inborn athletic skills. For example, I could play basketball as well as any other fellow classmate but I was not a star player.

23 March 2016

I remember the time I played marbles with my brother. He was not very good but I ensured he won more games than he lost. His favourite were the pearls because they were white. Even as a child I perceived that his soul was purer than any other that I had met.

30 March 2016

I wonder what my life would be like had everything not changed that day. I wish that he had not said anything. Mother did not know then and would have likely lived in ignorance.

7 April 2016

I was about 13 when I first noticed that Mother sometimes left the house after we went to bed. She would be out for hours. I discovered a pattern in our movements, we always moved after a long weekend where my brother and I were left with a sitter. My brother never suspected anything, even when we were older, probably because these things never seemed to bother him. When I was 15, Mother stopped calling a sitter instead I was put in charge of keeping the house while she was gone.

19 April 2016

It must be strange for me to write today. I always write on a Wednesday however I had to write today. I dreamed of clear water and then a drop of blood changed it all to red. I do not know what it means. It reminds me of the day where I asked Mother what she did when she went out at night. I had once suspected a boyfriend, but that could not have been right. It did not make sense for that to be the reason for her absences.

 I remember that day and all its details.


“Where have you been?” I asked as Mother opened the door. She was caught off guard but returned my stare. “What are you doing up so late? You should be in bed, you have a match tomorrow.” “You did not answer my question. Where were you? In fact, where do you go when you leave at night?” I asked again. “You should not worry my Hanbin. Nothing is wrong, all is well,” she replied with a tight smile. “Why will you not tell me? What is it that you do that you cannot tell me nor can you do it in broad daylight?” I started to get frustrated and my voice grew louder. “You forget your place. Do not question me. There is no cause for worry,” she said shortly. I looked down, “I just want to help. You should not sleep late either.” She sighed, “I had hoped never to involve you, and you are still young I want you to remain the way you are.”

*Flashback end*

She wanted me to remain the way I was, but we both knew that I was tainted even before I had asked.


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Hey guys!!! If you enjoyed Mother, I have written other crime stories such as Forgotten Secret (which is complete) and the Valentine's Killer (which is currently being posted). Please check it out if you interested!! Thanks for all your support!


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xrainismx #1
I still remember reading this. It was really good.
Chapter 9: This was... one chilling read O_O
But I absolutely loved it! And the irony at the end... Goddamn... it's really funny how the world runs... things we try to avoid still manage to come back and find us
Chapter 9: ... Oh my... speechless... the irony in the end...

Thank you for such a good read!

"Gripping." - New York Times

Chapter 7: Oh my oh my! It is a good chapter!!! I can't wait for more!
Chapter 6: It feels like something is coming... And the mystery will be revealed!
Yay! an update!! Going to read now
Chapter 4: Chilling... The part about the flower
Chapter 3: Woah vigilante justice
Chapter 2: Lol book XD it's quit creepy.
Unnie!!! Can't wait to see where this will go! Fighting authornim! XD