A Fallen Leaves
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From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Sorry

Seungri, I’m so sorry. I’m such a bad friend. I’ve promised that I’d always be there for you but in fact I even didn’t know you got a very big problem like that. I’m so sorry that lately I didn’t contact you. I would say that I was busy but no. That wasn’t excuse because actually I was just busy about myself, not even about my school. I just didn’t know how to sort my priorities and now I realized that friends should come first than anything.

I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to say anymore because you haven’t told me anything, Seungri. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry you should go through that thing. I’m so sorry. But please don’t give up. I swear I will be there. You are the strongest person I’ve ever met and I will be very sad if anything bad happens to you.

You friend,



<1 Message(s) from Seungri>

Seungri: your email

Seungri: I’m gonna puke

Jonghoon: SEUNGRI!

Jonghoon: you. I write that with all my heart

Seungri: I don’t need your heart

Seungri: my heart is big enough, tho

Jonghoon: ofc

Seungri: stop being so serious, you prick

Seungri: and I don’t need to be your first priority

Seungri: You have too much things going on already

Seungri: can people just not make me as their burden??

Seungri: I know it’s so stupid of me to do… that… you know

Seungri: it’s not even a relevant problem

Seungri: so stupid, so childish of me

Seungri: I’m the one who should apologize for making you worried

Jonghoon: no

Jonghoon: your problem IS NOT irrelevant but it doesn’t mean you don’t have any capability to solve it

Jonghoon: you are not stupid or childish to be upset about that matter. Okay?

Seungri: can we not talk about this?

Jonghoon: okay let’s talk about something else




                Korean Gay Story: Chat Room #14

                There are currently 4 people chatting

Panda12: uhm hello?

NotCoward: and then I told my mom that I was gay and I swear my mom looked as pale as Sadako and she immediately spat on the food I cooked for her

NotCoward: I almost burnt my hand because of that stupid bibimbap

AngelHasMe: oh, NotCoward,

AngelHasMe: I’m sure some day your mom will understand you

Panda12: hello? Is this working? Can you guys read me?

SoWhat: that . your mom and her homophobia

SoWhat: so what if her son is gay? You still have her blood anyway

Wildbees: this is why I’ll move to US next week

SoWhat: we will kick you from this chatroom because US ain’t korea

Wildbees: you guys should move too someday

Panda12: hello????

AngelHasMe: the English word I can spell is only LGBT. Can I survive?

Wildbees: what the hell do you guys learn in school nowadays?

Panda12: I’m not sure if this is working… should I leave?

AngelHasMe: hello there, Panda12! Welcome to our chatroom!

 Wildbees: woah, new gay in the town

Panda12: uhm… will you guys be angry if I say I’m actually not sure that I’m gay or not?

AngelHasMe: ah, poor baby

SoWhat: you aren’t sure yet but you dare to enter this chatroom?

SoWhat: you got some nerves dude

Panda12: I’m so sorry…

AngelHasMe: SoWhat is just joking. It’s no problem, dear! Cheer up!

NotCoward: actually I had same case like you, Panda12

NotCoward: and this group made me realizes my true identity

NotCoward: just today I came out to my parents

Panda12: they didn’t give you the reaction you wanted?

NotCoward: yeah

Panda12: is it that hard?

SoWhat: are you afraid now?

Panda12: I don’t know

Panda12: the thing is… I really don’t know if this can be called love

Wildbees: interesting

Wildbees: spill it, newbie

Panda12: I have a best friend. I almost consider him as my own brother

SoWhat: cliché

AngelHasMe: shut up, SoWhat

Panda12: uhm and then I did something really stupid and he saved me

SoWhat: how stupid?

Panda12: so stupid that it’s better to not talk about it

Wildbees: oh gosh don’t censor anything here, newbie. When I said spill it up, I mean spill it up!

AngelHasMe: oh gosh you two are so rude! I hope you meet and get married each other!

AngelHasMe: don’t mind them, sweetie. They are just teasing you because you are newbie

NotCoward: it’s like some orientation

NotCoward: that’s stupid, I know

Wildbees: what kind of dongsaeng are you, NotCoward?

NotCoward: I’m not called NotCoward for nothing

SoWhat: but you made that name by yourself??????

NotCoward: for some self-boosting…

Wildbees: embarrassing

AngelHasMe: can you just…. Shhhhh????

AngelHasMe: continue your story, Panda12 ^^

Panda12: well, yeah

Panda12: so he saved me

Panda12: and we somehow get drunk…

NotCoward: ho ho ho, nasty thing is what I smell~~

Panda12: nooo!!!! ^//////^

Panda12: it’s not like that! I swear

Wildbees: you have such a boring life then…

Panda12: I don’t remember that much but… I’m sure that he held my hand to stop me from drinking

Panda12: I was about to get angry because… hey, I was stressed out! He was the one who brought me in that but he had an audacity to stop me too

Panda12: jerk

SoWhat: this kid is getting wild

Panda12: but when I would burst any ferocity to him, our eyes somehow met

Panda12: and I SWEAR TO GOD I’M NOT EVEN MAKING IT UP but time seemed to stop

AngelHasMe: romantic

Panda12: and then there was this silence

Panda12: most comfortable silence I’ve ever had

Panda12: it was like… world had been stopped around us and just for us and I never saw him being that close to me

Panda12: he was just so stunning and everything perfect and I’ve never felt that safe before

Panda12: I was totally absorbed to him

Panda12: and then when the air felt thicker and thicker….

Panda12: he leaned down and kissed me


AngelHasMe: NOBODY

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Befun21 #1
Chapter 8: Hi ...if you have time please update this story please
Yulisatya #2
Chapter 8: It's 4 years now, i think another chapter is too good to be true...anyway i love all your stories, they make me cry like a baby lol
Chapter 8: almost one year...where are you???
mojdeh #4
افرین به شما فقط لطفا ادامه بدید
peggyw #5
Chapter 8: Thanks for the story so far. Looking forward to rest!
lilac-xi #6
Chapter 8: Poor Seungri T T He has too much drama in his little life. Can't wait for a happy ending. Please let it be a happy ending, please be kind on us author!
XenoZaraZaron #7
Chapter 8: Thanks for writing ^^ This story is the perfect mix of cuteness, funniniess, and drama. Please update soon! <3<3<3
soleyjun #8
Chapter 8: poor Seungri, I want he and Jiyong are finally together
jsiwhdiwjd #9
Chapter 2: It's a good stories ^^ keep writing
meg_vvip #10
Chapter 8: Aww..thanks for the long chapter..i love it!
So much had been revealed and i'm soo satisfied tho..go jiyong confess