Can't Seperate Us

A Faith of Friendship

Yoona POV

Well now that we've finished all the moving it's about time to have some real fun.

"Yah! we're done moving everything. What do you guys wanna do today?" I looked around the room

"Eat." Soo said. I looked at her.

"I couldn't agree more Soo. But we need something to do for real."I said back before smiling.

"SHOPPING!!!" Fany screamed.

"I beg you NO" Tae said to me. She sadly stared at her wallet from the last shopping trip we had and looked at me. I just looked back and laughed.

"Moviieees!!" Hyo said to me. " HORROR FIIILM" Sunny's eyes lit up.

"Yes Moviiies Pweaase~~" Sunny said with her Aegyo. Fany kicked where Sunny was sitting and Sica glared at her.

"Sica what do you think?"Soo asked her.

"Sleep." Sica said as her eyes began closing again.

"NO" every one said.

"We should do something everyone would be okay doing..."Seohyun said. I smiled at her.

"Maknae's right you guys. Anymore ideas?"

"I think we should go to the Amusement park." Yul spoke up. I looked at her and smiled.

"Yea thats the best idea!!" Everyone said.

"Alright. Amusement park it is. Let's go ^^" We split into the 2 cars we had. It was Soo, Tae, Fany, Sica, and Seohyunnie. In the other car was Hyo, Sunny Bunny, Yul, and I.

On the way there...

"You know Seohyun was supposed to be in this car with us but you and Yuri ran here really fast." Sunny said to Yul and I.

"Well can't seperate us." Yuri said and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Yea Bunny." I said.

"We're almost there you guys." Hyo said.

"Alright I'm gonna text Maknae." I said before whipping out my phone.

Hey Seohyunnieee how's the ride?? :D

~Deer Yoong

It's okay Yoong. I'm bored thoughh I need you here. Our Unnies are being all mushy with each other...Too bad my Victoria's busy today :(


Don't worry ^^ Hyo-unnie says we're almost there so you and I can hang out there Arasso?

~Deer Yoong

Yea Yea Yea. I'll see you in a little bit then okay? I have to wake up Fany-unnie. She's hurting my arm D:


hahahaha!! Kay See you later Seo!! annyeoong <333

~Deer Yoong

>.< Annyeong unnie. <333


I smiled after I finished texting Seohyun.

"Yah you okay Yoon?" Yuri looked at me.

"Yea I'm fine Yul. Just finished texting the Maknae ^^" I said back to her.

"Oh...okay." she smiled and continued looking out the window. I looked at Yul. I smiled at her peaceful expression. I rested my head on her shoulder and smiled. She looked at me and smiled too, she grabbed hold of my hand.

"Best Friends forever Yoon." She whispered to me. I don't know how many times we've said this to each other, but it's nice to know we promise each other all the time.

"Deh. Forever Yul." I said while looking at her.

"EWWWW YoonYul moment!!" Sunny Bunny said while looking at us.

"Get a room! You're distracting my driving!" Hyo said to us.

"Y-yoonYul?" I heard Yul say

"Duuh! You guys keep calling each other Yoon and Yul so YOONYUL." Sunny said while looking out the window. "Aish...Chodings"

Me and Yuri just laughed. We were still laughing when we got to the amusement park.

We got out of the cars and everyone met at the entrance.

"Yah what's so funny?" Sica asked.

"pssh These two Chodings were having a YoonYul moment in our car." Hyo replied.

"Aww how cute!~" Fany said. I felt heat burning my cheeks.

"Hahahahaha Yoong!!! You're blushing!!"Soo teased me.

"N-no I'm not...."I tried to defend myself.

"Were you guys kissinggg????" Tae said with her stupid Byun face on.

"What?!?! Nooo!!!" Yuri said strongly. She was blushing from all the teasing too.

"Hey guys leave them alone."Sunny said.

"Thank you Sunny Bunny." I said to her. She held up her hand as a signal for me to stop talking. I stopped to hear what she had to say.

"You all acted mushy and had many moments too when you all first started dating!!" Sunny continued before laughing.

"Yah Unnies. Leave Yoong-unnie and Yuri-unnie alone." Seohyun said being the most mature of us all.

"Thank you Seohyun" Me and Yul both said while facepalming our selves and looking at one another blush at full embarrassment.

In the Park...

Sooyoung POV

After we teased YoonYul so much we finally got into the park. We were trying to decide which rides and activities we'd do first.

"Ohh look haunted house!!" Hyoyeon said excitedly. I saw Sica-chu's face go from bright to frightened.

"NO no no no!!!" she glared at Hyoyeon.

"Don't be such a baby Sica. It'll be fun. The bugs in there look so real!!" Sunny said almost as excited as Hyoyeon.

"Bugs?!?!?! NO nononononononono!!!!!!!" Fany said she joined Sica in their protest.

"Too bad. We're going."HyoSun said together.

"Dont worry we'll protect you." Tae and I said together.

We got into the haunted house and were walking around looking at the different parts of the house. We were walking through a really dark corridor. Sica was clinging onto my arm and Fany clinging to Tae's arm.

Taeyeon POV

It was geting really dark in the haunted house and I think Fany's stopped the blood in my arm since she's been clinging to me really tight. I had to TRY to be strong for Fany.

"Fany...don't worry. there's nothing to be scared of. It's all fake." I said soothingly into Tiffany's ear.

She looked at me and gave me her beautiful eyesmile.

"Thank you TaeTae." she kissed me and we kept walking. I felt an odd chill run down my back.

Hyoyeon POV

This corridor really dark it's not scary. Just super dark. Odd it's really quiet beside Sica and Fany's occassional screaming. Usually Yoona would be here laughing at how fake everything looks...wait where is Yoona? I looked around. 1...2...3...4..5...6...7...Oh no... Where's Yuri?!?!

"Oh...nonono" I said while shaking my head and looking down.

"Something wrong Hyo?" I looked at Sunny and even with the distinct light I could see her worried face. I whispered in her ear the problem. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"How could we leave those two Chodings behind?!?!" Sunny hissed quietly.

"I don't know!!! We can't go back! don't worry. The end of the house is after we make the final turn in the last hallway of the darkest part in the house." I said in one breath.

"Okay okay. I hope they aren't doing anything stupid." Sunny said to me. We finally are in the last part of the house.

We were walking through and are now in the middle of the hall.

Seohyun POV

Oh...we're getting to the final part of the house... I'm not scared. I know what the Choding unnies are doing. I'm more worried for Sica-unnie and Fany-unnie. I hope that what Yoona-unnie and Yuri-unnie are doing won't be too horrible...

We're making the final turn now... Sica-unnie, Fany-unnie, Soo-unnie, and Tae-unnie are all in the front leading the way.

It's quiet but all of a sudden I hear a scream. 2 screams. I look up from the floor and see Sica-unnie and Fany-unnie taking off for the exit. Soo and Tae unnie are chasing after them and Hyo and Sunny unnie are making their way to the exit to check on Sica and Fany unnie. Lastly I see Yoona and Yuri unnie laughing.

"D-Did you see their faces?!?! ahahaha" Yuri-unnie said while trying to catch her breath.

"Yea it was hahaha priceleess" Yoong-unnie replied also trying to catch her breath.

"ehem...I know that you unnies love having fun. But did you think maybe you went too far this time?" I said softly. " I m-mean...I think I saw them crying..."I said worried.

They immediately stopped laughing and Yoona looked worried too.

"Aww man" Yoona said rubbing the back of her head "We have to go see if they're okay." Yuri-unnie nodded her head and the three of us headed for the exit.

Outside the Haunted House...

Yoona POV

We followed Seohyun to the other 6 girls. I saw Fany and Sica unnie...Aw man...they were crying!!  Seohyun stepped forward to comfort Sica-unnie and Tiffany-unnie. Yul and I walked carefully and slowly forward.

"T-tiffany? S-sica?" I said worried. They both looked up and they turned red...with anger.

"Yoona!! Im Choding! Why would you DO that?!?!?!" They both burst at me.

"I-i-i....." I just didn't know what to say to them.

"It was my fault...I convinced Yoona to help me prank you..." huh? I looked over and saw Yuri. She was taking the blame for me.

"No! It was my idea. Yuri don't take the blame it was my fault. I knew they would get scared but I still did it anyway. Blame me."

"How about this!"Soo interjected. "You can't eat more than me, Yoona. And Yuri...You and Yoona can't be next to each other the whole time we are here." Sooyoung smirked. Me and Yul's Jaws dropped.

"No that's not fair! You can't split us up! She's my best friend!!" Yuri whined while pouting. She looked cute.

"I am gonna eat as much as I want Soo. AND you can't separate me and Yul."I fought.

"Aish you now what? Then you can't ride together on the way home." Taeyeon replied. "That's what you get for scaring Sica and my Tiffany."

"Tch fine." I said kind of angry. Throughout the day we rode all the rollercoasters and anything else we can find. We played arcade games and Yuri won me these couples dolls. She named hers YoongSan. She said so that if we ever seperate she'll always have me with her. I named mine KyungYul So that I'll always have her with me too.

We finally ended the day and were walking to the parking lot to go home.

In Parking Lot...

Tiffany POV

"Alright you know the deal YoonYul. So Yoona, you're with me, Fany, and Seohyun. Yuri, you're with Soo, Sica, Sunny, and Hyo. Understand?" Taeyeon said as we neared our cars.

"Yes Tae-unnie...."Yuri and Yoona mumbled. Soon Yoona came running to me.

"Tiffany-unniiiieeee" She batted her doe eyes at me. Oh no...not the aegyo! Stupid doe eyes aiiish

"Y-yes Yoongie?"

"Can I pweaaaaaaseeee ride with Yuriii? Pwetty Pweaaaase??" Don't give in Tiffany. Don't Don't DON'T!!

"I..uh-er...ehem...Yes of course you can Little Yoongie." I patted her head and eye smiled. Yoona ran off to Yuri. WTF?!?!?! Tiffany Hwang what was thaaat?!?!?!

Taeyeon came over. Apparently she heard me and Yoona's conversation. She turned to me.

"WTF?!?!?! Tiffany Hwang...what was thaaaaat?!?!?!" Tae shook me hard

"I'm sooooorry she used her stupid Doe aegyo on meeee..." I said with pleading eyes.

"Yah! Im Choding!!" Tae called out. Yoona slowly walked back over. "You are riding with us and that's final arasso??"

"Arasso Tae-unnie..." Yoona hung her head low. Yuri came over and embraced Yoona. They really make a cute couple... :3

"Yah YoonYul!! Hate to ruin your moment but it's getting dark!!" Sooyoung called out. They immediately broke off from each other and blushed then got into the respective cars.

During car ride...

Yoona POV

I can't believe they seperated me and Yul.

"Seohyunnieee" I called Seohyun.

"huh? whatsup Yoongie?"

"The Sky! ahahahah" I looked over and saw her sitting there smiling at my Chodingness. I stopped laughing. "Seriously though. They seperated me and Yul...I sad."

"Awww Yoongie don't worry. we're really not THAT far from home. You can just text Yul too." Seohyun said then smiled.

"Ohh yeaaa!!!" I said then smiled. "I totally forgot about that!!"

Hi Yul!! I miss you!! ^^

~Deer Yoong

Hi Yoon!! I miss you too. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are actually really funny. Didn't know that ^^ Anyways watcha doin?

~Black Pearl

I'm with Seohyun. We're just talking but I missed you so much she suggested I just text you hehe

~Deer Yoong

Oh aha okay. Tell Seohyun I said hi

~Black Pearl

I looked at Seohyun. "Yuri says hi Seohyunnie."

"err...Hi Yuri-unnie" I smiled at her.

Seohyunnie says "Hi Yuri-unnie"

~Deer Yoong

Aww haha that's sweet. So I miss you way too much right now. Any idea on how we can escape?

~Black Pearl

Hmmm ooh idea!! We are very close to home now. A few more blocks. Next stop light we both get out and walk the rest of the way. Yeah?

~Deer Yoong

Great Idea ^^ meet you on the sidewalk in front of that cafe? We'll grab a snack for the walk home :3

~Black Pearl

Kay see you there Yul! ^^ I love you <3

~Deer Yoong

^^ I love you too Yoong <3 see you

~Black Pearl

I waited til we neared the next stoplight.

"Ehem bye Tae-unnie. Bye Fany-unnie. Byebye Seohyunnie." I hugged Seohyun and reached for the door handle. As we stopped at the light, I stepped out and headed to the cafe. I saw Yul waiting for me outside the cafe.

"Yah Im Choding! what are you doing?!?!" I heard Tae-unnie call out to me. I waved her off. Me and Yul started our walk. It was getting really dark. We walked near an alley. I heard a high pitched scream. what was that? Yul and I went closer. It was too dark to really tell who was there.

"That scream sounds like Jessica's...but not quite as loud." I said to Yuri. She just nodded at me. I looked into the alley and saw a girl struggling at a drunken man's grasp and a boyish looking person laying on the floor unconscious. I looked at the girl. she looked a little like Yuri. Actually, she looked a lot like Yuri.

"Yul I didn't know you have a lil sister."

"I don't have one." I heard the girl scream again. She was saying something.

"J-jessica---u-un-nie p-please help me..."

"Oh my food....It's Krystal!!" I said a little too loudly. The ugly man turned around.

"Well well well...who do we have here." He inched closer to us and reached out to me...Then suddenly...




My Food how long has it been? Sorry for being backed up on updates.

School .

I promise to attempt to update more.


Saranghae <3333

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NinjaSooJeTi I've decided, on the 24th I will put AFOF and AU under Friends only.


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Chapter 44: I really enjoyed this story and loved it. Thank you
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 43: Daebak Unnie! Done reading this. More more stories of yours, pweaseee~? >.< :')
Chapter 44: Weee!!!! Great ending author-nim. Looking forward for updates in your other stories! Hwaiting..:))))
mymh_bee #4
Chapter 43: It's a cute story.. Esp the babies, even though they were still kids but they are smart and sometimes act like adults hahaha... So cute~~
I love it :)
Alerth #5
Great storie!